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小学开学新生不适应 一年级男孩哭着想回幼儿园--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
再过几个月,Mingde (kindergarten taipans children happy kindergarten life end,Start a new life in primary school.Enter the primary school,In the生活习惯/Approach to learning, interpersonal relationship, etc,The children will face many changes.
为帮孩子们顺利走过幼儿园升小学过渡期的这段"A steep slope",明德教育集团的老师日前In the长沙市明德教育旗舰首届幼小衔接研讨会上就此进行了探讨.明德In the学校长范秋明表示,幼小衔接绝Don't是要幼儿园去迎合小学,To teach writing/Teaches pinyin,But to give the child to be prepared for a primary school,这种准备Don't是知识的灌输,Is to cultivate the ability to explore/The quality of the learning, etc.
小学新生:7岁男孩想回幼儿园 Primary school students:The boy wants to back to the kindergarten at the age of 7
一个学期快过去了,Seven-year-old primary school freshman Tang Mingming,Still can't accept their own"Primary school students"identity,仍In the锲而Don't舍地央求爸爸妈妈送自己回幼儿园.Kindergarten twenty minutes per lesson,A lesson in primary school have doubled to more than forty minutes;厕所也Don't像幼儿园的就In the本班教室里,Want to go to the men and women children separate public toilets,加上小学课堂要遵守纪律Don't准随意走动,Sing song goes on every time they want to go to the toilet,Often goes to the home,Entered a screaming.
"Children first semester admission,Every month I please go to the school by the teacher talk about two or three times,Began to say my son every 45 minutes of class,Only obediently sit for 5 minutes,Class like to look in all directions.Later found out that he always pick the wrong textbook in class,After a few jokes by a neighbor,这孩子In the学校的话就更少了."Has always been promoting freedom growth of guo's son,没想到内向的鸣鸣如此难以接受小学的learning环habitat,令她百思Don't得其解.
老师诊断:新生难适应“新秩序” The teacher diagnosed:Hard to adapt to the new"The new order"
"No pencil case textbooks with class,The reason is that‘Mom and dad didn't help me ready’;Late for school,The reason is that‘Grandma and grandpa take me to go out late’……Even often have parents to apologize to me,Say there is no packed my bag for children,Plan to learn missed items."Speak of the group in the class just from kindergarten to primary school grade one students,Mingde (school of grade one teacher QuQun very helpless.
小学环habitat/The teaching way/Peer relationship between teachers and students"The new order",Parents' high expectations,Learning pressure of competition,Many just from kindergarten to primary school children,In the face of the new company/新老师Don't知如何交往;In the face of the new order/新纪律Don't了解也Don't遵守;for"Take care of the density"较低的新环habitat,失去安全感and亲密感,从而产生孤独感and挫败感,Have 5 years experience in teaching elementary school in grade one QuQun teacher called it"Psychological adaptability obstacle":"Don't同孩子In the心理适应的过程In the,存In the着较大的个体差异,有Of the childrenIn the进入小学一段时间后就会逐渐适应,而有的则到了小学三年级还存In theDon't适应的问题."
家长误区:急于求成逼孩子“抢跑” Parents misunderstanding:Rush to force children"Jump start"
家长Afraid of孩子learning跟Don't上,Teachers are the most"Afraid of"的却是幼儿园阶段拼音启蒙learning发音Don't准/书写Don't规范的学生,Such children have to spend more time to correct mistakes,Write and learn the correct pronunciation,Spend far more time and energy"A piece of blank paper"Of the children,QuQun teacher said:"Because the parents was too impatient for success,I had a child in the class,Don't cry to say my mother taught it in a few days to go to school is wrong."
In the幼儿园过早地进行超容量的拼音/Literacy teaching, such as,Form of early childhood education"Primary school"非但Don't能提高儿童入学的适应能力,Because children prematurely will contact with relevant knowledge and skills in elementary school,In the入学时自以为老师教的知识自己都学过了,Have learned to,就Don't认真听课,从而养成上课Don't专心的Don't良习惯.When enter the new stage of learning knowledge,"reserve"Run out of,No previous knowledge advantage,And the lack of positive thinking/主动获得知识and技能的心理及能力,Also lack the habit of learning,At this time there will be learning to adapt to difficult/learning"No staying power"Problems such as.
专家支招:激发孩子上小学兴趣 Experts recommend:Inspire children to elementary school
"我In the图书城里看到很多关于Primary school students入学考试的书,In fact primary school entrance exam has nothing to do with children knowledge reserves,Is the child's observation test."In the幼儿园工作了30多年/The original military region of the kindergarten/Now changsha preschool education association secretary general said katja Yang,"Little join should is to improve children's mental age,而Don't是对孩子进行知识reserve,So parents force children‘Jump start’实In the没有必要."
In the心理方面,Parents to make children inner desire to when a pupil is produced,Let the children feel do a primary school student is very proud of matter.Talk about primary school students and primary school campus before admission,All kinds of benefits to tell their children to school,If can get to know many new friends/Learn more knowledge and so on."In the路上看到Primary school students穿着校服/Carrying a schoolbag in school,I will said to the children:‘lo,The elder brother sister more dignity!’Make the child produces a feeling of envy."Mingde (school vice principal Tang Zhen action said.
"Every year new students head for a few days,There is always a few doze off/Urine pants/Don't会To eatOf the children.There are,The first lesson,The teacher said with textbooks,Sparse inside hua,Children drop something on the table is all over the floor."so,Your go to the toilet/To the pants/His shoes on/To eat……Is the independent living skills children enrolled before must master.有的学生Don't会自己脱裤子上厕所,又Don't好意思向Don't熟悉的老师求助,Is particularly easy to urine trousers,His fellows after ridicule,Children are prone to frustration,害Afraid of面对同学and老师,To produce weariness.
Primary school students十大通病
1 动手能力差
1 动手能力差
2 自理能力不足
2 自理能力Don't足
3 与同伴交往存在问题
3 与同伴交往存In the问题
4 语言表达能力不好
4 语言表达能力Don't好
5 学习技能弱
5 learning技能弱
6 知识面狭窄
6 知识面狭窄
7 注意力难以集中
7 注意力难以集In the
8 自我控制能力差
8 自我控制能力差
9 姿势不正确
9 姿势Don't正确
10 缺乏心理教育(记者 卿永锋 实习生 贺芬芬)
10 缺乏心理教育(The reporter He Fenfen QingYongFeng intern)
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