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学生假期出国游学悄然火热 家长不惜重金--亲稳网络舆情监测室

  出国游学是指短期到国外学习,这对开阔孩子的视野、提高语言水平是件好事,但从目前的情况看,很多游学项目其实物非所值。 近几年,随着留学热的出现,利用假期出国游学在我市越来越火爆,也呈现出逐渐低龄化的态势,中小学生的假期不再是单一的做作业、参加补习班或兴趣班,不少家长开始不惜重金将孩子送去国外游学,费用少则两三万,多则七八万,时间短则一个月、多则两个月,其主要目的就是希望孩子能增长见识、提升英语水平。

Study Tours is refers to the short-term to study abroad,This to open the eyes of a child/The improvement of language level is a good thing,But from the present situation to see,A lot of studies project its physical out of value. In recent years,With the emergence of the hot study abroad,Use holiday travel abroad in our city is becoming more and more popular,Also present a gradually DiLingHua trend,Primary and middle school students holiday is no longer a single doing his homework/Attend cram school or interest,Many parents began to not hesitate heavy gold will send children to go abroad to travel,The 230 thousand costs less,, 780 thousand,Short time is one month/, two months,Its main purpose is to hope children can enrich their knowledge/Improve English level.


"I recently in the stock market will take all his money,To parents there again‘Turn a flange’,Gather together to 70000 yuan,Give the child ChuGuoYou USES."Winter has arrived,Ms xu citizens the two days busy for children to pool enough money to go abroad.With the arrival of the holiday,A lot of schools and parents for children to go abroad for study Tours.


国外游学: Foreign travel:


兰州服务中介机构火爆 Lanzhou service intermediaries fiery temper


as"Study abroad hot"Byproduct of,Study Tours has set up a file in the cities of China rise quickly.But with the expansion of business,Our city is latched on to"Travel hot"express,Intermediary organizations to organize,School selection organization mode gradually popular.Intermediary structure take parents students voluntary application is given priority to,Every time about three/Forty people,Time is generally 2-3 weeks;And the school will select some excellent/English is good and the family economic condition good students to participate in.Although study Tours time is short,And the costs are mostly five digits,Even so,There are still parents let children at cast out"out".A parents said,He will be sure to send children abroad for study abroad,If can be in high school let him out to see,Will have incentive effect,And for the development of children is also very good.


In this powerful market demands,Travel agency increasingly prosperous.They listed the attractive travel menu,As to the Cambridge studies English winter camp in recruit students general rules wrote:To take part in our activity,will"Improve the students' English skills,Strengthen oral English ability,Self-care training/Independence ability,Open field of vision,Experience the world famous university city cultural atmosphere and the traditional British noble education",After studying certificate.


市场现状: Market situation:


游学还需提前两月抢名额 Still need to travel ahead of the two places


"Invite you to see the famous continents style,Personal travel English speaking countries,In the local host family,Comprehensive language for learning.""Feel the local culture/Into the world's top ten schools."As early as in last September,Lanzhou many study institution/Education institutions and travel agencies have played ChuGuoYou advertisement.And with these intermediaries as impatient and many students' parents.


"My son is in October for a name,Travel to the United States."Live goose beach road ms xu said,Her son 13 years old this year,Read the junior middle school second grade,She and her husband all hope son later can go to study in the United States,The travel experience is early let the son experience and try to adapt.And ms xu together registration and two other mother,"We all live in a village,The children also understanding,Go overseas with parents also take some."One mother said.


then,The reporter also to consumer identity call several travel agencies and education services,Say to the children in the United States travel,Can staff have said the event project quota have called full,Have no spare quota."embarrassed,Our American/British and Australian ChuGuoYou have to full,You to too late."A travel agency staff said,They according to different countries and regions,September and October will launch a month respectively in two groups,A group of forty more children."In September,Parents have the number of October booked up,The same also in October last month was booked in advance,Because want to deal with visa,Our registration will be 2 months in advance."


一掷万金: A throw from:


只为孩子今后留学做准备 In the future to prepare for children to study abroad


however,In the interview reporter discovery,ChuGuoYou costs is not cheap,Even very expensive,South Korea and other Asian regional cost for 10000-20000,Far Britain/The United States/Australia is in need of 40000-50000,For parents,,What was it that they are willing to throw gold,To send children abroad for study Tours?


"The child is in the school to listen to the teacher said,Back has been make to attend,Like to go abroad,He also attended the school organization studies selection test,In addition to the usual study outside,Oral English is also a big part of proportion,Just our children to English are also interested,Performance is also good,Always said later on to harvard,Let her go to the United States and see it."Live in a surname door, said Mr."We to the travel is‘ruin’the,Home just to buy the car,Was not how much money left,This will take home the existing all their savings,From my parents there still pool 20000,The home that a child,Money is to give children the flowers,Let him out of doors,Learn after all is a good thing,The money didn't,We'll make it!"Mr. Abe said.


And Mr. Ann has the same idea of parents is not in a few,To send children abroad for study Tours,Just hope children through this experience,Can open mind,To improve my English level,For the future study abroad to prepare in advance.


亲身体验: experience:


花钱多时间短机会少 Spend much time less chance for short


According to reporter understanding,To participate in the cost of such activities is not cheap,Within a month of time,Tens of thousands of yuan is spent,Some is a common working families in a savings.For the majority of lanzhou families,Travel undoubtedly is the luxury.so,The students in the process of studying can really achieve the above purpose?So much money to get bottom value is not worth it?


Say first improve their English skills.Many parents believe that,After going abroad all the English environment will make the child tried to speak,Breakthrough dumb English psychological disorder.Last summer,SunYuCheng students it is holding this kind of mentality,Took part in a travel trip.After the British,He found that the real chance to speak a foreign language is not much.According to the arrangement,Every day he will come to the British school learn oral English,And he is a group of still have a lot of Australia/Bulgaria and India and other countries of the students.Because the children English level is limited,Combined with different pronunciation,Many cases communication up more obstacles,Sometimes must rely on with lively gesticulations to understand the meaning of each other.In addition,Because SunYuCheng is with Chinese students eat to live together,Outside the classroom language practice opportunity is rare.Of course,Some studies children were arranged to live in the house of the local residents,They said foreign language chance to be relatively more.


Say about the local culture.SunYuCheng said,Due to the travel time is short,He can understand the only British school campus environment and some skimming over the surface impression.Just to England,The children all feel very fresh,everywhere,First of all want to do not listen to the teacher carefully,But were busy taking pictures.It also influences their foreign in the open field of vision.


In addition what is worth mentioning,Many parents reflect the travel cost is too high.Be in China at present,The cost of travel and tourism almost almost,Some big countries even beyond the cost of travel,A guardian said:"It is not reasonable,Don't burden because travel scenic spot tour fee,Accommodation can compare with star hotel,A lot of price cut space."


为了面子: In order to face:


家长列清单美元随意“甩” Parents at $list"left"


For teenagers under the age of eighteen,Parents is the child's guardian,Have the right to compulsory education good children.however,Not only some parents don't know or don't have time to help my child to choose the most suitable study Tours,Also appeared to send children abroad for study Tours are proud of,Many parents actually took a long list,Let the children to buy,Also care teacher,Please their attention,In order to avoid the child neglect will buy famous brand product model mistake.


According to the travel service staff is introduced,Students study Tours to buy brand products is not rare,Even parents' request or caused by.She said,In their company previous study Tours before starting,Parents and children come before operation briefing,In addition to listen to the schedule,Many parents are also concerned about what they want to buy."Branded bag/Sheep tire element……Family is to want to take,Careful parents are written both in Chinese and English brand name's behalf/Model, etc."


A 14-year-old children abroad for buy herms bag,Not a bit strange,Because money is not they earn,And most don't cash,They see only the change of the credit card number,Don't think a package price may be a normal adult year salary.Parents pursue famous brand,Children spend is wasteful.According to her said,Many children don't know yourself now amount,Frequently hundreds of dollars to buy gadgets and generous.


"Our study Tours to customer group is high consumption/Family condition is superior."In August he took in the group,Many children with us $3000-5000,Almost 230 thousand will converted into renminbi,Many children are very like to buy"apple"Products to.


选团成功: Choose group success:


三周时间孩子感觉“没学够” Three weeks time children feel"Didn't learn enough"


In the face of a wide variety of travel market,In the bank of China work shen lady very glad,Last summer she choose carefully study Tours,Let the son of 13 years old LeiLei very fruitful.Ms shen told reporters,Son in July 22, to August 10,,In the United States for three weeks of travel experience.


In order to help my child to choose the most suitable study Tours,She not only looked at the market travel line,Also for the friend's advice.On the group's last trip,Basically all is by the learning and experience the local culture is given priority to,Courses focus on the development of students' critical thinking and research ability,Including son likes environmental science class/Film production/English drama performance and so on project,In addition to rock climbing/Ride a horse when the child is not contact with outdoor activities.

  她事先了解到,组织方会在儿子游学期间,每天向她报告孩子学习生活的情况,附照片为证,而她,也可以通过网络QQ与孩子联系。结束行程后,组织方还会给家长发孩子游学体验的报告。令她感动的是,这些细节组织方都想到并做到了,且给每位家长发了一封财务报告,明细了各项费用支出,并提醒家长给了孩子多少钱,孩子游学回来还剩多少钱, 是否可以更好地理财等更有利于孩子成长的良性建议。

She had to know,Organization will travel in during the son,Daily report to her children learn life situation,Photo attached to prove,And she,Can also through the network QQ contact with children.End after stroke,Organizers will give parents send children travel experience report.To her moving,The details of party organization and did it,And to every parents send a financial report,Detail the expense,And remind parents give children much money,Children travel back with much money,Whether can better financial management is more advantageous to the child grow the benign advice.


Ms shen, the son of the LeiLei told reporters,His only regret is that travel time is too short,feel"Didn't learn enough".He said,Through this travel,He to the world itself have more understanding.


专家支招: Experts move:


从实际出发以免花冤枉钱 From the reality in order to avoid a flower to treat unjustly money


Now that choose to go abroad for further studies,The purpose of the parents are mostly"learn",however,The DiLingHua studies are difficult to achieve the real purpose of travel.so,Bo and the relevant person in charge of the service center in this remind parents need to calm thinking,Don't blindly follow"Travel hot".


"normally,Travel agencies are willing to do business,Study Tours to the child the best experience.But because travel organization children abroad for different destination,Course set up different,Plus some parents don't know how to achieve the effect,So the youth travel back,Harvest feelings are very different."


It is reported,The existing travel agencies,Organizations are education institutions/Travel agency,And intermediary organizations,Some are"With learning to swim"Give priority to the characteristics of tourism,Others to appreciate the local culture/Quality education is given priority to,Or to provide authentic English environment,Ascending children English.


In the form,Also points wander around"Rolling type"Travel and travel point two;Most of the expenses may pay the ticket/ticket/Tourist attractions tickets and other tourist consumption project,May is please local teacher/Experience all sorts of different local culture project is given priority to.

  “从家长想达到的游学效果层面而言,亦有不同,有些纯粹是为了让孩子出国长见识,有些是为了让孩子学到更多的知识,更深入地了解世界了解自己,还有些根本不知道为什么送孩子出国游学,只是朋友的孩子报名了,所以他们也给孩子报名。” 正是以上这些差别,导致了青少年出国游学的收获完全不同。“因此,家长给孩子报名,首先要弄清楚游学机构的资质,游学团属于哪种性质;其次,要考察所报团的特色是什么,行程安排有哪些课程,哪些体验项目,哪些景点,能带给孩子哪些受益之处;再次,所选的游学线路要让孩子认可,只有孩子抱有积极开放的心态,才可能有更多的收获。行程结束后,还要帮孩子一起分析游学过程中出现的各种问题,或还有哪些提升空间孩子能做得更好等。”(鑫报 记者 许丽)

"From the parents' desire to travel to effect level,Also have different,Some are purely in order to let the child go abroad to learn,Some are in order to let the children learn more knowledge,A better understanding of the world understand yourself,Some don't know why to send children abroad for study Tours,Just friends child signed up,So they are signing up to the child." It is these differences,The study Tours to teenagers harvest completely different."so,Parents give children registration,First of all should make it clear the qualifications of travel agencies,Study Tours to belong to what kind of nature;secondly,To investigate the group's characteristic is what,What are the course schedule,What experience project,What scenic spots,Children can bring what benefit place;again,The selected studies line to let the child recognition,Only children have positive and open mind,There might be more harvest.After stroke,To help children to analysis studies appeared in the process of various problems,Or what ascension space children can do better, etc."(Xin XuLi news reporter)
