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多地打响中小学减负攻坚战 减负不能再隔靴搔痒--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
"During the"Is an old problem,"During the"Is a new topic.It was not long ago,Including Beijing/zhejiang/Several provinces such as jilin,Continuous battle"During the"To be completed,Continuous fire burden overweight problem. To students.For this,Have a greatly parents call,Parents also have a pessimistic attitude,Refer to the current college entrance examination/An examination system under the premise of no fundamental change,Any relief measures are only to students"tap".
减负,是否有解? During the,If there is a solution?
减负寻找突破口,先从教育内部“开刀” During the breach,From inside the education first"operation"
In February the last week,The national primary and secondary school of school days.Many provinces chose to start the day,Introduced during the New Deal.Careful parents will find,The New Deal have a common feature from inside the education"operation".
In Beijing during the first step,On February 25,,Beijing primary and middle school the first day of school,Begins to reduce course load for students.Beijing municipal education commission[Informed about lightens the heavy schoolwork burden of primary and middle school students].[notice]provisions,Strictly implements national and Beijing municipal lesson plans,Strict control of time students are studying in school,Strictly control the production,Strictly regulate the examination and evaluation work,Strictly forbidden to make up a missed lesson,Strict management of teaching book,Strict management of all kinds of competition,Strictly implement the work requirements.
At first glance that eight strict might not feel what,But a carefully thinking,It contains a leather first education own life of great determination.Such as the,The students study in school time and work rules to every hour,Are mandatory to improve teaching quality and teaching efficiency,"force"Teachers to the classroom efficiency,High levels of homework.Such as the,Resolutely prohibit schools take or in a disguised manner to take the exam/The test/The interview form such as selection of students,Are mandatory requirements discussed internal education must start from a more scientific/reasonable/Effective personnel training and assessment mechanism.Another example,Strictly forbidden to make up a missed lesson,To put forward for teachers"Investigate it when every",Is mandatory requirements on teachers' virtue and ethics in the first place.
Hangzhou city, zhejiang province more concrete measures,The gongshu district of hangzhou mark elementary school in the opening ceremony,Nearly 900 students to the school for free"Three and a half jins of"School bag.Since the day,Students need to use the custom bag from school,And asked the teachers and students thinking to find a way to,Keep real bag weight under three and a half jins.Second grade student in a two and a half jins of below.Through the statistics and convert,After use,Students each year to carry 200 metric tons of weight of the goods less than the past,Truly, truly, for child's shoulder and lighten the load.
During the,Have to seek breakthrough,Not the cause of the problem because of students 'overloaded burden reflects complex,Wide is not as interlock.LiuXiPing director of education department of zhejiang province is introduced,"Reduce the heavy schoolwork burden of primary and middle school students,We have long in advance,But the effect is not obvious.Although due to the social ideology/System of choose and employ persons/Evaluation standard, etc. There is deviation,Catch a does not have the background of burden,But we think,In the face of the student's call,Strong reflection of the society,Internal education should first of all make a difference."
减负背后,是给每个孩子提供合适的教育 Behind the burden,Is to provide appropriate education for each child
For primary and secondary school teachers in some areas of zhejiang province,Many people have experienced a"mandatory"Burden to"consciously"During the process of.Teachers say,From mandatory to consciously,Behind reflects the transition of the teaching idea and teaching level of ascension.
浙江省德清县第二中学英语教师俞洁的经历就很具代表性:控制作业时间和数量,要做到这一点,首先我得做大量的“功课”。将作业全部做一遍,精选出练习题。在选择的过程中,从预习、巩固、拓展三个维度将作业进行归类,对学生经过预习就能完成的作业作为预习作业来布置,作业当堂巩固;将拓展类的作业布置给学有余力的学生,从而实现作业的最优化,充分挖掘学生的潜力,实现作业多重功能。周末,我带领学生走出课堂,到风景区用英语采访外国游客,锻炼学生说英语的胆量。美国波士顿教育代表团到德清访问期间,我根据德清本土文化设计一堂“Our Hometown”的英语展示课,课前布置学生收集有关德清风土人情的图片、视频,并用英语介绍,课堂上学习泡烘豆茶的英语讲解,然后由学生向外国友人介绍,展示学生的风采,让学生体验到学习英语的快乐和成功。
Zhejiang deqing county second middle school English teachers YuJie experience is very representative:Control the operation time and quantity,To do this,First of all, I have to do a lot of"My homework".To do the homework all over again,Selects exercises.In the process of selection,From the preview/To consolidate/Classifies the three dimensions will work,After your homework will be finished to the student as a prelab assignment to decorate,Homework classroom consolidation;Will expand class homework assignments to students learning ability,So as to realize the optimization of operation,Fully excavate students' potential,Use multiple functions.On the weekend,I lead the students out of the classroom,To the scenic spot interviews with foreign tourists in English,Exercise students dare to speak English.Boston to deqing education delegation during the visit,I according to the local culture deqing design together"Our Hometown"The lesson of English,Layout before class students collect pictures about local conditions and customs of deqing/video,Using English to introduce,Classroom learning baked beans tea English interpretation,Then to introduce foreign friends by the students,Show the elegant demeanor of students,Let the students experience the happiness and success in learning English.
YuJie said,As a student"happy/Easy to learn/Willing to learn"when,Learning task was implemented and completed,Student schoolwork burden would be gradually slow down.
"To reduce the heavy schoolwork burden,Also means that teachers must care for each student/Follow students body and mind law of development and provide appropriate education for each student.This is more in line with the law of education practice,Also each teacher should do."Shaoxing county of zhejiang province experimental middle school principal zhao rong said water,"At first,,Burden is mandatory requirements for teachers,Teachers need to break out the old teaching ideas and methods,slowly,Teachers in the process of forced,Gradually improve the teaching level and teaching quality,Recognize the benefits of them,Began to consciously burden to her children.It has successfully realized the burden from mandatory to voluntary,Leap from consciousness to confidence."
减负,各类博弈每天都在上演 During the,Every day in all kinds of game
Of course,,-- only from inside the education"operation"Not go far enough,Burden is still a long-term and complex task.Deputy director of Beijing municipal education commission Luo Jie emphasize,"Caused heavy schoolwork burden of complex causes,System of choose and employ persons/Social values/Multiple overlapping reasons such as the one-child system,Layer upon layer to the education,so,Enquiring problems still need to treat both."
"Burden is a complex and difficult work,Every day in all kinds of game."LiuXiPing also combined with the implementation of relief experience for many years in zhejiang province is introduced,"Through the efforts of more than two years,The consciousness of burden has been increasing in education system in our province,Outside the system of supervision during the enthusiasm is higher and higher,Some places and school students schoolwork burden decreased obviously.But we also clearly see,On the whole,In zhejiang province,The situation of primary and middle school students schoolwork burden is overweight is still no fundamental change."
clearly,Through the teaching reform and quality improvement in the process of burden to students,Is an important direction,But not all of them.Both parents in"All for the entrance"and"Everything for the children's physical and mental health"Pain in the game,Regardless of the department in charge of education called for,Parents give their children to classes of enthusiasm unabated,The society all kinds of training classes is still strong demand,Refraction is the current examination and evaluation system to bring kids and parents great anxiety.
Some experts pointed out that,Once the school education"Everything for the college entrance examination",It has violated the education should face to all students/To give students suitable for the basic rule of education,Will suppress the students' needs and individual development,And, in some sense, aggravating the students' learning burden.In the current,China's higher education still cannot meet the demand of educatees common conditions,Reform of the college entrance examination system will reduce the learning burden of students will be conducive to the school.
At the same time,There are scholars pointed out that,"Governments and education departments should establish and improve the education evaluation system.The current,The universal education/diversification/Personalized demand is increasingly remarkable,Provide for the education of students is the request of the ages,Graduation rates only to evaluate the pros and cons of school education,Is bound to hinder the school education teaching reform,Block out quality-oriented education in school.The second,The government to guide society correctly evaluate talents,Not only XueLiLun.Ordinary high school did not take an examination of qualified graduates of colleges and universities is also valuable talent reserve,To give professional technical training and proper jobs.Human resources is diversified,Society of professional division of labor is more and more thin,All levels of talents are needed,Don't blindly to pursue higher education,To consistent with the position requirements,Otherwise it will cause waste of talent."
记者 赵婀娜
The reporter zhao graceful
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