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  信息时报讯 发改委前日在成品油价格下调答记者问中,首次承认中国的油价高于美国,并且特别说明所谓高的这部分在于两国油价含税值不同。

Information times dispatch development and reform commission had cut the price of oil in a reporter asked,The first time that China oil prices higher than the United States,And that the so-called special this part of high oil prices is the two countries value from the tax。


According to understand,Domestic oil retail taxes by big consumption tax、VAT and additional tax form,Among them for gasoline consumption tax 1 yuan/l,Diesel 0.8 yuan/l,Value added tax occupy 17%;The rest is a tax on city maintenance and construction and education surcharge。So in general,Domestic gasoline retail price contains about 30% tax value。


Zhuo and that information analysis,The United States is able to enjoy lower oil prices because its rate low's sake,And the European、Japan is mainly because of the high price high tax rates,The reasons taxes are high and the implementation of energy conservation and environmental protection policy closely related。And its rate still had an increasing trend,Through the market optimize the allocation of resources,Through the high taxation save and environmental protection goal。but,Europe、Japan's tax although high,But the corresponding welfare policy also improved。From the oil industry tax in addition to can be used for environmental protection、Road traffic accident,Also used to clean energy、Alternative sources of energy development and pension、medical。To a certain extent and see,Is, by、people。financial

  中美日欧汽油零售税费对比 Europe gasoline taxes, Chinese retail contrast

  美国: The United States:


February 2011,The federal government and the states of the gasoline tax for every gallon of fuel tax average(1 gallon $3.785 liters)48.1 cents,Accounting for 14% of the retail price of gasoline。The federal government and the states to the collection of diesel fuel for an average of $53.1 a gallon,Accounting for 15% of the retail price of gasoline。

  中国: China:


In 2009, the implementation of new fuel consumption tax and since new pricing mechanism,Domestic oil retail taxes by big consumption tax、VAT and additional tax form,Among them for gasoline consumption tax 1 yuan/l,Diesel 0.8 yuan/l,Value added tax occupy 17%;The rest is a tax on city maintenance and construction and education surcharge。So in general,Domestic gasoline retail price contains about 30% tax value。If again calculation of the special oil upstream exploitation link positive,Taxes are higher。

  日本: Japan:


Gasoline retail price's main oil costs、Oil refining margin and tax form。The cost of crude imports of crude oil to add levied on imports cif tariffs(In 2006, has already been canceled)、Oil tax。Tax is mainly include general consumption tax and gasoline tax。Refining costs include:Refined cost、Reserve cost、Transportation cost、Cost of sales, and so on。Japan in 1998 in the proportion of the price of gasoline taxes accounted for 58%,During the 10 years to 2008 in taxes accounted for 34.6%,Although down 21.7%,But is still occupied very big tax proportion of proportion。

  欧洲: Europe:


At present Europe high oil prices on the one hand is the main reason for the international oil prices rise in the cost of oil refining driving influence,On the other hand very important reason is the Europe gasoline tax rate is higher,According to statistics 2009 years Britain and zhuo gasoline tax rate of 69% of the retail price of gasoline、France, for 67%、Italy is 62%。And the U.S. gasoline tax rate to less than 15%。
