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女研究生应聘遭歧视 月薪三千自称非常满意--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室


6.99 million college students' employment,Is 6.99 million a family of employment.From the official news,In 2013 the national university graduates total number to 6.99 million,Total number of college graduates in liaoning province in 2013 and more than 270000.The number of graduate on the increase,Economic growth is slowing,College students' employment again be the focus of attention.Beginning from today,Our attention"A person's employment",From the point of view of an individual,Look at the way and to apply for a job in the way of college students,Pay attention to their application process/Survival condition/The future expectations,To the employment of college students and their families behind to reference.

  “抚顺那个单位通知我被录用了! ”电话那端,是大连理工大学化工学院研三女生童杰兴奋的声音。经过近一个月的等待,她终于被录用单位从“等待”的名单中挑出,这使得童杰结束了焦虑的等待。

"Fushun the unit notice I was hired! "Telephone the end,Is dalian university of technology institute of chemical research three girls TongJie excited voice.After nearly a month of waiting,She finally hired from the unit"Waiting for"The list pick,This makes TongJie ended the anxiety of waiting.


男生签合同女生只能看 The boy girl can only see sign the contract

  认识童杰是在11月21日大连理工大学举行的校园双选会上。个子娇小的童杰在一家企业的招聘台前,跷脚往里看前面全是男生,有的已经开始和企业签协议了。“工作人员让我等,我只能在一边看着。 ”她的话语透着气馁。这个来自抚顺的石油企业优先选择男生,本科生也在选择范围。这里形成了两大“阵营”男生“阵营”居中靠前,女生“阵营”外围靠后,即使这样,这些女生还是守候在这里,等待男生签完后看看能否有属于自己的机会。童杰就是其中之一。“这也是没办法的事,招聘企业总是认为女生不能下车间,即使我们有很强烈的下车间的愿望。”童杰说。这家企业是本次招聘会童杰比较中意的企业,专业对口,发展前景比较好,经过慎重选择,她想凭借自己的学历和优秀成绩,引来用人单位对她的关注。但是结果似乎比她预计的情况还要糟糕。“研究生女拼不过本科男,这我们都已经习惯了。 ”

Know TongJie is on November 21 at dalian university of technology campus double choose meeting.The TongJie petite stature in a enterprise recruitment seat,See feet look inside front is full of boys,Some have begun to sign the agreement and the enterprise."Let me wait staff,I can only on one side looking at. "Her words appearing discouraged.This comes from fushun petroleum enterprise give priority to the boy,For undergraduates in the range of choice.This form of the two"camp"boy"camp"Center near the front of the,girl"camp"Peripheral back,Even so,The girl is waiting for you in here,Waiting for the boy to sign after see if I can have my own opportunity.TongJie is one of them."This is not the way,Recruitment enterprise always think girls can't the workshop,Even if we have a very strong desire of the workshop."TongJie said.The enterprise is the fair TongJie are more favorite enterprise,professing,Development foreground is good,After careful selection,She wanted to rely on his own record of formal schooling and outstanding performance,Unit of choose and employ persons to draw her attention.But the result seems better than she expected worse situation."Graduate female spell but undergraduate male,This we have become accustomed to. "


如何增加就业上岗机会 How to increase the opportunity to obtain employment mount guard


1 1


In 2013, the employment situation of three colleges and universities such as it,Pressure may be more.The whole economic situation determines the employment situation,Now of the increment of the jobs is not very obvious,The fresh graduates,Will size up the situation,Reasonable adjustment of their employment expectations.


2 2


Liaoning regional economic development strategy,Especially for liaoning province have set up 100 yuan of industrial clusters,Two or three line city jobs increased obviously,So the college graduates to look at these new developing two or three line city.


3 3

  在一个岗位的发展,起薪只是一个节点,你要综合来衡量,不仅仅要看起薪,要把自己一生的发展,结合自己的专业,未来的走向,更理性地就业。 ”

In a post development,The starting salary is just a node,You want to comprehensive to measure,Not only should see starting salary,The development of his life,Combined with their professional,The future direction of the,More rational to employment. "


Secretary for the guidance of employment for university students in liaoning province LiuZhu


Must find out of work

  家在辽西一个小城镇的童杰很早就体验到大学生找工作的难处,这是她读研究生的一个重要原因,3年后,即将研究生毕业的她仍然面临着这个问题。“我已经参加了四五场招聘会了,眼看今年最后的机会也没了,不着急是假的。 ”

House in a small town in the west of TongJie very early experience to take the trouble of the college students looking for work,This is her graduate students to read one of the important reasons,Three years later,The graduate of she is still faced with the problem."I have had four or five games the recruitment,See this last chance, too,Don't try so hard is false. "

  找工作真的这么难吗?童杰说,一次次怀着希望出发,失望而回,对她来说几乎成了习惯。“不挑不拣是假的,因为确实存在专业对口问题,但从我自身来说,我觉得自己对工作的要求并不过分。 ”薪金方面不是她关注的重点,如果找一个专业对口的工作,收入不会太低,这是这个行业性质决定的;不在乎下车间,因为工作在实验室居多,经得住寂寞,作为一名理科女,她有这个自信;城市不挑剔,省内省外都可以。但即使这样,她也是屡屡碰壁,好在周围的女同学几乎都是这样。“拒绝你有很多借口,下车间需要男生了,不招聘研究生了,工厂在郊区不安全了,反正就是委婉地拒绝。 ”

Looking for a job really so difficult?TongJie said,After starting with hope,Down and back to,For her almost became a habit."Don't pick don't pick is false,Because do exist professing problem,But from my point of view,I feel to the work request is not too much. "Salary is not her focus of concern,If find a professing work,Income not too low,This is the nature of the industry;Don't care the workshop,Because the work in the laboratory is in the majority,Stand the loneliness,As a science female,She has the confidence;City not fussy,Outside the province can be.But even so,She is also nationhood,In almost all around the female classmate is so."Refuse to you have many excuses,The workshop to the boy,Not for the graduate students,The factory in the suburbs don't safe,It is politely refused. "


"I have made up my mind the,There is a ray of hope will not give up,Must in this year to find out son work."This is her claim to hurt also want to wait for an important reason.


起薪3000元,太满意了 The starting salary is 3000 yuan,Satisfied with the

  抚顺的这家石油企业是童杰等待的结果。这让她很满意。“毕竟在辽宁省范围,离家比较近,大连当然很好,但竞争厉害。 ”企业的起薪是3000元左右,包食宿,“要是在大连找一个工作两三千元,自己还要租房子,花费很大,将来的生活想起来就觉得渺茫,不如到二三线城市找机会。 ”

Fushun the petroleum enterprise is TongJie waiting for results.This made her very satisfied."After all, in the scope of liaoning province,Home are closer,Dalian of course is very good,But the competition much. "Enterprise starting salary is 3000 yuan,Package board,"If in dalian to find a job 23000 yuan,Themselves have to rent a house,costly,Future life like to feel slim,As to two three line city for an opportunity. "

  “今年的工作真的比较难找,我周围的同学和朋友很少有顺利就业的,所以我被解除等待了,他们都很羡慕。”至于未来的发展,她的想法是企业的发展空间还是有的,希望自己能慢慢积累,在企业尽快成长起来。“当然,也有一些事情是无法预料的,但我会记得自己找工作的经历,并以此为戒。 ”

"This year's work is really difficult to find,My classmates and friends around the few successful employment,So I was waiting for the lift,They are all very envy."As for the development of the future,Her idea is for the development of the enterprise space or some,Hope you can be accumulated slowly,In the enterprise growing up as soon as possible."Of course,There are some things are unpredictable,But I'll remember looking for work experience,This ring. "


It is understood,In recent years,Liaoning province for employment have published 19 aspects/Article 179 the policy,Here in college students' employment/venture/Tax cuts/loan/A series of policy interest.The students from schools and related websites to check relevant policies,Service in their employment.(Peninsula morning paper reporter XinMinJuan)
