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“要调动民间投资必须让利” 中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所副所长何帆。 The Chinese academy of social sciences institute of world economics and politics at he deputy director。


Core ideas


In no fever at the start of prevention,May need not take medicine,Have to etc thermometer shows a high fever,To take medicine。


We may or may not prescribe medicine for a hand,On one hand, thermometer,Take the medicine immediately after measuring temperature,Not fall go eat again,Results-driven,Forget pharmacodynamic play need a process。

  不会重蹈经济刺激覆辙 Economic stimulus won't repeat them


The Beijing news:For you in the second half of this year China's economic trends have any judgment?


he:Economic data in the first half after coming out, you are more pessimistic。But I relatively optimistic some。


China is a demand on the economy,Economic growth mainly depending on the net export、Consumption and investment troika。After everyone expected net exports to China's economic down effect will be very obvious,But now it seems not as imagination in so bad。


Consumption may also the better than expected。From the data to see,Last year the social total retail sales of consumer goods for months dropped。The fastest decline is daily necessities、Sports supplies and clothing, etc。But now many young people not in shopping,But the net。The rate of growth of the net soon,But not reflected in the bureau of statistics data。At the same time,Rural consumption has a growing trend,Such as the service consumption, etc。


The Beijing news:The future of economic development, mainly by???????


he:Decided this year China economic trends or investment。This year investment declined,I think the main is the cause of the macroeconomic regulation and control。


The second half of last year infrastructure investment began to fall,At the beginning of this year, real estate investment began to fall,The two investment and the macroeconomic regulation and control about。In a sense,We are in their own toss about yourself。


In 2008 the economic crisis of 4 trillion stimulus policy too fierce,After various problems,Policy and accept too fierce,Railway stopped,Development and reform commission (NDRC) stop batch of new projects。


Now economic downturn and panic,Began to relax the policy。The rhythm of the regulation always are unsure。


If is the rhythm of the regulation not hold good,I think it is to adjust the rhythm。Now the country's financial situation is good,There are many investment opportunities。Such as railway、Water conservancy engineering and science and technology、Environmental protection“1025”Planning listed in the emerging strategic industry,All of these can go to investment。


The Beijing news:Many people worry that increase investment will repeat the past 4 trillion stimulus policy mistakes。


he:2008 stimulus efforts really is too big,The attention should be paid to the strength and structure。If the examination and approval work overtime again,May also a problem。Everyone's worry is reasonable。


But now with 2008 different,There are a lot of project is decided early on to the building。Such as railway,Although had an accident and corruption,But in all the land transport costs,Railway transportation cost minimum。China is so big country,And specializing in manufacture,Nature is to fix the railways。


Should a railway by the central fiscal expense,Or issue railway construction bonds,Then by the central government to repay。


Investing in infrastructure in the short term will not bring a lot of excess capacity。Infrastructure at least in the short term risk is controllable,Later can use,Won't become bad assets。For example a nursing home we are too short。


Short term,China's economy can only rely on investments to stability,But long-term is a pessimist,Not always rely on infrastructure investment。In the long term,Consumption of space is very large。

  减税比补贴更好 Better than tax cuts subsidies


The Beijing news:Do you think some investment such as building railway by the central government to pay,But officials said many times to mobilize and encourage private investment。


he:The central government should play a more active role,At the same time create practical conditions so that private capital involved。


Guide and arouse folk investment should publish concrete feasible measures。Have flicker family several times,Private capital into the coal field,Small coal pit accepted;Into the field of iron and steel,Is integration and shut down some steel works。


To arouse folk investment must first the profits,The profits to let out,At the same time, to protect the private property rights of enterprises。In fact,The key is to depend on the government investment。So many tax every year,Out with it。


The Beijing news:Since last year the voice of high tax cuts,And a lot of people think that the fiscal expenditure structure is not reasonable,Do you think the government leading investment circumstances,And tax space?


he:Tax cuts or have a certain space。Structural tax reduction does not mean that tax revenue reduction,In some conditions, adopting tax cuts,Can stimulate enterprise vitality,Tax revenues may increase,Of course China will not necessarily appear this kind of circumstance。


I think part of the financial subsidies can change it to a tax cut,Better than tax cuts subsidies,Subsidies to be demonstrated、execution,Intermediate will involve a lot of cost。Such as agricultural subsidies 10 yuan,Finally, there are 3 yuan into farmers' pockets is very good,But the abolition of agricultural tariffs effect is very obvious,Execution cost is very low,The biggest benefit farmers。


If you want to reduce the burden on enterprises,Without the use of subsidies,Direct cancel a tax the best effect,The future tax cuts should be aimed at small and medium-sized enterprise。

  不能边量体温边吃药 Can't edge temperature side to take medicine


The Beijing news:You mentioned the macroeconomic regulation and control rhythm always grasp the bad。Can you explain it?


he:to,Old step no point。2008 years of the financial crisis,In fact in 2007 already see very clearly,If launched in 2007 stimulus policy,Don't have 4 trillion so big of the strength。Later when the policy and accept it too tightly。


Economic downward trend in the second half of last year when it is obvious,But the second half of last year the policy or tight,For example,The deposit reserve rate raised a month。


Words come back,Because there is no interest rates in advance,Monetary policy at that time also have to do that。If interest rates to be early,The control of inflation down,In the economic when descending,Do not need to frequent the raise deposit reserve rate,Can even save quasi drop down a bit,Investment lift up some。A mistake brought another mistake。


Inflation appeared,Still hesitating whether raise interest rates,Wait until the interest rates when it was already very late。


In no fever at the start of prevention,May need not take medicine,Have to etc thermometer shows a high fever,To take medicine。


We may or may not prescribe medicine for a hand,On one hand, thermometer,Take the medicine immediately after measuring temperature,Not fall go eat again,Results-driven,Forget pharmacodynamic play need a process。

  “青年经济学人”评选系列报道之三 “Youth the economist intelligence unit”The third series of reports

  何帆:胸中无剑 he:No sword in


“I of the field of study is China's macro economy and international economic situation,The RMB exchange rate and capital account liberalization problems,I hope our interview can only around me of the field of study。”In an interview to the reporter before he will direct Suggestions。He said,His current research interests are turning to the international JinRongShi and geopolitics。

  在武侠故事中获得领悟 In the martial arts the story get understanding


he,Born in 1971 in henan province xingyang county。In 1996 and 2000, graduated from China academy of social sciences graduate school,Won respectively economics master and doctoral degree。The Chinese academy of social sciences institute of world economics and politics at deputy director,The researchers,Doctoral tutor。


He also in several social institutions and government departments part-time,If the people's bank of China group members exchange rate、The ministry of finance international department consultant、Beijing university part-time professors, etc。


Just after he BuHuoZhiNian of in the field have got great achievements,have《For market economy constitutionalism:Contemporary China's finance problem reports》Three the work,At the same time have the《Go out for a walk of economics》《Uncertain s》And personal corpus,And in 2006 a book published personal essays he named《No sword in》,This is he blog name。


The name comes from the middlemost martial arts novels《The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Sabre》In a story,In the story,Zhang sanfeng to zhang mowgli teach when taiji sword,At the same time transfer the“forget”thoughts。


He said he was like jin yong's novels,In jin yong's novels can look for the truth of the life,In the chest without the sword is the feeling。


“A scholar if too care about will become a bookworm,Too want to make money will become a miser。But if we can relax,Don't take it as a target,But think to do this kind of thing to play good,It could do better。Life has a lot of things,Forget is better。”Said he。

  在余永定身上学到“信心” Learn the issue“confidence”


In an interview in an hour,He always smiling,Serious answer each question,Keep the moderate volume and slow rhythm。


He in the research in the past,The most important is about RMB exchange rate reform and related research。He said,Because this is a team of research,Through this topic tracking study,Place a batch of young scholars such as YaoZhi secondary、Mr. Zhang bin、Zhang Ming、XuJiYuan, etc,All stand out。“They have worked with me,For them I feel very proud to grow。”


He said to oneself have the biggest impact on economists is that the academy by government before the issue of professor。“From him,I have learned not only macroeconomics,Still have a kind of confidence。He let me know whether social descend to what extent,You can still adhere to their own moral standards,Don't reduce the requirement。”


Said he,Do not see themselves as a at the aspect of theory has profound attainments of scholars,He is just a focus on practical problems, the researchers policy,At the same time is a popular science the author。And will put more time to do personal interested in learning and research。


The Beijing news:Some people think that the macroeconomic regulation and control is artificial manufacturing economic cycle,What do you think of?


he:This is not,Economic cycle by external factors,Also has the reason of itself of the economy。Under the background of economic globalization,This round of economic cycle is mainly affected by the influence of the global financial crisis。In the process of coping with crisis,The basic policy direction is correct,But to grasp the rhythm is very accurate。


To improve the level of decision-making,In the statistical aspects need to improve,Statistical quality overall not yet,It will affect the decision。


The Beijing news:The current statistics was not accurate enough?


he:Is still not completely is not accurate problem。Statistics really was not accurate enough,In addition,The current statistical inside,A lot of important index is no。Such as employment statistics is no foreign perfect。


Decision making the most fundamental index is watching employment,From the entire economic cycle to see,A consumer to production,Have income to have consumption,So the employment is the starting point。therefore,Foreign statistics are often very value employment this index,While we are in this respect is weak。


In addition, the risk early warning,We are prepared to not enough。For example,The influence degree of the financial crisis have how old,We are now more is dependent on doing research, etc,Doing research is necessary,But the problem to do research,Already late。

  市场经济不代表都能自由买卖 The market economy is not representative can free selling and buying


The Beijing news:Many people worry policy relaxation will bring the real estate market rebound。


he:We used to be the real estate as a pillar industry,Hope to stimulate economic growth,The so-called market-oriented principle,Now find it is not correct。


Market economy is not everything can as goods free selling and buying,Such as labor、Land and house。


Now thinking is right,Housing first a social policy,Then industrial policy,So they began to build affordable housing。


The Beijing news:From the long-term perspective,China's economy will face the main what problem?


he:In the long term of the many problems,An aging population becomes more and more serious、Labour costs rising,And service can bring behind the grim situation of employment。


At present Chinese the whole social emotions and with different preference before。In the 1980 s,The public are concerned about public problem,No one considered to earn money;But in the 90 s,Everyone in considering to make money。Present and future attention more may not be economic problems,But social justice and fair income distribution problems。

  现有制度已难适应社会经济环境 The existing system has been difficult to adapt to the social economic environment


The Beijing news:you《Go out for a walk of economics》Mentioned in economic growth and institutional arrangements of the relationship,The current system suitable for now the social economy environment?


he:I at that time research interests mainly is the institutional economics。From the past 30 years of development trend,China's system is very suitable for economic growth。If only the pursuit of economic growth,The current system still very suitable for,Because China from top to bottom are the pursuit of higher GDP。


But now our goals are not only is the economic growth,So the system is not very appropriate。We are now more concerned about the livelihood of the people question,In the system will do some adjustment,Approximate adjustment direction is pay more attention to the readjustment of the economic structure,The people's livelihood index on the front of the position more。


The government assessment index have to be adjusted,Weakening in the proportion of GDP assessment,In the inspection mechanism more in the people's livelihood index,Such as employment、Energy conservation and emission reduction and production safety。


The Beijing news:On the current international economic situation and the future trend of how look upon?


he:overall,The U.S. economy and the Japanese economy performance better than last year。


The United States is mainly consumption growth rate is faster,In the first quarter of this year consumption accounted for the proportion of America's GDP has reached 71%,Is the historical highest level。


But this does not mean that the U.S. economy appears trend recovery,This is just a rebound,May also drop down。Especially the end of this year and early next year,From the beginning of the age of the bush tax cuts this year will be automatically cancelled;At the same time,The United States congress have discussed the debt limit,If there is no consensus,Spending will be automatic cut。


Tax cuts to be automatic end,Expenditure and to cut,Is a very tough to tighten fiscal policy。But the next U.S. government whether Obama or romney onstage,Can the tax policy further delay。


Japan's economic growth momentum this year better,Mainly because of the same period last year and compared,Last year after the earthquake、tsunami、Nuclear leak and after the Japanese yen appreciation,The lower base,But Japan's problem has a lot of。

  同题问答 Question and answer questions with

  最关注石油期货改革 The most attention oil futures reform


The Beijing news:For China's many economist,You the most respected is which one?


he:My most respected economist is what we former director professor issue。He is very old intellectuals,Keep the Chinese traditional intellectual virtue。His desire seldom,To the material's basic requirements,Knowledge is his life,So pure intellectuals now less and less。


The Beijing news:2012 years of economic operation to now,The current status,If there is a make you very unexpected places?why?


he:This year's economic operation condition at the beginning of the year with our judgment is broadly in line。But we have a little early didn't think,Is the change of foreign trade。


Our foreign trade before the estimate is pessimistic,Now come to foreign trade situation can also。Before the second half of forecast oil prices could fall,But I didn't know the speed of the fall so fast,This to improve China's foreign trade have help。


The Beijing news:In the near future in the market level,What do you think a reform most is worth looking forward to?


he:I personally attention oil futures launched the reform。Has been,China petroleum(601857,guba)Imports large,But no pricing,If it is possible to win by introducing oil futures part pricing,This is I'm more concerned。In the technical level also involves account open problems,For example is dollars or RMB pricing pricing,This with my research direction about。


The Beijing news:The next 10 years,Which one do you think industry has the investment prospects?


he:From the asset class to see,Global stocks and bonds most investment prospects。Now, stocks and bonds and may decline,We think there is risk;But in the long run,Stocks and bonds are investment prospects,If you believe that China's future 10 years will also have a more robust economic growth。

  个人成果 Personal achievements


He published monograph including《For market economy constitutionalism:Contemporary China's finance problem reports》、《Economic globalization foreign policy;Looking for a new theoretical perspective》、《Go out for a walk of economics》, etc,And there are a lot of translation。In the domestic important economics journals published more than 30 articles。

  B06-B08版采写/新京报记者 李蕾 杨万国

B06 - B08 edition collection &composition/Beijing news reporter li lei YangWanGuo
