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  编者按:每到岁末年初,年终奖跳槽都是职场人士津津乐道的话题。可谓年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年“奖”不同。一家企业年终奖的变化,除了反映企业经营的好坏,更是折射出行业的特色和兴衰。而年终奖的力度也成为了员工跳槽与否的决定性因素之一。中新网生活频道特别梳理年末相关热点话题,帮你把握职场风向,给出可靠提示。 Editor's note:At the beginning of every end,Year-end bonuses/Job-hopping is professionals relish topic.Each New Year flower similar,Bess"prize"different.A business award,In addition to reflect the stand or fall of enterprise management,But also reflects the industry characteristics and the rise and fall.And the magnitude of the annual bonus has become a employee job-hopping is one of the decisive factors.Saturday at the end of life channel special combing related hot topics,Help you grasp the career direction,Give reliable hints.

  中新网1月28日电(生活频道 张艳红)年终岁末,年终奖、跳槽又成了职场人讨论的话题,年终奖自然也是职场人跳槽的重要原因之一。企业为了留住员工想尽办法,有的派发重金、有的极具创意、有的略施小计,各有招数。下面就请看中新网生活频道小编为您盘点的年终企业留人妙招吧。

Beijing, Jan. 28 (Reuters)(Zhang yanhong life channel)Year set,Year-end bonuses/Job-hopping is once again a career discussion,Year-end bonuses nature is also one of the main reasons for people to move in workplace.In order to keep employees try their best to enterprises,Some pay heavily/Some creative/Some slightly small gauge,Each have ti.Below please see news channel of life small make up for your year-end inventory enterprise retention tips.


重金型 Heavy type

  在发放年终奖上,很多公司还是选择以最实惠的形式奖励员工,钱和贵重物品自然成了不二选择。近日,华为首席财务官(CFO) 曝出华为将拿出125亿人民币做年终奖,华为全球有15万员工,照此计算,平均每人年终奖可拿到8.3万元。济南春城一楼盘销售年终奖500万,羡慕嫉妒恨有木有?某游戏公司老板更是准备了6台宝马320li做年终奖!深圳一企业老板也不甘示弱准备了10台高尔夫给员工做年终奖。

On issuing year-end bonuses,Many companies choose to reward employees in the form of the most affordable,Money and valuables natural choice.In recent days,Huawei's chief financial officer(The CFO) That huawei will take out 12.5 billion yuan annual bonus,Huawei has 150000 employees around the world,According to this calculation,Bonuses can get 83000 yuan per person on average.Jinan spring city estate sales award 5 million,Envy envy hate have wood has?A game company boss is prepared 6 BMW 320 li do year-end bonuses!Shenzhen a enterprise boss also not to be outdone prepared ten golf do year-end bonuses to employees.

创意型 creative


This year's year-end awards thering is no lack of creative awards,According to the Beijing daily reported,Net friend"Happy happy"Was out of her at the annual meeting to draw one"Late voucher",letter"Congratulations to you,The voucher can be late for two times".In addition,Annual coupon and version/The big aunt stamps/Save older women in the voucher as year-end bonuses on stage in succession.Netizens can not help but sigh,The company's"HR"They are so"There are only"the.


贴心型 Caring type


Bonuses can look to retain employees not only should have the money,Also want to see whether the enterprise really for the sake of employees.Net friend"Zhang Guanqun LO"Post said,Really considerate company will prepare the most thoughtful gift for employees!Rice ah!Oil!!Simple and practical,Is really come from"demand"To consider!.Chongqing a food company boss is very humanization,He announced plans to close year-end awards are sent to employees,Chinese New Year with parents can take a week vacation.


雷人型 Shocking type


Many shocking year-end bonuses this year, too,Net friend"Jersey not to wash"A white-collar in chongqing QQ message published,His company's annual bonus up to five million.then,"Jersey not to wash"Announced the award of the real information originally,Unit is ready to give each a two dollars in the lottery.Net friend"Dream rain field"Issued a history's most"Pit dad"Year-end bonuses,Boss promised the apple laptop.Turned out to be the apple/Playing CARDS notebook.In addition,Shortly before the media reported,Has the company's year-end awards are coffins,Moral promoting to a higher position,Moral is good lesson tend to frighten a person.


留人型 Retention type

  企业为了留住员工可谓是想尽办法, 据生活日报报道, 在济南某单位上班的赵先生得知了一个让他“窝火”的消息:公司为了防止员工跳槽,规定给员工的年终奖只发百分之六十,剩下的必须等到2013年的6月份再发。“本来考虑着年后跳槽,现在公司这招确实管用了。”相信该公司的年终奖变留人奖也是无奈之举.但这样的规定又能把员工多留多久呢?

Enterprises in order to retain staff is in any way, According to the daily life, Mr. Zhao in jinan some unit work learned a let him"annoyed"News: the company in order to prevent defections,Send employees bonuses only sixty percent,The rest have to wait until 2013 for June again hair."After considering job-hopping,Now the company that did work."Believe that the company's year-end awards recognition award is no option. But such rules can make employees stay how long?
