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  约瑟夫·邦尼奇(Josef Bonnici)

, Joseph's bonnie(Josef Bonnici)


Malta central bank governors

  米罗斯拉夫·辛格(Miroslav Singer)

Miroslav stoch came singh(Miroslav Singer)


The Czech central bank governors

  杰拉德·里昂斯(Gerard Lyons)

Gerald, Lyon(Gerard Lyons)


Standard chartered bank's chief economist

  安德鲁·拉吉爵士(Sir Andrew Large)

Andrew lachish jazz(Sir Andrew Large)


The bank of England's former vice President

  约瑟夫·邦尼奇(Josef Bonnici) 马耳他央行行长

, Joseph's bonnie(Josef Bonnici) Malta central bank governors


 欧元区各国财政治理结构必须得到加强 The eurozone countries financial governance structure must be reinforced


The eurozone continue to face many of the unprecedented challenges,Can say members are aware of the seriousness of this problem and start for the corresponding big reform efforts。These measures around the financial crunch、Competitiveness and stimulate economic growth。As Spain's Labour market reforms,Italy、Ireland and Portugal public administrative reform in the IMF, the European Union also-project direction。But the debt market is still not over nervous,Although the eu decision makers are trying to,But debt is still in the fermentation sovereignty,The consequences are still not certain。


At present the main problem is in the economic downside of fiscal tightening measures during,The decline of the GDP growth by reducing financial deficit and debt with the suffering caused。Since the market advance pricing mechanism,Financial institutions are trying to adhere to the public and the private sector debt。Decoupling reduced financial imbalances and correct the bank assets accumulated over the past too much,But this process is also reduced the normal macro economic growth。The European central bank to hope that through a series of measures to avoid a credit crunch and bank financing crisis,Including last December and February this year to take long-term refinancing operation(LTRO),These operations to help stabilize the Banks to the private sector lending and hold the government bonds。but,Because the Banks will be a large number of additional funds preference into the European central bank savings mechanism,The effectiveness of these operations has dropped。


The establishment of the euro reduce borrowing costs,And eliminates the lending within the euro area exchange rate risk。The public sector and private sector financing cost make government debt is rising,The private sector leverage ratio improve。Looking back on the past can be found,The euro was founded seven years on the head is the best time to fiscal restraint,After this,Don't balance and vulnerability to accumulate all up。


In some countries,The characteristics of the system also has played an important role。I in Europe the Greek before colleagues told me,The Greek government lack of the validity of the culture is its policy of the culprit,He also points out that the Greek public sector is lack of effective internal control system,Audit department lacks enough power to make public funds to get effective operation。


In the vast majority of the eurozone countries,Fiscal tightening with macro economic downside threat。In the present circumstances,A macro economic spiral downside risks。The weak economic growth to reduce government revenues,This, in turn, increases the deficit and the debt of proportion,Therefore need further budget tightening and austerity measures。


Debt of GDP is higher,The more difficult to take collective action,Especially in the circumstance of economic recession。In addition,Debt is also becoming more unsustainable,Especially when the economic growth rate lower than debt interest。


At the same time,The economic recession is not easy to structural reform is not popular,These measures of improving the competitive need time to take effect。In other words,By tightening measures is the result of the pressure,But it takes a long time to take effect。


In the present circumstances,Requirement countries to reduce the deficit is inevitable,The main problem is whether can through the government spending and taxes choose to reduce economic downside risks and shock。For example,Gradually increase the eu's resources and capital to help make the necessary structural adjustment。This choice may mean that strengthening the eu budget,Because not all countries are bad,Perhaps there are other financing options,Especially when some members of the bond interest rate is low,Even below the inflation rate,The European Union level crunch and unified aid will become a powerful catalyst for structural reform。


Need to understand that the thing is,In the financial market actively respond to investors and under pressure,At present various government even more of their country to voters and responsible for parliament,The current financial market in one country financial market of the sustainability of more comprehensive considerations,Even if abide by《Maastricht treaty》Standards are not enough to make the financial market stability,Because the economy the other aspects of the imbalance may damage the confidence of the market。


The European central bank to crisis response in plays an important role。In addition to the traditional tools interest rates,The European central bank introduced a series of the standardized operation,If take LTRO to help implement the effective monetary policy。Over the past few years have shown that the experience,Need a new way to create the European economy management system,The goal is to transcend short-term view,As the aid to Greece。In order to provide better support,The European financial stability fund(EFSF)Will be the European financial stability mechanism(ESM)Instead of,This mechanism will be permanent relief fund,And there are extra firewall and stronger discipline。For from the middle,Is to limit the government deficits and debt,And improve the competitiveness of the country。


In financial unity,Europe has strengthen financial management measures of consensus,And think《Stability and growth pact》Should be strengthened。The idea is,In order to avoid a crisis to happen again,The countries of the financial governance structure must be reinforced。In order to achieve this goal,Financial contract required the eurozone members are structural balanced budget each year。Supervision will be strengthened,The supervision of economic policy will also be more comprehensive。


especially,Sustainable budget plan will be introduced by the budget goal to realize the middle,This includes the middle with growth rate of the economy growth and public spending。Financial contract will also by introducing the corresponding punishment mechanism to ensure that debt and deficit in GDP does not exceed a certain level。


In the financial stability,Contains a European systemic risk council(ESBR)European financial regulatory system is a new mechanism,Ask the state regulators with European regulators to identify and analysis with systemic risk。To Malta, for example,We are interested in the standing committee of the current replacement for a common financial stability council,The committee includes central bank and Malta from Malta the representative of the financial services authority,They will join together to perform supervision and evaluation function of risk financial stability。The goal is to two institutions provide policy Suggestions,Maintain financial stability,And strengthen the financial system elastic and minimize systemic risk。Because want to prevent from system of financial risk importance institutions,So also need to shadow Banks have better management,this,The Basel agreement Ⅲ narrowed from the shadow of the management of the Banks for help with general agency gap。

  杰拉德·里昂斯(Gerard Lyons)渣打银行首席经济学家

Gerald, Lyon(Gerard Lyons)Standard chartered bank's chief economist


 朝着全球多元化的货币储备体系迈进 The currency reserves diversification in the global system to move forward


The international monetary system itself also have automatic regulation mechanism。We can see Asia have a higher saving rate,And the British and American financial institutions can't effectively drawn to the savings,This and system design are closely related。Financial services should service in the whole national economy needs,And not follow a specific pattern,I think that is also part of the problem at fault。


Since last year the European will face many challenges in the economy,And the euro itself makes some of these problems are more difficult to be solved。Compared with other regions,Western have more individual investors,Compared to 790 billion euros ($) other operations,Last year the European central bank has just offered 440 billion euros of aid,This is not enough。The central bank assets and liabilities of the current global express to $18 trillion,Account for 30% of global GDP,And the trend is still going on。


Europe still urgent hope to be able to attract funds from other places to solve the problem,But obviously emerging market countries and have no ability to digest absorb these large amount of deficit。So now they can do is to try to make their own assets diversity。Although at present the 60% of the world's reserve currency is still dollars,And emerging market countries accounted for only 8%,But if asked about emerging market countries view,They generally will say they held no less,But in view of the financial crisis in the practice of the United States,They don't want to continue increasing dollar。So they are is a kind of passive diversified to replace the dollar strategy,That is still reserve dollars,Only incremental going down,This trend will continue。


Also cannot ignore one of the aspects of the main trend is economic。One is the trade mode,Although in crisis,But the total amount calculation,The world economy continues to grow。In western countries the economic situation under the condition of low,The volume of trade emerging market countries rise,Even more than the volume of trade with developed countries。If this trend to continue,Maybe in the future they will think more about the emerging market directly countries like China、India、Indonesia、Brazil's currency to pay,So as to facilitate trade settlement,And increase their currency in foreign currency reserves in the proportion of the。I think,We are headed to a global diversified monetary reserves system to move forward。


On the other hand is emerging market countries of the sovereignty of the challenges,The challenge mainly by multinational enterprise。Western assets now become very cheap,This could change the relationship between the state and enterprise,National identity crisis there。The world's largest 200 multinationals,26 of the assets of more than 50% of the assets of the government,Behind the 26 is control more than 10% of the government assets,So of the 200 largest multinational company of the first quarter of the government have great influence,And now they are decided to present the main power investment direction。These are notable factors。

  安德鲁·拉吉爵士(Sir Andrew Large)英格兰银行前副行长

Andrew lachish jazz(Sir Andrew Large)The bank of England's former vice President


恢复市场信心唯一的出路是可信的政策 Restore market confidence the only way out is credible policies


I think that the euro area's economic growth and the traditional view of the economy under such as demand、Supply and don't balance, etc,Do not have too great relationship。I want to discuss is the lever and the problem of trust。


Before we leverage is too high,Trust collapses,Problems still exist,Finally become investors to make a difficult choice,This kind of situation is unsustainable。The confidence of financial markets need to be restored。And the question is at present the market,If the leverage ratio down words,Can down how much?And the euro zone's financial aid to achieve the effect is the least cost for maximum investor confidence,Because the only way to create the investment。


 这里有几点很关键: Here are some was key:


first,If your money is the reserve currency will have an advantage,This explains the United States。For Europe to,What we need is the bond market investors trust us,But for trust need is to achieve the expected effect level,Here the elements we are familiar with。At present,Fiscal expansion is not workable,I don't approve of unrealistic action,But should be more credible fiscal towards integration and the bank to leveraged road ahead。We are always said to do??????,But we can actually do???????This is also in the questions about the investors。


If can invest in infrastructure construction,You can see the infrastructure development,This will get the support of the investors,Because the return on investment is to be expected。The same,People can also benefit from these projects,So whether in demand or supply,This effect is very positive。


but,Also we are facing some challenges。First is to carry out plan according to the time the funds required for the project,In the present situation of stability,Very easy to happen unexpected or extreme conditions。Because we already have the money withdrawn from circulation problems of the discussion,If a country of inflation back,All the pressure will be transferred to the rest of the partners there。I don't think all people to be able to offer the credit problems about the policy。


Another problem is the medium level,The need to control inflation no impact on the overall situation of the range。But the problem cannot avoid completely,If 5% of the five consecutive years of inflation,So the cost will greatly increase。this,Although the starting point is good,But the end result is a problem。In fact,In Europe in this field already exists serious problem,We need to Germany will inflation at the appropriate level,So that countries can adjust and edge problems to resolve their own economic problems。


Another concern is the long-term unrest,How can we avoid the crisis?obviously,You don't realize financial instability, on the whole, the problem of importance,People always believe financial instability along the cycle of their development。But at present to see perhaps we were wrong,We did a lot of avoid falling into the trap again into the future efforts,But unfortunately,The policy system of problems and didn't get a lot of national attention,This is not just a policy committee of Britain,And Europe and much of the rest of the world。In fact the problem is difficult to solve,Because no one knows how to operate policy tools and produce effect,Coordination is very difficult。You can't and government cooperation,Because the government asking is a country's economic growth;Impossible and bankers cooperation,Because they are in pursuit of profits。


When everyone attention when prosperity,Is there can't be a long-term sustained economic growth。How growth would happen?When a group of people is responsible for ensuring that the whole to leveraged the control process,These people itself must also be credible,To ensure the flow of credit,And guides them back into the economic cycle。


So we have two goals,One is the financial stability,Another is to create growth。I am very worried about,Because for people care about the overall financial stability,We still have no effective measures,Usually they will think through the create growth,To be able to benefit。but,With a dual goal of government can't have good performance,The government must clear exactly is for economic growth,Or for financial stability。How to examine performance?The tool is not the same。When you pay attention to financial stability when you need to have the foresight,And growth is needed to focus on long-term vision。


In general,Restore market confidence is the key,The only way out is to need reliable policy to make sure。And I think confidence is a level of the realization of the goal,Finish low confidence remodeling,Will need to continue to go up。In the long run,I believe that policy and management system can realize the integration,This is very important。Who knows us now for growth efforts,Will not bury the next crisis? The fuse?

  米罗斯拉夫·辛格(Miroslav Singer)

Miroslav stoch came singh(Miroslav Singer)


 捷克央行行长 The Czech central bank governors

  重塑欧洲竞争力 Remodeling European competitiveness


first,If no Germany's debt crisis funding relief measure words,The debt crisis will continue to rise。The Czech republic is a creditor's right country,But is the small savers composition,Medium above family more to have financial assets rather than debt。The current financial department no significant pressure,The Czech republic has very outgoing economy,Import and export accounted for about 80% of GDP,While the trade object basically is the European countries,At present the main trading partners is the European Union and Germany。so,We don't want to see crisis continue to deteriorate。

  但是,我希望借用Philip Coggan在他的论文《承诺:债务、货币和新的世界秩序》中说过的话:“经济史是债权国和债务国的斗争史,属性就是为所辖金钱的领土而战,货币有两个主要功能:交换和价值储备。历史上,这两个功能一直有冲突……从更广泛的意义上讲,货币的扩张者是债务国而货币的约束者是债权国。”

but,I hope to borrow Philip Coggan in his paper《commitment:debt、Currency and the new world order》Said in:“Creditor and debtor economic history is the DouZhengShi,Attribute is responsibility for money territory and war,Money has had two major functions:Exchange and a store of value。history,The two functions have been conflict...From a broad sense,Monetary expansion is the currency of the debtor and creditor is bound。”


history,Creditor country tend to enforce the system control of the money supply,Such as the gold standard、The bretton woods system of fixed exchange rate and the euro,So as to prevent the currency devaluation in debtor to repay its debts。Gold standard system in the 1930 s collapse,The bretton woods system in the 1970 s collapse,And the,Euro falter,Perhaps can be called independent central bank and inflation targets after the bretton woods system。


I personally think,The crisis is a market economy and only a few of the supervision of the financial system in depth crisis,These characteristics in


The European Union can still be seen。The United States may be part of the fuse,But three years it and no profound influence on the European debt crisis,The stability of the main became instead defender。Thanks to the federal reserve currency swaps,The eu's savers and investors don't have to worry about the euro zone's general liquidity problems。I hope the next elections in America don't change this situation。


Crisis solution including control to leveraged in developed countries and in Europe and the euro area to competitiveness。To leveraged appeal is very clear,But European competitiveness is very necessary to reshape the same。Otherwise Europe cannot regain the real economic growth rate of the euro area's current status to stability。I hope that the euro zone can also try other high value-added production activities。


Many people think that the most benefit from Germany from the euro zone,Or at least better than the current problems get the benefits of the country。But must pay attention to it,Germany in the euro zone have the slowest wage costs growth。In fact,In order to achieve and the development level of Germany,To the south of the country needs more problems the strength of the measures。At the same time,From Germany's trade patterns and see,In the past ten years the eurozone accounted for about 40% of the German export share,And before this is about 60%。Although Germany is now little debt,Sovereign debt risk is very low,But now more and more with the edge to fluctuations in the country。


There are many about the eurozone level political further integration of long-term plan,To stabilize the market。Let alone these plans in the future financial transfer payment which is in the good and bad,And for the European market long-term plan doubt,The first project goals in the next few years mainly in the national elections will also have the very big effect。


At present the European central bank is more by their own status of the situation and restriction,Instead of a German restrictions。I guess the European central bank rules of Germany insisted,Is afraid of the eurozone main interests from the interests of the secondary belongs to risk。Germany has faced domestic middle savers to their country could face the failure of anger,I think it does not accord with the euro zone any national interests。
