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   搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:大家好,这里是2012《向教育提问》搜狐教育年度盛典的现场,现在非常容幸邀请到的是中国教育学会会长,原北京师范大学校长钟秉林先生。今年的主题是向教育提问,您对教育最大的疑惑,最关注的话题是什么? hello everybody,Here is 2012[Education question to]Sohu education annual festival site,Now it's a pleasure to invite is China education association,The original Beijing normal university President Mr. ZhongBingLin.This year's theme is to education question,Your education to the biggest doubt,The most attention topic is???????


钟秉林(中国教育学会会长,原北京师范大学校长): ZhongBingLin(China education association,The original Beijing normal university President):教育现在成为社会广泛关注的热点问题,也是一个重要的民生问题。我个人对教育的观点,就是质量和公平。质量和公平是不同的概念,是有相互联系的,现在中国教育迫切需要进一步提高质量,现在对社会教育很多非议,像教育公平问题。刚才提到高考,还有讨论涉及到其他方方面面的问题,我们现在教育的矛盾已经发生了变化,过去是上学难,现在经过这么多年的发展,教育规模也有非常显著的提高。上学机会问题,入学机会问题已经不再是社会稀缺的资源。上学从义务教育普及了,高中在大发展,高等教育进入大众化,从这个角度来讲上学已经相对比较容易了。为什么社会媒体还非常关注,因为现在从我要上学,这种教育资源现在转变为我要上好学校,我要上好的小学,好的中学,要上好的大学,要好的专业,从上学难转变了上好学校难。只要把好学校办多了,好的中小学办多了,老百姓要求才能得到更多的满足。

Education has become a widespread social concern is the hot issue,Is also a important livelihood of the people question.My personal view on education,Is the quality and fair.Quality and fairness are different concepts,Are connected with each other,Now China education urgently need to further improve the quality,Now a lot of criticism of social education,Like education fairness.Just mentioned the university entrance exam,And discuss relates to other aspects of the problem,We are now the contradiction of education have changed,The past is difficult to go to school,Now after so many years of development,Education scale also has a very significant increase.Chance to go to school,Admission opportunity problem is no longer a social scarce resources.School education from the obligation to the popularization,High school in the big development,Higher education entered the popular,From the point of school has been relatively easy.Why social media also very concerned,Because I want to go to school from now,This kind of education resources change now for I want to good schools,I have to take the good elementary school,Good high school,Want to go to the good university,Good professional,From school difficult to change the superior school difficult.As long as the school-run learn more,Good primary and secondary school much easier,People can get more satisfy requirements.


I am most concerned about is the main quality problems,And do a enterprise is not the same,The development of the education a good school,Need a very long time accumulation,This is a education development basic characteristics,Is an insurmountable regularity.Education should have software/hardware,At the same time, good teachers,This is the foundation,Need long-term accumulation,The school tradition form,Formation of fine style of study,This is the need to be accumulated for a long time.Decided to improve the education quality,Quality resources to solve,Take a long time to process.We are now limited high quality education resources,Now less good school,It involves how to a reasonable proportion,This is a fair question.These two concepts,But mutual linked,To solve now you for the attention of education,Is to improve education quality,Need a process,This process will focus on education fairness.

  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:您觉得现在教育不公是怎样一个现状?
You feel now education injustice is how a situation?


钟秉林(中国教育学会会长,原北京师范大学校长): ZhongBingLin(China education association,The original Beijing normal university President):应该是朝着逐步推进教育这个方向去走,不管是政府,还是社会,包括大学都做了非常多的努力,想把质量提升。另外在很多方面,包括功能转变方面,体制变革方面,学校人才培养方面下了很多功夫。但是我刚才讲了提高是需要长期积累,需要长期的过程,不可能一蹴而就,不可能一朝就解决。在这些方面显得更加凸显,比如说像大家都很反对的办班热、辅导热,什么择校风,考试移民,考试舞弊等等,这个问题到底怎么解决,需要一个过程,而且在有些方面当然不同的区域,不同的省份不一样,看来还得做好思想准备,长期的来去坚持内涵发展,提高质量,我相信这个问题会逐步得到缓解。

Education should be promoted step by step toward this direction to go,Whether the government,Or social,Including university have done a lot of effort,Want to improve quality.In many ways,Including function in transition,System change in,School personnel training a lot of kung fu.But I just spoke to improve is accumulated for a long time,Need long process,Could not accomplish in one move,Impossible to solve once.In these respects appear more highlights,For example as everyone was against heat class/Counselling heat,What ZeJiaoFeng,Examination immigration,Cheated in the exam, etc.,The problem how to solve,Need a process,And in some aspects of course different area,Different provinces is not the same,It seems still have to prepare,Long-term and adhere to the connotation development,Improve quality,I believe that this problem will gradually ease.

  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:刚才说提高了教育质量也是面临很多难点,您觉得最主要,最大的难点是什么?
Just said to improve the education quality is also facing many difficulties,Do you think the most main,The biggest difficulty is what?


钟秉林(中国教育学会会长,原北京师范大学校长): ZhongBingLin(China education association,The original Beijing normal university President):从学校而言,就是要想办法提高人才培养,提高人才培养也不是一朝可以做的事情,包括人才培养的目标,规则要求要明晰。包括培养大学来讲,培养学生专业建设,课程的体系,还有教学方法手段,需要系统的改革,这样才能把质量提升上去,这样更多老百姓会满意了。

From the school in,Is to think of a way to improve the personnel training,Improve personnel training is not a can do,Including the training target,Rules required to clear.Including training for university,Cultivating students' professional construction,Course system,And teaching methods,Need to the reform of the system,In order to improve the quality up,So that more people will be satisfied.

  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:刚才前面提到教育办学有自己的规律,现在办学是遵循它的规律,还是违背它的规律。
Just mentioned education school has its own rules,Now is to follow the law of running it,Or the law of against it.


钟秉林(中国教育学会会长,原北京师范大学校长): ZhongBingLin(China education association,The original Beijing normal university President):从学校来讲还是在努力遵循教育规律办学,但是毕竟由于教育发展需要积累的过程,有方方面面困难,比如说政府怎么样更加尊重大学自主办学权,大学怎么样选择适合校情、国情现代大学制度。社会上包括媒体教育的观念应该怎么去沾边,方方面面的问题确实需要比较长的时间。

Will tell from school or trying to follow the education law school,But after all due to the education development needs process of accumulation,In square face difficulties,Such as the government more respect how university autonomy school right,How to choose a suitable university school feeling/The modern university system conditions.The society including media education concept should be how to them,All aspects of the problem really takes a relatively long time.

  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:多次谈到教育发展改革需要很长的过程,但是现在可能社会上,包括媒体对教育改革的期望都越来越迫切,越来越强烈,这样一个矛盾应该怎么样缓和。
Many times about education development and reform needs a long process,But now may the society,Including the media education reform expectations are more and more urgent,Is more and more intense,Such a conflict should be how to ease.


钟秉林(中国教育学会会长,原北京师范大学校长): ZhongBingLin(China education association,The original Beijing normal university President):教育刚才讲了随着经济社会发展,一个是教育规模的扩大,现在关注教育的群体越来越多。在各个群体发表的声音当中,这种不同的观点,不同的声音,不同的建议,我想这种冲突也很激烈,这也很容易理解。学校利益相关者更多,不同的利益集团有不同的利益诉求,不同的利益诉求代表不同的价值取向,有些价值取向是向背离的,就是使教育方面一些改革措施制定起来比较难,出台要执行起来更难。一个是教育内部,像基础教育和高等教育要改革,另外一个在教育的内部和外部,包括政府、社会、老百姓,包括媒体应该这样一个意识,这样才能逐步把改革进一步深化。有些方法很急,但是有的时候急也真是没有用,还是大家一块把利益协调好,把目标搞清楚。

Education just spoke with the economic and social development,One is the education of the enlargement of scale,Now more and more attention to education group.In each group of published voice,The different points of view,Different voice,Different Suggestions,I think that this kind of conflict is fierce,It is also very easy to understand.School more stakeholders,Different interest groups have different interests and needs,Different interest demand represent different value orientation,Some value orientation is to the deviation,Education is to make some reform measures to make it more difficult,Come up to perform more difficult.One is education internal,As basic education and higher education reform,Another in the education of internal and external,Including government/social/people,Including the media should be such a consciousness,Such ability gradually deepening the reform.Some method is very urgent,But sometimes it's not urgent,Or you a piece of the interest coordination is good,Aim to clear up.


What university gave,Now a lot of problems is how to compete for high quality education,Is to a good university,But what good university,The train hard skill,High skilled talents,Practical talents,These talents training school.This is a matter of opinion,Not a single in its guiding education reform,So in the future do not accord with the needs of the society,Also not fully considering the difference of the children.

  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:我之前看到过您对异地高考的表态,现在各个城市基本上都出台了他们的方案,您对这些方案有什么样的评价?
I have seen you before to different college entrance examination's comment,Now each city basically introduced their plan,You for these solutions have what kind of evaluation?


钟秉林(中国教育学会会长,原北京师范大学校长): ZhongBingLin(China education association,The original Beijing normal university President):您信息很灵通,我召开新闻发布会的时候谈到异地高考的问题,我当时谈的从理论上讲这个问题确实应该尽快去解决,外来务工人员对当地做这么大贡献,他们本人随迁的子女应该享受教育资源,但是另一方面操作起来是具有细节性,很复杂,怎么确定标准,怎么甄别,另外还有城市承受能力问题,系统性的。有地方、有中央公共去解决。注意到大部分省市异地高考出台了。自己态度很明确,第一,出台总比不出台好,迈出一步总比不迈好。第二,虽然各个地区有各不满意的地方,但是我个人认为先按照出台走,维持一定的原则性,能够创造条件,先把出台的政策在明年、后年能够落实,能够真正按照政策去落实,这个做到也不容易。第三,在这个基础上,我想随着正在加强的一些小学、中学基础教育的一些建设,还得拓展一下资源。因为是系统改革,利益群体不一样,还有教育内部外部都涉及到的。教育内部好学校越来越多,随着教育外部改革,像户籍管理制度不断完善我想这个会解决得更好一些,走一步总比不走好,先去落实了。

Your information is very smart,I held a press conference when talking about the problem of different college entrance examination,I was talking about in theory it should as soon as possible to solve,Migrant workers on the local do so great contribution,They I SuiQian children should enjoy education resources,But on the other hand it is operating with detail,Very complicated,How to determine the standard,How to identify,In addition to the city to bear ability problem,systematic.A place/Have the central public to solve.Note that most of the college entrance examination introduced different provinces and cities.His attitude is very clear,The first,Than never come out good,Take a step than not mai good.The second,Although each region has the unsatisfactory,But I personally think first introduced according to walk,To maintain a certain principle,Can create conditions,Put the policy in the next year/Can implement the,Can truly according to the policy to implement,This is not easy to do.The third,On this basis,I want to with some of the primary school is strengthening/Some of the basic education school construction,Still have to develop the resources.Because it is the reform of the system,Different interest groups,And education internal and external are involved.Education internal good school more and more,Along with the education reform outside,As the management system of the household register constantly improve I think this will solve better,Step than don't walk,To carry out the first.

  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:现在出台的方案里面,您觉得有最合适的吗?
Now the plan on it,Do you think it is the most appropriate?


钟秉林(中国教育学会会长,原北京师范大学校长): ZhongBingLin(China education association,The original Beijing normal university President):如果从国家角度来讲,从中央角度来讲,找一个最合适的,我觉得很难讲。每个省我也看了一下,确实标准都不一样,后面时间表,路线图不完全一样,但是省情不一样。有可能适合他的省,也可能存在一定问题,我找不出特别好。有的省,比如在河南省实施得特别好的放在别的省就不是特别好,我想那老百姓还是没有实惠,一步一步走。

If the national perspective,From the central point,Find a the most appropriate,I think it's hard to tell.Every province I looked,Does the standard is not the same,Behind schedule,Map are not identical,But the situation is not the same.Possible for his province,May there are some problems,I can't find out very well.Some provinces,Such as the implementation in henan province have very good in other provinces is not very good,I think that people or no benefits,Step by step.

  搜狐教育主持人: Sohu education host:谢谢钟会长接受我们采访。
Thank you ZhongHuiChang accept our interview.
