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农历腊月廿八,分别在新疆和仁寿打工的玉珍的爸爸妈妈还没到家,全家福里的两张凳子还空着 The lunar month us,Respectively in xinjiang and the working YuZhen parents haven't got home,The family of two stools are empty
   四川新闻网成都2月8日讯(新春走基层报道组记者 侯青伶 张进春 张燕 蒋娜) Sichuan news network chengdu on August 2)(The new basic BaoDaoZu journalists go HouQingLing ZhangJinChun JiangNa zhang yan)农村过去被人们视为一个大海绵,如今“民工潮”浪打浪地涌出来,拍打着城市的门户。土地似乎承载不了农民的梦想,“送出一人,全家脱贫”的诱人景象诱惑着更多的农民源源不断地离开家乡,进入城市。与民工潮一代不同,现在借“奋斗”之名的民工潮二代的背后,留守儿童现象成了它因果链上的一环。 Rural past was considered a big sponge,now"Of migrant workers"Sea waves to play came out of it,Beat the city portal.Land was seemingly carrying the farmer's dream,"Send out a man,Family out of poverty"Attractive scene entice more farmers leave hometown continuously,Into the city.Migrant workers with different generation,By now"struggle"The name of the second generation of migrant workers behind,Left-behind children phenomenon has been its causal chain on the ring.

On February 8,The lunar month us,Sichuan news network reporter walks into the new basic BaoDaoZu go RenShouXian,Use lens and text record left-behind children in 2013 the year of snake life before the Spring Festival.

怀抱着自己养的狗狗,玉珍对它很亲昵,还给它取了个叫“丝丝”的名字 Embrace their dog dog,YuZhen to it's very intimate,Back to it to take a call"Filar silk"name

春节的期盼: Look forward to the Spring Festival:

希望爸爸带回葡萄干和开心果 Hope my dad back to raisins and pistachios

YangYuZhen,11 years of age,RenShouXian built town village people camp.Since the birth,And on the move,Too busy to take care of her,Dad a recent work site is xinjiang urumqi a slaughterhouse,In that place has been for three years,A monthly pay two thousand yuan.


"I a month with home machine to father play a telephone,Actually quite want to his."


Asked about the Spring Festival when looking forward to,YangYuZhen appear a little excited,"Hope my dad back to raisins and pistachios".

因为相处对象不同,玉珍的态度转变很大。就像玉珍家堂屋半开的门,她的心总是选择开一半,关一半 Because get along with different objects,YuZhen attitude change big.As YuZhen walks home ajar door,Her heart is always choose half open,Off half

孩子的多面: The child's face more:

有着很明显的时代烙印 Has the very obvious brand era

In the face of the,timidly,A small voice to hear,And the statement vague;In grandpa's grandmother and sister before,Is very lively;Embrace their dog dog,She it was an intimacy,Back to it to take a call"Filar silk"name.


Because get along with different objects,YuZhen attitude change big.Within half an hour,The reporter sees the some shy child's brilliant personality.


As YuZhen walks home ajar door,Her heart is always choose half open,Off half.YuZhen underachievement,52 students in the class,She probably in no name or so.Just read the fifth grade she did not fully understand"Of migrant workers"History and origin,But as the generations of the second generation of migrant workers,Her body has obvious time brand.


YuZhen told reporters,In all courses,Her favorite subject is sports,In the school sports meeting,She had the standing long jump/400 meters/Fifty meters game the first prize,Diploma is grandpa hung on the wall of the prototype is.Wall mottle,All kinds of diploma but make it bright up.

  玉珍学习成绩不好,但是喜欢体育,在学校的运动会上,她得了立定跳远、400米、50米比赛的一等奖,奖状被爷爷挂在堂屋正中斑驳的墙上 YuZhen underachievement,But like sports,In the school sports meeting,She had the standing long jump/400 meters/Fifty meters game the first prize,Diploma is grandpa hanging in the middle of the prototype and mottled walls


家庭的困窘: Family embarrassment:


爷爷奶奶疾病缠身 Grandpa's grandmother with disease


YuZhen grandfather this year 64 years old,Old man seen[Journey to the west],Also know 9981 difficult.but,He had never thought of his family trials to pressure him some gulp.


"This year I got a cerebral hemorrhage,Five days with more than four thousand,Don't know what time will be gone tomorrow."YuZhen grandpa said,The sick have two small basin blood,Sick it in drink,Drank and vomiting,Vomit and drink...


Also in this year,YuZhen grandma is check out the risk of heart disease,The doctor says is caused by fatigue,Thousand ding told all don't overwork.


Far YuZhen urumqi father know these things,But also only in telephone the head said care and regret,"dad,I really can't".


YuZhen grandpa also understand the sufferings of the son,The family is son a root pillar,Daughter-in-law in the a flourmill work,More than one thousand dollars a month wages are also not enough use,Still have to rely on son to earn money."Besides the,The urumqi from so far away,And take time to say,Still have to spend a lot of money".


Because JinBa day,YuZhen grandpa also often go to the construction site work,Pick mud or back brick and so on,One day earn 80 dollars,Used to support their family,Sometimes also give some pocket money granddaughter.


About his wish in the New Year,YuZhen grandpa hope house large tree near a honeycomb take off,Be afraid that the bees honeycomb ran out the two granddaughter sting.
