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  原标题 [本科女生学建筑 就业半年最挣钱] The original title/bachelor girl learn building job for half a year the most money

  本报讯 (记者 王蔚)女大学生的学习与生活境遇如何?他们的求职状态又呈现怎样的特点?三八妇女节即将来临之际,最新调查显示,她们认为对自己帮助最大的人是同学(占32%),其次是父母亲友(占19%),来自辅导员和老师的帮助仅占8%,还有25%的人认为遇事全靠自己解决。

Report from our correspondent (The reporter Wang Wei)Female college students' study and life situation?Their job status and the characteristics of the present?38 women's days is coming,According to a survey,They think about their help most people are classmates(Accounted for 32%),Followed by parents, relatives and friends(Accounted for 19%),Help from counselors and teachers accounted for only 8%,And 25% of people think that they will solve all by themselves.


A from late last year to this year in mid-february to end of the class of 2012 web survey,8106 received effective answer.Survey reflects the girls and boys are more likely to encounter in the school interpersonal problems.In the survey of 2012 freshmen,Learning problems account for 53% of the proportion of boys,Women accounted for 51%;Boys love problems (33%),Women accounted for 19%;Interpersonal relationship problems of boys (36%),Women accounted for 44%,The economic problems of boys (31%),Women accounted for 24%.The girl is the main problems in terms of interpersonal relationships"Is not well with your roommates"(Accounted for 47%).


Another of the 2011 national sampling survey of graduates graduate employment after half a year,Received paper 256000.

  女生比例较高的专业 Higher professional women


Undergraduate course for preschool education/nursing/Chinese as a foreign language/Japanese/Communication studies/English/psychology/French/Korean/Primary school education;Higher vocational college for preschool education/care/English education/secretarial/Application of Korean/Business English/Clothing design/Business in Japanese/Tourism English/Application of English.

  女生就业比例较高的行业 Industry of female employment rate is higher


Undergraduate students for kindergarten and preschool education institutions/Other colleges and training institutions/Travel and ticketing services/Cutting and garment manufacturing/Clothing retail industry/Accounting audit and tax services;Higher vocational college for kindergarten and preschool education institutions/Primary and secondary school education institutions/Cutting and garment manufacturing/General hospital hospital(Including the clinic)/Education assistance services/Other colleges and training institutions/Accounting audit and tax services.

  女生从事比例较高的职业 The higher percentage girl is engaged in the profession


Undergraduate students for kindergarten teachers/A registered nurse/translators/File manager/A primary school teacher/Civilian personnel/Administration of secretaries and executive assistants/The cashier/Other people working in the field of media and communication/The other teachers and speaker/Human resources assistant/Primary and secondary education management/edit;Higher vocational college students for kindergarten teacher/A registered nurse/Civilian personnel/The cashier/Administration of secretaries and executive assistants/accounting/A primary school teacher/Human resources assistant/Primary vocational education teachers/statisticians.

  女生就业薪资较高的专业 Girls pay higher professional employment


Undergraduates for architecture/German/Software engineering/Financial engineering/French/Exhibition economy and management/Film and television art technology/insurance/Communication studies/The tax;Higher vocational college for the finance and securities/Character image design/Automotive technical service and marketing/Application of German/International business/Advertising design and production/The hotel management/Chain operation management/marketing/Application of Japanese.
