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4校自主招生考题面广 提问:+-×÷出自哪国--亲稳网络舆情监控室

yesterday,Central China normal university/At zhongnan university of economics and law/China university of geosciences at the independent admission examination at the same time,Attract more students from all over the country.Reporter interviews found at the scene,The schools this year's examination questions are designed to be very flexible,Covers a wide knowledge,Many students at the end of the tension of the answer after cry"Hits the spot".
+-×÷谁创造 + - * members present who created
One of the four most beautiful women in ancient Wang Qiang is heavy fish/Wild goose/Close your month/Which one of shame?In South Korea"Bird's uncle"This name is what?Yesterday morning,From all over the country more than 2900 students attend the independent recruitment of students test at zhongnan university of economics and law.
"Got really flexible,A lot of knowledge depends on accumulation of at ordinary times."A venue,Shandong examinee Zhang Xiao take out a cellular phone to get to the Internet and search for the answer."Youdao choice is to ask math symbols + - * what nationality are the creator of the members present?I will be silly a look at the options,No Chinese."Zhang Xiao sighs,These subjects vetting peace in the knowledge accumulation,While she is doing some hard,But the harvest quite a lot.
From high school of liaoning benxi examinee Zhong Zi heart examination questions is to draw"Theory of Copenhagen and haagen-dazs"."A very nice,In addition to talking about the difference,I said a little bit of your thoughts."Zhong Zi heart said,Young people enjoy the fashionable life at the same time,Should also pay more attention to social issues such as Copenhagen.
穷人和富人的价值观 The values of the poor and the rich
Yesterday morning,Wuhan university of science and technology in south lake campus of the school held the independent admission examination,Attracted nearly 4000 students to participate in.Most students take an examination of said after all:Questions associated with recent events is very tight,The topic quantity is a little more but not too hard.
"Poor body clothing is single,CARES about carbon base and bleak"This sentence from the realism in the tang dynasty poet bai juyi[Selling charcoal weng]In the poem,Let the examinee analysis for the poor and the rich of value judgments and value choice.Ms. Chen from xiantao chose A,"The poor life not only earn a little money,While the rich consider food on the table is the comfort of life,The gap between the rich and the poor caused their different value judgment."
But also have students think,Verse alone does not determine the value of a unified standard,Value judgment is not determined by wealth.A small choice questions,Also test the examinee mind different values.
马肉陨石皆入英语题 Horse meat meteorites are in English
Guidance this year,To cancel the"Comprehensive quality"class,Arranged for all candidates interview.To big(wuhan)This year the enrolment scale was control,"We don't want students just embrace give it a try/Play state of mind to test."Xue said, director of the.
"The teacher told us to look at ordinary times newspaper horizons indeed!"From henan examinee Zhang Zhaoyao told reporters,On the English title is in touch with top news stories,The first topic in chinese-english translation PM2.5 pollution of the environment,The second question I British horse meat,The rest of the reading talk about Russian meteorites more expensive than gold.Because usually like to see some current events,Wilson said English title is very handy.
语文题也涉及时事,感动中国人物入题 ,“只知道他们的名字,事迹还真不清楚,不是太好下手。”陕西的梅同学说。(楚天金报 记者宋锐、徐伯行 通讯员边琨、吴擒虎)
The language problem is also involved in current events,Moving characters in China ,"Only know their name,Deeds are not clear,Not too good laid hands on him."Shaanxi mei classmate said.(Chutian Song Rui slipped to journalists/Xu Bohang bin correspondent/Wu escape tiger)
(Of chaste tree hunan)
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