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论文造假德第3个高官栽倒 德国当官文凭糊弄不得--亲稳网络舆情监测室

德教育部长论文涉剽窃丢博士头衔,成为两年内第三位中枪的德政要 DE education minister in paper plagiarism throw doctorate,Two years as the third shot in the benevolent rule to


Dusseldorf university 5th foreign officially announced,The school degree certification committee after thorough investigation and evidence collection,Finally recognized the German education and otherwise SSRD minister Annette · ShaFan 1980 Ph.D. Thesis exist hide citation source and plagiarism problem,And officially decided to cancel ShaFan won 33 years of a doctor's degree in philosophy.In the past two years become the third fall in education on the question of the German official.


Annette · ShaFan 6 said,Don't accept Dusseldorf university deprived of her doctor's degree decision,Will take legal action.


沙范:我不会接受,将采取法律行动 ShaFan:I wouldn't accept,Will take legal action


ShaFan, 57,,Is South Africa to visit.Dusseldorf university announced deprived of her PhD,ShaFan in brief statement:"I wouldn't accept Dusseldorf university decision,Will take legal action."


"In view of the spread of judicial procedure,I hope you understand,Today I will not do more statement,"ShaFan said.ShaFan previously insisted,Have no in 1980 completed the paper[And conscience:On the condition of conscience education today/The needs and demands]Plagiarism in other publications,Get chancellor Angela merkel support.


因论文涉嫌剽窃丢了博士头衔 Because paper suspected plagiarism lost doctorate


Dusseldorf university 5th foreign officially announced,The school degree certification committee after thorough investigation and evidence collection,Finally recognized the German education and otherwise SSRD minister Annette · ShaFan 1980 Ph.D. Thesis exist hide citation source and plagiarism problem,And officially decided to cancel ShaFan won 33 years of a doctor's degree in philosophy.


The school degree certification committee chairman/Director of the department of Bruno black man on the day of the press conference announced,The committee ShaFan maintained finally in 1980 at the university of Dusseldorf, complete[And conscience: about current education conditions of conscience/The needs and demands]Existing in the doctoral dissertation"System and deliberately will others stolen intellectual achievements for himself some behavior".


德国三高官栽倒在学历问题上 Germany three official fall in education issues


Consisting of,ShaFan is two years fall in the third degree on the question of the German official.The top two German politics"Jennifer"Former defense minister Karl theodor · chu · ancient teng office and the former European parliament deputy speaker silvana · Koch merlin.


In march of 2011,Then the ancient teng 39 office for doctoral dissertation"Not fully replacement reference source",Forced to give up his doctorate.Although the ancient teng office is chancellor Angela merkel in camp rookie,High popularity in Germany,Is likely to be ms merkel's successor,But the media to the elegant"Hope star"Take off the gloves,Ancient teng berger's nickname was sent"Google office",Under pressure was forced to resign.


In May 2011,The German national the European parliament vice-chairman Koch merlin for"Copy door"Announced resign.Koch merlin is Germany LDP top man,She in 2001 in the famous and a doctorate from the university of Heidelberg.But her doctoral dissertation by German newly opened two"Academic wikipedia"Website on.One through the computer software testing shows that contrast,The paper copy index is 27.36%,At 55 pages.


各方反应强烈 要求沙范承担后果 The parties reaction strong demand ShaFan take the consequences


ShaFan suspected"plagiarism"Events after exposure,Germany the SPD/The green party and the opposition has publicly ShaFan requirements"Take the consequences";Each big media are calling for ShaFan comment to resign,[Berlin daily]Editorial thought it already"Don't fit to staying in education minister's seat".


Germany reported the news of the world,ShaFan doctorate is cancelled,Her doctor tutor and Dusseldorf university must bear corresponding responsibility.Her thesis"Man and conscience"This does not need to write so big range to the western thoughts a summary,But no teacher told her that.Reports say,When people in a completely unfamiliar field,Certainly hope reference to previous ideas,Such as ShaFan lessons from the previous research on ancient Greek ideas.May be that's like the same,Professor and have no careful check paper footnotes.Why not professor young doctoral protect,Why not to help the students professor remedy?


德国当官 文凭糊弄不得 The German officer diploma not deceive


These two days,"Copy door"Germany has once again become the social hot spot.On the one hand,Dusseldorf university announced,Finally recognized the German education and otherwise SSRD minister Annette · ShaFan doctoral dissertation there hide citation source and plagiarism problem,Decided to cancel its have 33 years of a doctor's degree in philosophy;On the other hand,ShaFan issued a statement that said to take legal action,Don't accept deprived of his degree decision.


ShaFan is two years fall in the third degree on the question of the German official.The top two German politics"Jennifer"Former defense minister Karl theodor · chu · ancient teng office and the former European parliament deputy speaker silvana · Koch - merlin.


Whether politics"Jennifer",Or senior politicians,As long as the rub off on paper copy,Reputation not only,And may take on the political life.It makes the world had to sigh with emotion:In the German officer,Don't deceive diploma.


In the final analysis,"Copy door"Touch is the German society for integrity problem of zero tolerance.Even if no corruption,Politicians once being caught"Integrity problem"The handle,To step down leave is generally not two choice.


In the German folk,People set up paper plagiarism picket,Only with a higher degree at the famous politicians.these"Rectifying Piao hunter"No political purpose,Also do not slander or personal attack,for"Ensure that the German doctor's degree of credibility".According to German media reports,In addition to politicians,In Germany's largest 30 in multinational company,There are more than 10 executives were found to have suspected plagiarism.


Academic is independent,Honesty is big problem,Even if politicians also can't help it.Ancient teng berger's accident,Merkel once force is,Says please is the minister,Rather than"Research assistant".however,Academic circles to respond quickly,More than twenty thousand German scholars to join requirements ancient teng berger's resignation ranks,Angela merkel to send the signatories,Protest against the decision to stay on.In defense of the iron railings outside the building,Dozens of double smelly shoes to hang on the railing,A slogan written:"Resign = progress".In the face of such pressure,Ancient teng office don't quit,I'm afraid the whole party will be compromised,Merkel had to"Adopts a cut".ShaFan also is so,Although it was Angela merkel"Close friends",Ms merkel is powerless.


"Copy door"Is a mirror,Let the world see a nationality to the integrity of persistent,Is worth us thinking deeply.
