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And the government's several rounds of negotiations/And insurance companies struggle/The tenant shortages and macroeconomic problems such as depression,Lead to engineering progress will be slow,Tower 2 and 3 floor in an almost shutdown state.The lower Manhattan's former glory,11 years later because all kinds of economic problems,Difficult to recreate.

  尽管纽约曼哈顿下城,不少地铁和城际铁路站的广播里,仍然把这一站叫做“世界贸易中心”(World Trade Centre)。但在过去的11年来,这里更多地被纽约人叫做“归零地”(Ground Zero)。

Although New York lower Manhattan,A lot of subway and inter-city railway station of the radio,Still the station is called"The world trade center"(World Trade Centre).But in the past 11 years,Here are more New York is called"Ground zero"(Ground Zero).

  “我们更愿意把这里称为"新的世界贸易中心"。” 希尔维斯坦地产公司 (Silverstein Properties)高管、世界贸易中心地产公司总裁Janno Lieber告诉本报。

"We are more willing to put here called"A new world trade center"." Hill vess jotham real estate company (Silverstein Properties)executives/The world trade center real estate company President Janno Lieber told this newspaper.


2012 years of September 11,,Is the September 11,, after the events of the 11th year.

  此前几天,Janno Lieber来到世界贸易中心4号楼第60层楼的工地,他身后是尚未铺地板的水泥地,从窗口望出去,西北方向是已经建到100多层的世界贸易中心1号楼,北边是还没有怎么开始建的2号楼和3号楼,以及被各种脚手架包围的交通枢纽。

After a few days,Janno Lieber came to the world trade center building no. 4 60th floor site,He is not behind the cement floor,Looking out of the window,Northwest direction is has been built to 100 layers of the world trade center building no. 1,The north is also not how to begin to build tower 2 and 3 floor,And all kinds of scaffolding surrounded the transportation hub.


The huge world trade center reconstruction engineering speed slow,Beyond expectations.Originally intended to last year in 10 anniversary of the completion of a few building has been postponed,Until the autumn of next year,4 floor will become the 16 acres site area,The first building was completed and open the use of building,The main building 1 floor plan completion in 2014,Tower 2 and 3 floor is almost in shutdown state.


And the government's several rounds of negotiations/And insurance companies struggle/The tenant shortages and macroeconomic problems such as depression,Lead to engineering progress will be slow.Lower Manhattan destroyed by terrorists record of brilliant,11 years later because all kinds of economic problems,There is still no to reproduction.

  “全美最安全的高楼之一” "One of the most safety of tall buildings"


Scaffold outside the building elevator,With the site noise and high wind,Rapid climb to 60 floor.


Here will be the future of world trade center building no. 4 a typical office floor.In the planning of the building a total investment of 2 billion us dollars,Floor to a height of 977 feet(298 meters),A total of 72 layer,All used as commercial rent.


From 60 floor window overlooking the west,The September 11 memorial site impressively eyes.The original world trade center, the seat of the twin towers,Become the two huge basin.In addition to stand in the north of the building no. 7 more besides,Here the rest of the six building from the northeast two sides around the site,Form new world trade center of the basic layout.


With the site to rebuild,New engraved in the September 11,, memory.

  “9·11给我们带来许多教训,现在这几栋高楼的安全措施非常到位,可以说是全美最安全的高层建筑之一。” 希尔维斯坦地产公司高级建筑经理Malcolm J·williams告诉本报。

"The September 11,, bring us many lessons,Now that a few tall buildings security measures in place very much,Can be said to be the most safe one of high-rise buildings." Hill vess jotham real estate company senior building manager Malcolm J · Williams told this newspaper.


The reporter sees,In the floor in the middle of the passenger lift area,The thick reinforced concrete wall into,Throughout the whole building.Internal facilities including the whole building the most critical security system,Such as mechanical system/Hydraulic system/Communication equipment/corridor/The elevator and fire extinguishing equipment, etc.

  Malcolm J·williams表示,这是从当年吸取的教训。当时飞机来袭,穿过电梯区间,导致所有的重要系统瞬间暂停,人们无法及时疏散。现在飞机无法击穿整个区域,这里是整栋建筑中最安全的地方。

Malcolm J · Williams said,This is from the lessons learned.The airplane was to attack,Through the elevator interval,Lead to all the important system instantly pause,People can't timely evacuation.Now planes can't breakdown the whole area,Here is the whole building to the safe place.


At the same time,Escape stair ratio regulation standard width by 20%,Also hope that in any emergency comes,Can accommodate more people walk up and down.

  “我不觉得人们对高楼有所恐惧。9·11告诉我们,很多事情的确可能发生,未可预见,但事实是,世界各地的高楼也在不断树立。” Malcolm J·williams说。

"I don't think people tall buildings have to fear.The September 11,, told us,A lot of things really possible,Believe not foresee,But the fact is,Tall buildings around the world have been set up." Malcolm J · Williams said.


The northwest of no. 1 floor planning 110 layer,A few months ago the high building is more than the Empire State Building,Become the highest building in North America.The deep underground have 10 floors of the foundation,Also for more security firm.

  “等4号楼开业时,相信人们都会感到无比兴奋,因为他们会意识到,世界贸易中心又回来了。” Janno Lieber说。

"Etc building no. 4 when practice,Believe people will feel very excited,Because they realize,The world trade center came back again." Janno Lieber said.

  融资和租户难题 Financing problem and the tenant


But the world trade center reconstruction process,But no people imagine so exciting.


The September 11, 2001, after the event,Until 2005 the overall regional planning to preliminary settled,Each building planning until 2008 to finish.The overall regional complete and open to the public,May have to wait until 2020 years or so.

  2001年夏秋之交,希尔维斯坦地产公司 (Silverstein Properties)租下纽约曼哈顿下城“双子塔”及其附近的超大型商业公共休闲区域,租约为99年。6个星期之后,9·11事件爆发。

In 2001 the summer and fall into,Hill vess jotham real estate company (Silverstein Properties)New York lower Manhattan rent"The twin towers"And around the ultra large commercial public recreational area,The lease for 99 years.Six weeks after,The September 11 incident broke out.


And all search and rescue cleaning work is over,Unaware of the company was found,The presence of things how to deal.

  记者从希尔维斯坦地产公司了解到,首先是和政府谈判,商讨这一地区的重建和融资问题,政府三、四年后更替,又得重新谈判一轮。最终,纽约港务局(Port Authority)接手开发重建的世界贸易中心1号楼、紧邻的艺术中心以及交通枢纽,其余建筑的开发权仍然归希尔维斯坦地产公司。而作为回报的一部分,港务局总部将进驻4号楼,成为其最主要的租户。4号楼几十亿美元的债券融资也顺利解决。

Reporters from hill vess jotham real estate company to understand,The first is and the government talks,To discuss the area reconstruction and financing problems,The government three/Four years after the replacement,And to renegotiate round.finally,The New York port authority(Port Authority)Take over development reconstruction of the world trade center building no. 1/Close to the art center and transportation hub,The rest of the building rights still be hill vess jotham real estate company.As a part of the return,Port authority headquarters will be stationed in building no. 4,Become the most main tenants.Building no. 4 billions of dollars in debt financing is solved successfully.


Insurance is the second question.Hill vess jotham real estate company and the insurance company after several negotiations,Eventually get more than $5 billion in building property insurance claims.but,For the whole more than $200 for the big project,The money is far from enough.


When because the plane hitting the insurance claims,Also arrives too late.At present developers and airline's case is still in progress.

  “尽管WTC是被恐怖分子摧毁的,但我们的总裁兼首席执行官Larry Silverstein却必须整天和保险公司斗争,确保拿到重建资金。”Janno Lieber说。

"Although WTC is the destroyed by terrorists,But our President and chief executive officer Larry Silverstein have to struggle all day and insurance companies,Ensure that you can get the reconstruction funds."Janno Lieber said.


In addition,Developers spend countless time in with the local community and relevant personage communication.

  “每个人都希望参与意见,曼哈顿地皮非常紧张,即便用一小块,规划都需要和市政府以及社区居民激烈辩论。” 希尔维斯坦地产公司租赁业务高级副总裁Jeremy Moss说。

"Everyone wants to participate in opinion,Manhattan land very nervous,Even with a small,Planning need and the municipal government and community residents fierce debate." Hill vess jotham real estate company to lease business senior vice President Jeremy Moss said.


On the other hand,Tenants also a challenge.

  目前,1号楼和4号楼的签约租户占据了一半楼层,租期大多10-15年,也有20年。其中主要是政府机构和非盈利组织,包括港务局、纽约市政府一些部门等,一个与中国有关的非营利组织——中国中心(China Centre)也在1号楼租下好几个楼层。

At present,1 floor and building no. 4 signing tenants accounted for half the floor,Most of the lease 10-15 years,Also have 20 years.Mainly government agencies and non-profit organizations,Including port authority/New York city some departments, etc,A and relevant Chinese non-profit organization, the China center(China Centre)Also in the no. 1 floor rented several floor.


In addition,Developers are still in negotiations and a lot of potential tenants.but,Building no. 2 and no. 3 floor there have been few solicit to customer,Especially enterprise.

  卢森国际律师事务所执行合伙人伯格(J·Frederick Berg)告诉记者,许多人对于新建的世界贸易中心心存疑虑,一方面担心安全,另一方面觉得出行不便利。

LuSen international law firm's executive partner(J · Frederick Berg)Told reporters,Many people for the new world trade center doubt,Worried about safety,On the other hand feel travel not convenient.


Some company employees against their employers will office moved there,Just because there had led to too many people were killed.


At present,Hill vess jotham the real estate company is for 3 floor can seek rent 10 floors above tenants,Because only in this way,The government promised to provide funds to reach the designated position.

  地区复兴路漫漫 Long road area


New York new city skyline,Or will because financing adverse and was unable to complete.

  “现在我们最为关心的是经济环境每况愈下,而不是有关9·11的坏记忆。” Jeremy Moss说。

"Now our most concern is the economic environment go from bad to worse,Instead of the September 11,, bad memory." Jeremy Moss said.


He said,A lot of people are very surprised, tower 2, and 3 floor construction pause.But for the developers,"The market demand determines the project progress.If can't find tenants,Temporary will not continue to start."


At present,3 floor has been built to seven storeys high(The future building lobby height),According to the idea of developers,If no. 3 floor in the years looking for less than 10 floors above tenants,Will maintain the status quo.And no. 2 floor just and street level flush,From the peripheral over look empty,Financing and the tenant situation is not satisfactory.


At least in the next three to four years,The two building destined to be lower region famous"Rotten poop".

  纽约市政府为了吸引租户不遗余力,推出了若干税收优惠措施。 Jeremy Moss不愿意透露目前租金价格,但他表示,这是目前可以找到的市中心性价比最高的楼盘了。

New York city government in order to attract tenants to spare no effort,Introduced a number of preferential tax measures. Jeremy Moss is not willing to reveal current rental prices,But he said,This is the city can be found with the highest cost-effective the building.


In Manhattan,Wall Street in the traditional dungeon area through decades ago financial heyday,Now gradually decline,Instead, midtown booming prosperity new financial district.

  曼哈顿下城房地产专家HR咨询公司主席Carl Weisbrod说:“从9·11发生至今,下城地区的房产业态发生巨大转变,大约有共10000多个单元的写字楼,逐步被改建成住房,为的是降低建筑空置率。”

Lower Manhattan real estate expert HR consulting company chairman Carl Weisbrod said:"From September 11 happened so far,Dungeon area housing format dramatically change,There are about 10000 multiple unit office,Gradually been turned into housing,In order to reduce the building vacancy rate."


After the financial crisis in 2008,The United States slow economic recovery,Although the fed had two quantitative easing,But recent capital market liquidity is still very low,Rate of unemployment is not reduced reverse increase,The government deficit serious...The reconstruction of the world trade center project,Has a minor position.


Eleven years ago by terrorism destroy area,Still struggling to seek his day.

  “我们希望新的世界贸易中心比原来的更好。” Janno Lieber说,“原来的"双子塔"见证了一个悲剧,但同时也给予了这个城市新的机会,用来建造新的空间。”

"We hope that the new world trade center is better than the original." Janno Lieber said,"The original"The twin towers"Witnessed a tragedy,But at the same time also gives the city new opportunities,Used to build the new space."
