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湖州融资性担保淘汰四成 呼吁开启放贷--亲稳网络舆情监控室

湖州融资性担保淘汰四成 呼吁开启放贷 每日经济新闻记者 高翔 发自湖州 Daily economic news reporter towering from huzhou


Wang gang(alias)In zhejiang huzhou opened a guarantee company.The profits of the company are fair/Management normal,But he was not quite happy.


According to wang gang is introduced,According to the relevant provisions,In principle, the local security company of small and medium-sized enterprises in the year guarantee business must achieve the registered capital of two times(Namely amplification twice),To get through the financing guarantee company year careful renewal.


"But the problem is,According to my experience over the years,Do small and medium-sized enterprise guarantee business,Rate low/Risk big,Basic does not have profit.therefore,I can only on weekdays do some consumer credit guarantee business to expand the company profit,Small and medium-sized enterprise guarantee that block is only in order to complete the lowest index,Through the year of careful just.But this year the situation is not good,Enterprise guarantee business risk big,Compensatory case more,I just finished less than half."he[Daily economic news]reporters,"Side guarantee company,Close the door there's not few."


Huzhou city public security bureau crimes in one of the local team in the investigation and analysis of the report,Security companies disguised absorbing public funds/Overspray business loan business phenomenon are relatively serious,To social specific subject multiple lending,Charge tight.Huzhou the letter the bilateral small business department said:"This year's work is careful renewal of huzhou guarantee industry a reshuffle."


By the end of July,Into the statistical range of guarantee company 72 financing guarantee company,Close quantity is 31 enterprises.


四成融资性担保公司遭淘汰 Forty percent financing guarantee company was eliminated


By the end of may this year,Huzhou financing guarantee company's statistical caliber still for 72 home,Guarantee the final responsibility balance is 6.34 billion yuan.At the,The city's financing guarantee company year careful renewal work is still in progress.


Huzhou city in accordance with the letter the bilateral small businesses that place:"Since this year,Zhuhai financing guarantee companies face the severe test.Security companies face the survival pressure is more and more big,Will once again faced with large shuffle."


Cause the industry trouble reasons are as follows:Subject to the credit market adjustment and change/The credit scale uncertain factors,The bank in order to prevent the risk,Individual bank has taken up guarantee company threshold and compression the bonding company guarantee limit measures;Huzhou individual financing guarantee company chairman suspected illegal financing,More and more Banks are to review and guarantee the company's cooperation,"Silver bear cooperation tension has appeared in our city."


A local guarantee company controller tell[Daily economic news]reporter:"Bank did raise the and guarantee the threshold of the company.Such as icbc stipulated that only with a registered capital of 100 million yuan of above/Government capital injection guarantee company cooperation,Private security company is blocked in the door."


after,The zhejiang province have within the territory of the icbc has been restored and private security agencies,But the person in charge said that according to his understanding huzhou is not let go.About this information reporter failed to contact the local icbc to verify.


As the focus of the rectifications,The careful work on three batch.This work in huzhou city letter by the local committee,In the provincial level by the province small and medium-sized enterprise and provincial silver inspect bureau united review.


Wang gang to[Daily economic news]reporters:"The strict careful comparison,According to the end of last year's year of careful statements audit.Review some specific indicators include business scale/Small and medium-sized enterprise guarantee business meets the registered capital of two times/Other receivables accounts for the proportion of the net assets, etc."


Strictly audit result is guarantee company quantity is greatly reduced.In 72 the company financing guarantee,Only 46 home to participate in the careful work.finally,Have 42 through the year of careful,That is the original 72 guarantee company has 30 not get business licenses.Not through careful inspection of the part of the company's business license will guarantee to ensure that the security company in the last transaction in succession after recovery.


Through the small and medium-sized enterprise in zhejiang province/Zhejiang silver inspect bureau group trial and directly certification for 20,Have license issuing but needs improvement of 22 home(Remind three,Warning 15/Serious warning four).The content of the rectification requirements including other receivables higher percentage of net assets/Guarantee compensation reserve and did not expire responsibility provisioning shortage/Magnification problems such as insufficient.the,After careful ChangXingXian in the renewal,The original 16 financing guarantee company only to save two.


On July 31, held in the morning of the city's guarantee industry on the council,21 units will be automatic back.In July,NaHaixunOu and have a financing guarantee company because of no business and active exit,And turn over to the business license,Statistical caliber temporarily stopped at 41 home.


Huzhou the letter the bilateral small business department said:"This year's work is careful renewal of huzhou guarantee industry a reshuffle,Not only eliminated a batch of strength weak/Performance difference/Illegal management guarantee company,Also urged a batch of get permit guarantee company to undertake rectifying and reform,To financing guarantee company was a wake-up call."


担保公司多不务正业 Security companies fiddle around


Since 2008,Huzhou court of first instance of a total of guarantee company involved in 161 cases,Case 10 a second,Mark total 1.34522 trillion yuan.

  湖州信用担保网站的一份 《湖州市融资性担保公司现阶段情况的调查与分析》(以下简称 《分析》)显示,湖州市公安局经侦支队,结合近年来担保公司涉案情况,出具了这份调查分析报告。

Huzhou credit guarantee a web site [Huzhou financing guarantee company present situation investigation and analysis](Hereinafter referred to as [analysis])display,Huzhou city public security bureau crimes faction,Combined with guarantee companies involved in situation,Issue the investigation analysis report.


[analysis]Pointed out that,Financing guarantee company for small and middle-sized enterprises played an important role in financing difficulties,But the external causes such as enterprise's financial difficulty/Run away and guarantee company oneself management is not standard, etc,Led to the risk of financing guarantee company increasing.


Combined with a case involving lawsuit,Huzhou city public security bureau crimes that team,Guarantee company wade usury is serious.By the end of 2011,Security companies involved in 133 pieces,Guarantee company as lender of 33 cases,25%.In these cases,The highest monthly interest rate 4%,Loan period the longest 10 months,The highest amount is 4 million yuan,Have been beyond guarantee our business scope,Belong to illegal business.


end,Located in huzhou xintiandi office of silver to guarantee ShenJunLiang chief police control.Rumour has it that the company to social capital 2.3 billion yuan,Public security bureau officials said the amount involved in 800 million yuan.Huzhou city public security bureau to the reporter not that silver to guarantee the latest development of the case.


Wang gang think,This case involves many personnel,And involve part of public servants,So difficult detection up,Time also pull very long.

  湖州市公安局经侦支队在 《分析》中指出,从调查情况看,担保公司变相吸纳公众资金、超范围经营贷款业务现象相对较为严重,向社会不特定主体多次放贷,收取高息。多家担保公司业务量开展不足,致使主业旁落,担保业务沦为“副业”,甚至有个人担保公司长期未开展担保业务。

Huzhou city public security bureau crimes in the team [analysis]that,From the survey case,Security companies disguised absorbing public funds/Overspray business loan business phenomenon are relatively serious,To social specific subject multiple lending,Charge tight.Several guarantee to carry out the company's business insufficient,Cause business to slip,Guarantee business into"sideline",There is even personal guarantee company for a long time not to provide guarantee services.


In addition,Huge social capital tailgating guarantee company intervention usury phenomenon is serious.Guarantee company in the middle as"broker",Is nominally lender directly to the borrower loan,Guarantee company for the surety,In fact is by the lender borrowing to guarantee company,Guarantee company again with a higher interest rate loans to borrowers.To guarantee for the company,Can get interest margin,And collecting warranty costs.For lenders to,Can not only get a folk lending higher profit,And with the aid of guarantee company buffer and ensure the safety of fund.


[analysis]Also pointed out that,When business owners liabilities flight,Guarantee company debt recovery,Sometimes take speech/Threat of violence,"questioning"/"tea"(That restriction of personal freedom), and other illegal means,What's more drum up social idle personnel violence pay the rent,Is caused extremely easily criminal crime,Larger social harm.


需加大对担保公司扶持力度 Need to strengthen the support for the security company


For several guarantee to carry out the company's business insufficient,Cause business to slip,Guarantee business into"sideline"reality,Wang gang the truth can't blame the bonding company.He said not without fear:"If last year we do is full of small and medium-sized enterprise guarantee business,I'm afraid this year company went bankrupt."

  他对 《每日经济新闻》记者表示:“开担保公司的这些年来,我的感受就是做中小企业担保业务收益率很低,基本不赚钱。抵押物不足或有瑕疵的企业,才会在向银行贷款时找到担保公司,企业本身资质就不算好。”

he [Daily economic news]reporters:"Open guarantee company over the years,I feel is to be small and medium-sized enterprise guarantee business yield is very low,Basic don't make money.Pawn insufficient or defective enterprise,Will be to find a bank loan guarantee company,Enterprise itself qualifications are not good."


He then said,Banks in and guarantee companies cooperation,Will require guarantee company put first into a certain amount of margin,Some Banks requirements at 3 million yuan,And this part of the money can only as a current deposit,Income is very low.Part of the bonding company half a year or even one year very few transaction,But the margin deposit is not active.He said:"To guarantee for the company,The risk is very big,Because bear the joint and several liability guarantee.Once the enterprise fails to repay the loan,From the first bank guarantee company margin account of stroke."


Huzhou city public security bureau crimes team also noticed margin idle phenomenon.[analysis]that,Huzhou over small and medium-sized industrial enterprise only 6400 can get loan from the bank,Funding gap year 30 billion ~ 50 billion yuan,More than 90% of the small and medium-sized enterprise can only through the folk financing ease capital turnover difficult.The city's security companies are 1.5 billion yuan deposit in the bank,2 billion yuan capital idle.On the one hand is a huge sum of funds of the gap,On the other hand is a large amount of money to idle,Both cannot balance,Apparently does not comply with the request of economic development.


therefore,[analysis]Suggestions to increase the bonding company more support:Allow guarantee company will guarantee rate up to a level and its risk,To expand its profit space,Overcome reduce guarantee company illegal operation of the profit motive.


The above guarantee company controller also told reporters,Because of small and medium-sized enterprise guarantee business cost rate is low/Risk big/Profit thin,His company is the small and medium-sized enterprise guarantee business do the amount of the minimum requirements(The registered capital of two times)can,And through the car credit guarantee business to maintain the company operation."But so far,We haven't finished half of standard of the lowest."He is anxiously said.According to,He wants the government to strengthen the small and medium-sized enterprise guarantee business financial subsidies.


[analysis]Also pointed out that,Should strengthen special policy support,Vigorously develop professional mutual guarantee institutions and guarantee company mutual joint guarantee mechanism,Exploration development loan/Guarantee risk commercial insurance.In addition,Optimizing environment,Small and medium-sized enterprises as soon as possible to establish credit rating system,Perfect small and medium-sized enterprise credit system, and to guarantee the company open,At the same time will guarantee the company into the credit system as soon as possible.


this,Part of the relevant policies are being put in place.Huzhou the letter committee said on its web site,The future financing guarantee company happening loan guarantee after actual compensatory,According to compensatory after the net loss to give 1% of the risk compensation.the,The registered capital of 100 million yuan of the following,The highest amount of compensation in not more than 500000 yuan;The registered capital of 100 million yuan(contain)More financing guarantee company,The highest amount of compensation in not more than 1 million yuan.


重审担保公司放贷 Review guarantee company lending

  据银监会2010年公布的 《融资性担保公司管理暂行办法》,融资性担保公司不得发放贷款和受托发放贷款。

According to the CBRC published in 2010 [Financing guarantee interim measures for the administration of the company],Financing guarantee company shall not issue loans and the entrusted loans.

  不过,湖州市公安局经侦支队却在《分析》中指出,为切实解决中小企业融资困难,对担保公司的放贷行为应重新予以审视。对于转贷(在保企业不能按期偿还银行贷款时,为保证企业信用,由担保公司借款给担保对象,使其用“自有资金”偿还银行贷款)、委贷(担保公司闲置资金过多,委托银行代为放贷)、短期贷款 (实力和信誉均好的担保公司将闲置资金用于为有贷款需求的企业提供短期资金支持)应该予以支持。

but,Huzhou city public security bureau in crimes but team[analysis]that,To solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises,To guarantee the company's lending practices shall be examined afresh.For onlend(In the enterprise cannot repay the bank loan,In order to ensure enterprise credit,The guaranteed company borrowing to guarantee object,Make its use"Self-capital is"Repay bank loans)/Committee credit(Guarantee company idle money too much,Entrust a bank to lend)/Short-term loans (Strength and credibility are good guarantee company will idle funds for a loan for the needs of enterprises to provide short-term capital support)Should give support.


Wang gang also think,It currently guarantees company with money idle condition,Through the bank entrust loan,Loans to the circumstance of the enterprise is very common,But this is also play edge ball behavior.In view of the small and medium-sized enterprise guarantee business risk big/Low profits,Should be in proper proportion/interest/period,Allow guarantee company is engaged in the loan business.


but[analysis]Also pointed out,Allow the company to guarantee loans should not blindly let go,And should be limited approval.For multiple lending/Deadline for more than one month/Interest rates higher situation,Shall be deemed null and void.


At present to guarantee the company supervision system is:Established company should guarantee in the administrative department for industry and commerce registration,Engaged in financing guarantee business subject to examination and approval by the city letter,Financial do responsible for examination.[analysis]Say the above the disadvantages of division of Labour is industrial and commercial bureau lack of professional financial regulators;Financial do by other departments transfer and become,Unable to small credit/Security companies all professional supervision;Guarantee company is engaged in the financial business is free in the pedestrian/CBRC outside supervision.Multiple monitoring results in mutual shuffle,Formation supervision blind area,At the same time also lead to supervision object at loose ends.


therefore,[analysis]Suggestions,Should be clear about specific supervision department and supervision responsibilities,Into the pedestrian and the CBRC under supervision,The capital flow and operation situation of comprehensive supervision;By the letter/Financial do/Industrial and commercial bureau to assist management,And clearly their supervision duties and division of labor.
