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  今年上半年全国财政收入 In the first half of this year the national finance income

  是2002年全年三倍 In 2002 three times throughout the year


The Treasury news show,In the first half of 2012 the national finance income reached 6.3795 trillion yuan。This number is 2002 annual national revenue as many as three times。Ten years,Along with our country economy, the world's second place,national“pocket”Said the financial income and realize the leaping type growth,From 2002 years less than $2 trillion,By 2006 to nearly $4 trillion,In 2010 over 8 trillion yuan,And then to first last year exceeds ten trillion yuan,Constantly to step on to a new stage。


全国铁路投资总额上半年下降近四成 The national railway in the first half of the total amount of investment dropped nearly forty percent

  本报讯 铁道部网站发布2012年1-6月全国铁路主要指标完成情况。上半年,铁路固定资产投资为1777.51亿元,比上年同期减少1003.65亿元,同比下降36.1%;其中,基本建设投资1487.06亿元,比上年同期减少934.89亿元,同比下降38.6%,同比下降近四成。

Report from our correspondent mor website release 2012 1-June the national railway main index fulfillment。In the first half,Railway fixed assets investment is 177.751 billion yuan,Than the same period last year to reduce 100.365 billion yuan,36.1% year-on-year drop;Among them,Basic construction investment of 148.706 billion yuan,Than the same period last year to reduce 93.489 billion yuan,38.6% year-on-year drop,Nearly forty percent year-on-year drop。


From the data showed that situation look,Although the fixed assets investment in infrastructure and in the first half year-on-year data still continue since June of 2011 the downturn in the situation,But two investment since February beginning,Up data all showed that slow to bounce back。Among them,In June, the investment in fixed assets of 48.097 billion yuan,Infrastructure investment is 43.226 billion yuan,Two investment amount to continue and since this year highs。

  (仇 智)

(Enmity wisdom)

  首届中国创新创业大赛正式启动 The first China innovation contest was set up

  本报讯 由科技部火炬高技术产业开发中心、科技部科技型中小企业技术创新基金管理中心、科技日报社和陕西省现代科技创业基金会承办的“2012(首届)中国创新创业大赛”近日在北京正式启动。

Report from our correspondent by ministry of science and technology the torch high technology industrial development center、The ministry of science and technology small and mid-sized enterprise technology innovation fund management center、Science and technology and modern technology incubation of shaanxi province becomes the foundation“2012(The first)China's innovation contest”Recently in Beijing was set up。


As the current domestic the highest standard of the innovation of the event,Competition to plan as a whole the government play guidance and market in the allocation of resources to the basic role,Gathering social forces,Integration of resources,Establish a service platform,For the enterprise to provide coaching、Venture investment、Bank credit、Reform listed and acquisitions training policy support,To promote the innovation and development of small and mid-sized enterprise。(ZhuangShaoWen)

  汤森路透GFMS: Fran townsend, GFMS Reuters:

  黄金价格年底将会突破1800美元 The price of gold at the end of the year will be exceeded 1800 us dollars

  本报讯 汤森路透黄金矿业服务公司(GFMS)日前发布《黄金年鉴2012》。年鉴称,进入第四季度之后,一个更加清晰的黄金需求上升势头将会自动出现,黄金价格在今年年底将会突破1800美元/盎司大关。

Report from our correspondent townsend Reuters gold mining services company(GFMS)released《Gold yearbook 2012》。Yearbook says,Entering the fourth quarter later,A more clear gold demand growth momentum will automatically appear,Gold prices in the end of this year will exceed us $1800 / ounces mark。

  汤森路透GFMS的首席金属分析师菲利普·克拉普维克(Philip Klapwijk)指出,随着黄金矿产的进一步增加以及黄金回收量的上升, 2012年的全球黄金供应有望达到历史新高。在需求方面,饰品主导的黄金制造业需求预计今年会有小幅下滑。除了受金价居高不下并且大幅波动的影响,全球经济放缓和低迷的消费者支出也是黄金制造业下降的主要原因。

Ms. Townsend Reuters chief metal GFMS analyst Philip carat at vick(Philip Klapwijk)Points out that,Along with the further increase mineral gold and gold of the reduced rise, 2012 years of global gold supply is expected to reach a record high。On the demand side,The leading gold jewelry manufacturing needs this year is expected to fall modestly。In addition to gold from the influence of high and sharp fluctuations,The global economic slowdown and sluggish consumer spending is also the main reason for the decline of gold manufacturing industry。


Fran townsend, GFMS Reuters is expected to European sovereign debt crisis will still is the focus of the market,Thus continue to encourage investors buy gold as a hedge。

  (捷 宁)

(The better)

  J.D. Power亚太公司: J.D. Power the company:

  中国零售银行客户满意度小幅提升 China's retail bank customer satisfaction small ascension

  本报讯 全球知名的市场信息服务公司-J.D. Power亚太公司日前发布的2012年中国零售银行客户满意度研究显示,由于问题解决和收费方面的客户体验显著提升,中国零售银行取得了更高的整体客户满意度得分。

Report from our correspondent of the world's most famous market information service company-J.D. Power the company to released the 2012 China retail bank customer satisfaction study showed,Because of problem solving and charge significantly increased the customer experience,China's retail bank made higher overall customer satisfaction score。

  J.D. Power中国零售银行客户满意度研究已经进入第四个年头。这项研究从六个方面(各渠道交易/业务办理经历、产品、账户信息、设施、收费和问题解决)衡量零售银行的客户体验,从而评测整个客户体验过程之中驱动客户满意度的关键绩效指标。同时,该研究也为提升银行的口碑和客户忠诚度提供了改进提升的建议。

J.D. Power China's retail bank customer satisfaction research have entered the fourth year。The study from six aspects(Each channel trading/business deal with experience、products、Account information、facilities、Charges and problem solving)Measure the retail bank customer experience,Thus the customer experience evaluating process drive customer satisfaction of key performance indicators。At the same time,The study also to enhance the reputation and customer loyalty bank provides the improvement Suggestions。

  深圳发展银行在总体客户满意度方面取得751分,排名最高。中国光大银行和招商银行分列第二和第三名。 2012年研究首次依照VIP客户2满意度进行了银行排名。上海浦发银行(771分)在VIP客户中满意度最高,中信银行(756分)和中国光大银行(755分)分别名列第二和第三位。(捷 宁)

Shenzhen development bank in the overall customer satisfaction has 751 points,Highest ranked。China everbright bank and China merchants bank second and third place respectively。 A 2012 study in accordance with customer satisfaction for the first time the two VIP bank ranking。Shanghai pudong development bank(771 minutes)In the VIP customer satisfaction in the highest,Citic bank(756 minutes)And China everbright bank(755 minutes)Ranked second and third place。(The better)
