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11岁男孩寒假拒绝上补习班 称不让打游戏就绝食--亲稳舆论引导监测室

11岁男孩寒假拒绝上补习班 称不让打游戏就绝食


In order to enrich winter vacation life,What middle school in Shanghai creative model group classmates still back to school as usual,In their creative studio.

  记者陈焕联 通讯员刘潇潇摄影报道

Reporter Chen Huanlian correspondent reported liu raining on photography

  记者 李征 通讯员 薛贞

Reporter li zheng correspondent Xue Zhen

  晚报讯 今天,中小学寒假正式开始。昨日,12355上海青春在线青少年公共服务中心结合历年数据和近一个月的电话数据分析,提醒刚刚放假的青少年及其家长:寒假期间,青少年考后心理压力大、迷恋网络、恋爱问题等心理问题频发,需引起青少年、家长及整个社会的共同关注。

Evening paper today,The official start of the winter vacation of primary and secondary schools.yesterday,12355 Shanghai youth teenagers online public service center based on historical data and nearly a month of telephone data analysis,Remind just have a holiday of teenagers and their parents:During winter vacation,Adolescent psychological pressure after test/Obsessed with the network/Psychological problems such as frequent love problems,For teenagers/Shared concerns of the parents and the society as a whole.


Mr. Chen 11 year old son was excellent,But because from last semester began to indulge in online games,The final exam grades plummeted.Mr. Chen would like to let the son to participate in the cram school in winter vacation,But the son said,If you don't play computer he fasts for him!


"Children probably because inner loneliness,Just chose to indulge in online games."Psychological consultant think He Yaping analysis,Can find a lot to stimulate on the network,Game level,Can let the child find a sense of accomplishment,And find many like-minded partners.

  何雅萍建议,孩子父母在与孩子的沟通上要下点功夫,孩子需要赞赏与肯定,父母要懂得孩子在哪个方面是得到快乐的,将鼓励和表扬的侧重点放在生活方面,要用鼓励的正向性的话来和孩子交流,要多表扬,并且有的放矢。“我倒建议陈先生主动与儿子一起打一盘游戏,在游戏中培养亲子感情!只要孩子愿意与父母交流,就表明他们是愿意改变的,这样孩子也能从根本上戒除网瘾。 ”

He Yaping advice,On communication with the child's parents to work,Children need praise and affirmation,Parents want to know in what aspects is happy,Will encourage and praise priorities in life,Want to use positive words to encourage communication and children,More praise,And targeted."I'd suggest Mr. Chen took the initiative to play a game with son,Cultivation of parent-child relationships in the game!As long as the child is willing to communicate with parents,Suggests that they are willing to change,Such a child could fundamentally Internet addiction. "

  记者获悉,为了给网瘾孩子的家长专业指导,1月27日下午1点,由心理教育培训专家郭铁军主讲的 “青少年网络成瘾的个案矫治”公益讲座将于上海市青少年活动中心举办,详情可致电12355热线。

Reporters learned that,For Internet addiction professional guiding the child's parents,On January 27th at 1 PM,By psychological education training experts Guo Tiejun lecture "The case of treatment for adolescent Internet addiction"The public lecture will be held in youth activity center in Shanghai,Can call the hotline 12355 for details.

  此外,前几天,家长张女士来电反映,她的女儿读初二,这次期末考女儿发挥不理想,近日始终闷闷不乐甚至失眠。张女士说,女儿平日里也没别的兴趣,没有特别要好的朋友,似乎学习就是她的全部,张女士非常担心女儿的身心健康。对此,心理咨询师季明律建议,家长可以鼓励孩子多参与些业余活动,比如参加体育运动、听听音乐、参观展览、看看轻松的影视剧,“更重要的是改变孩子的一些观念和想法。期末考发挥得不理想,这本身不是过错。作为家长要与孩子多沟通多交流,告诉孩子过分要强不仅让自己变得很疲惫,也不利于他们的身心健康发展。 ”

In addition,A few days ago,Parents to ms. Zhang to reflect,Her daughter read second day,The final exam daughter play is not ideal,Recently always unhappy and even insomnia.Ms zhang said,Daughter who didn't also the other interest,No special good friends,She seems to be learning is all of life,Ms zhang is very anxious about her daughter's physical and mental health.For this,Psychological counseling ShiJiMing law is suggested,Parents can encourage children to participate in more leisure activities,Such as playing sports/Listen to the music/The exhibition/See dramas easily,"More important is to change a child's some ideas and thoughts.The final exam played is not ideal,It is not fault.As parents should communicate more with the child,Tell a child too much stronger not only let oneself become very tired,Also conducive to their physical and mental health development. "

  “我该不该向我的暗恋对象表白? ”这几天,热线还接到了一名男生的求助电话。王同学今年高二,对班里的某位女同学一向有好感,班里知情的同学最近还曾经在课堂上起哄让他表白。王同学这两天一直在考虑是否要趁着寒假向对方表明心意,但又怕被拒绝,为此苦恼不已。

"Should I say to my unrequited love object? "This a few days,Hotline also received a phone call a boy for help.Wang high school this year,Have a favorable to a female classmate in the class always,Recently informed of the students in our class once together for him to do in the classroom.Wang has been considering whether to take advantage of this winter holiday this two days will show to each other,But afraid to be refused again,So frustrated.

  “你很有自制力和明确想法,让你现在左右为难的部分原因是班里同学的起哄。 ”心理咨询师何瑛建议,首先男女生可以发展出男女朋友以外的正常朋友关系,因此王同学不用太在乎周围的眼光;其次,王同学最好还是专心学习,可以尝试把这段经历视为人生的情感历程,暂时存放着;最后,如果王同学坚持要把事情说清楚,建议他不要使用即时聊天工具,而是当面说,勇敢地面对自己的感情。

"You have a lot of self-control and clear ideas,Now let you caught in the middle part of the reason is that students in the class has brought howls of derision. "Psychological consultant He Ying advice,First of all, boys and girls can develop friends outside of the normal relationship between men and women,So wang need not too care about around the eye;The second,Wang it is better to concentrate on learning,Can try to put the experience as the emotional journey of life,In the temporary storage;The last,If wang insisted that clarify things,Advised him not to use instant chat tools,But face to face said,Brave enough to face their own feelings.
