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小哥俩煤气中毒相继离世 父母含泪捐器官(图)--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

先生一家四口合影。 Mr Koch photo of a family of four.

  同时煤气中毒先后离世 花费百万抢救无果

At the same time, gas poisoning has spent millions from the rescue of fruit


This is a sad father write diary:Last year,Take a shower for accidental encounter gas poisoning,3 years old little son that night from the world,Ten years old son in a coma.yesterday,Insist on treatment for ten months later,The first son yu jie for rescue invalid,Left him and his wife's arms.finally,A couple decided to donate for yu jie a liver two kidney,Help yu jie in the end of life do something meaningful.


"I don't want to,To longgang everywhere after missing the baby's breath..."yesterday,Mr Koch out a few diary,He read out quietly in this sentence,Next to the wife couldn't help crying.


yesterday,In guangdong, the staff of the Red Cross society under the witness,The doctor help yu jie do the liver and kidney removal surgery,Successfully completed the gifts,Is expected to help 3 patients continue life.


两兄弟一死一昏迷 The two brothers die a coma


Ten years,From zhejiang's oak husband and wife lady has been more than to rent in shenzhen longgang,Business shoe store,Two sons also was born here.Last march, and that night a tragedy came suddenly.That night,Mr Koch received wife telephone said shoe store have a visitor,Let him go home and look after the children.When 3 years old brother and 10 years old brother yu jie just cut hair,Is the bathroom shower shampoo.Hung up the phone,She hurried to about fifty meters outside the shoe store.


Twenty minutes later,Home smell gas of Mr Koch found the younger son WenJie lying in the bathtub,Head wide on the other side,Yu jie fall in by bath crock,Also have no action.water,Still flow...


the,WenJie died,And yu jie into a coma.In shenzhen longgang center hospital for 23 days to guangzhou zhujiang hospital, southern medical university,From now on coma in children's severe medicine.


帮孩子捐器官延续他人生命 Help my child to donate organs continue others life


Ten months to,Mr Koch and his wife have been around for the yu jie QiuZhi the coma.In July last year,They also went to Beijing,A week information a lot of hospitals,Hope to be able to let the son get better treatment.


Cost nearly ten thousand yuan lending is still around for help.But think of yu jie internal organs is not damaged,They still don't want to give up.


Last Wednesday,Yu jie condition worsened dramatically,Digestive function gradually decline,Lead to the body organs gradually failure.first,A couple is considering to don't organ donation.At that time,Ms more than some hesitation.The second day evening,The doctor told yu jie at any time are likely from the world,Ms more than"The resigned".


Ten months treatment process,A couple is very can understand waiting for organ transplant patients and families helpless and anxiety.In yu jie long hospitalization process,There is a aunt often come over to accompany them to chat.

  “要是我能认她当姐姐就好了,她在精神上帮助了我们。” 葛先生说:“这个社会是靠爱心维系的。我们在宇杰生命的尽头帮他做件有意义的事。他延续了别人的生命,我们也要好好活下去。”本周一,夫妇俩一起在宇杰的器官捐献书上签了字。

"If only I could recognize her as my sister is good,She in spirit helped us." Says Mr Koch:"The society is that by love.We are yu jie the end of life to help him do something meaningful.He lasted for someone else's life,We also want to live well."On Monday,The couple together in yu jie organ donation signed book.


yesterday,Yu jie go,In guangdong province Red Cross officials under the witness,The doctor to help him with the liver and the kidney removal surgery,Successfully completed the gifts.


As a reporter last night,Yu jie kidney has determined to nanning two small patients,The liver is through the system to find a suitable receptor;Another name for treating the invalid in yesterday in the hospital at the same time donated organs of young man's kidney has successfully implanted respectively hospital two years of waiting for transplantation in patients with uremia in late.


房东堵住排气管 Doubt the landlord stopped exhaust pipe


Recall the bathroom accident,He said,Because the use of direct drainage water heater,His pay special attention to ventilation.But last year the Spring Festival they family back to zhejiang on Chinese New Year,The landlord is close to the bathroom in the position of the window to build more houses,So I can't open the window,Influence the air circulation."'s,The top of the pipe is blocked by cement,We all don't know."


Reporters call the landlord's brother Sir,Has no one to answer,To press still did not get a response.Says Mr Koch,The landlord has moved to Hong Kong,Haven't seen him,After the also have no dozen over a telephone.


The family's laughter,Never don't come back.Mr Koch think children should not be the dead too,His parents as though care does not reach the designated position responsibility,But the landlord practice also have a certain responsibility.therefore,Mr Koch sued the landlord.At present trial PanPei gave him 80000 yuan,But the couple feel the results to the child too injustice,They choose to continue to appeal.


一日四例器官捐献 One day the four cases of organ donation


破广东省单日纪录 The worst record in guangdong province


The Red Cross society of guangdong province vice director of office of organ donation LiJinDong said,From March 2010 human organ donation after its launch pilot work,Guangdong a total of 168 cases of organ donation,Accounts for the total 1/4,Most of the provinces for contributions.the,2010 to 15 cases,2011 to 33 cases,2012 for 112 cases,And in 2013 eight cases.Yesterday is to create"Broken single"Worst record number of contributions of 4 cases.

  李劲东透露,广东将设器官捐献救助基金,给捐献家庭人道主义上的关怀与救助,救助标准正在制定。“我们要根据基金的资金规模来关爱这些家庭,比如在孩子上学、税收方面给予优惠,但不一定仅用金钱的形式,给予荣誉的形式也很好。”(文、图/记者 翁淑贤 何瑞琪 通讯员 胡琼珍)

LiJinDong revealed,Guangdong will set organ donation relief fund,Give gifts on family humanitarian care and rescue,Salvage standards are formulated."We should according to the capital of fund scale to care for the family,For instance in their children to school/To give the preferential taxes,But not only in the form of money,Give the form of honor is also very good."(wen/Diagram/reporter WengShuXian HeRuiQi HuQiongZhen correspondent)
