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In view of the municipal education commission issued before"Enquiring for",The dongcheng district and the shijingshan district primary and secondary schools to explore.
The reporter learns from dongcheng district education commission,At present, the east side has set up a special leading group,Research on specific burden.At present, the dongcheng district education commission has issued notice,Require schools to students experience summary,Commission will be according to the collected experience,The practice of some of the promotion of significance,Provided in the schools.
案例1 In case 1
部分小学推无作业日为孩子减负六年级作业不超1小时 Sixth grade homework does not exceed 1 hour
The beginning of semester,Analyses a few in addition to continue to work outside the control table,Will release"Work free day on Wednesday"/"On Monday,/On Tuesday,/Double family homework day on Thursday"Practice, etc.,Improve the efficiency of the classroom,Will give students extracurricular time.
Yesterday afternoon.,A small six analyses(3)Class a few is clean the blackboard,Leaving only the top right corner of a table.
Student days she said,This is work control sheet,Grade 6 per person per day production does not exceed 1 hour,The teacher will coordinate with each other.Control table from the entrance,Almost no one grade homework;Senior will be in accordance with the provisions in the time control of homework every day.
Who is in charge of production control sheet?six(3)BanBan director and English teacher LiuYing said,Students are looking for on behalf of the class average,They estimate of time,Closer to the situation of most people.
LiuYing more for their kids to use their spare time reading.Every day English class for two minutes,A child can read recently accumulated 1 to 2 words in front of the class"show"the,Other children,Encourage children to pay attention to the daily accumulation.
Day she said she is very lucky to into the analyses of a small,Every day there is plenty of time to do like collecting stamps/The sketch.Two other classmates WanYing and acquisitive sharp think so too,Small narrator is WanYing soong ching ling's former residence,Spare to do small reporter;Acquisitive sharp, like table tennis and football,Free will pull the violin.
案例2 Case 2
每周一天“无作业日” One day a week"No homework,"
This semester began,The shijingshan district hite gardens elementary school second grade students have no homework every day,Three to sixth graders will one day per week"No homework,".
At the municipal education commission"Enquiring for"In the,For homework for primary and secondary schools.At present schools are exploring new measures to help students' burden.According to the relevant person in charge of the shijingshan district, sea garden primary school,This semester the school rules,Primary school second grade students will no homework every day,While senior students can enjoy one day per week"No written work"day.
In addition to the no work day,The school also for different grade students,Provisions for homework time,Three or four grade homework does not exceed 30 minutes a day;Five or six years grade homework does not exceed 40 minutes a day.The director said,Each class learning committee members have homework record sheet,Every day will be registration of assignment.
"Enquiring for"mentioned,All primary and secondary school at 8 every day may not be earlier than arrange education and teaching activities,Ensure that students have sufficient rest and sleep time.
For this,Some parents (microblogging),Whether morning reading also cancelled.We have learned,Primary and secondary school officially start time is at eight o 'clock in the morning,Many school at half past seven to eight have a morning reading time.Some teachers think that,Morning reading is not arranged, a professor at the new curriculum,Just to let the students has a preheating in formal before class preparation.
本组稿件采写/新京报记者 王佳琳 杜丁
This manuscript titled Wang Jialin dutin/Beijing news reporter
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