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The xinhua newspaper media group《training》Magazine sponsored by the launch and“2012(The second)China enterprise training course selection”The activity has officially launched on Monday。This poll will uphold the public、fair、The principle of fairness,Continue to promote China's enterprise training industry of the excellent course original research、Property rights protection and brand promotion。
2011年举办的首届精品课程评选活动在全国企业培训行业引起强烈反响。共有289家知名培训机构申报了435门课程,最终专业评比,共有16课程脱颖而出荣获 “最佳版权课程”称号,33门课程被评为“最佳品牌课程”,42门课程获得“百佳精品课程”称号。
In 2011 the first held exquisite course selection activities in the national enterprise training industry caused strong reaction。A total of 289 well-known training institutions to declare the 435 course,Final professional appraisal,There are 16 courses won out “Best copyright course”title,33 course is evaluated“Best brand course”,42 course obtain“Parknshop exquisite course”title。
挑战以讲师为中心的培训市场模式 Challenge to lecturer as the center of training market model
Course is the carrier of knowledge,Is the soul of the training,Its quality directly determine training effect。To strengthen the development and promotion of excellent courses is not only beneficial to the enhancement enterprise training professional effect,But also to create the brand of training institutions。
At present domestic training institutions to provide services to still lecturer individual as the center,The importance of the course lack of understanding。however,Developed countries such as America and Britain training services more emphasizes the important curriculum development,Lecturer just curriculum development process。The future training must be need to consider how the course better combined with the practical situation of businesses,For consulting type training curriculum design,Make training for enterprise to create real value。
In order to promote the health of training industry、comprehensive、Sustainable development,《training》Magazine hereby launched to curriculum as the center of the year award。The selection to course authority and the number of authentication lecturer、Trained number、Curriculum development and service perfect degrees, and the course of the market reputation and so on various factors as the standard,Screen out a batch of conform to the market demand high quality courses。
推动培训课程的品牌化和产权化 Promote the training course of the brand and the property right turn
With the rapid development of international economic integration,brand、Property these concepts in the audience heart gradually rooting、germination。In the increasingly competitive training industry,The course of the brand and the property right change has increased to the point where cannot small gaze,Directly affect the training institutions in training market brand influence。
Training at the beginning of the development of the industry,Most organizations in business exploration stage,Of course the brand、Property change know degree is not high,So that lost many potential customers。In recent years,With the rational development of training industry,Course brand、Property change already more and more be taken seriously,But has not gained popularity。
Based on the present market situation,《training》Magazine course branding and property right change problem very seriously,In this poll, set up a 2012 Chinese enterprise training industry best brand course、2012 China enterprise training industry parknshop exquisite course and many kinds of awards,To encourage。Specific index also is very strict,To strive for high quality at course。
评选过程突显权威公正性 Selection process highlight authority impartiality
As China's enterprise training industry's most influential professional media,《training》Magazine for this poll, holding the cautious、Responsible attitude,Ensure that the activities of the public、fair、justice。Activity will take organization recommended recommendation and training institutions in two ways,Strive to extensive talent group of optimal,Takes the best,Select a group of in the curriculum design、Market performance、The customer evaluation aspects are better course。
Host FangLi invited exquisite course selection committee experts,Fully listen to the expert advice,The jury will strictly according to the international awards finalists standard,Selected candidate course。After selected candidate course,The organizer will public web site,When you are welcome login's official website,Put forward valuable opinions and Suggestions。Committee of experts will also be selected course for customer sampling survey,And organize《training》Magazine national enterprise readers to vote,The course selected。
The selection after completion of the activity,Organizers of the winning car Eng for special report,And through the other all possible ways to improve the publicity of market effect,Will good training courses to a wide range of communication。
If you have any questions,Please contact the organizing committee of the selection:
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