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上海交通大学上海高级金融学院副院长朱宁教授(图左)与和讯网工作人员合影。 Shanghai jiaotong university, vice President of the college of Shanghai senior financial ZhuNing professor(Figure left)And HeXunWang staff had a group photo taken.

  和讯网消息 9月11日-13日,2012夏季达沃斯论坛在中国天津举行,本届论坛的主题是“塑造未来经济”。

HeXunWang news on September 11, - 13,The 2012 summer davos BBS in China held in tianjin,This is the theme of the BBS"Shaping future economic".


On September 10,,Shanghai jiaotong university Shanghai senior financial, vice President of the college professor ZhuNing in BBS eve held,China's stock market is the current problems and current situation HeXunWang accept ahead of the team reported the interview.


ZhuNing think,Although the new management appear to push forward China capital market reform speed,But stock market about stumbling more reaction the current economic operation at home and abroad present situation as well as the investors of future economic operation of the faith.


ZhuNing says,China's capital market development has three reform direction,internationalization/The education and protection to investors/Capital market rules and legal construction.


According to the mechanism of refinancing launch,The emergence of ZhuNing think short selling mechanism can inhibit the stock market fluctuation range,In the long run can ironing wave trough.for,The introduction of refinancing of listed companies reported the phenomenon of negative increase,ZhuNing, said,"I think and refinancing launch has a certain relationship".


For the current stock market trends,ZhuNing think will appear round has the strength of the rebound,But in the short term will not produce a bull market.

  推出转融通制度与上市公司负面报道增多有关 Turn out financing system and listed companies more negative reports about


HeXunWang:HeXunWang friend everybody is good!Welcome everybody to high-end interview with dispatch,Today we please of the guest is Shanghai jiaotong university, vice President of the college of Shanghai senior financial ZhuNing professor,Zhu in the financial field of a deep research,Today we will be together to explore and his net friend care about some of the problems above capital system.Professor zhu,Turn accommodation in a dispute among the start,You are introduced to refinance after capital market? What are the changes?


ZhuNing:I think to refinance the financial innovation policy launch,To a great extent on in the short term further promote our forepart launched margin activities,Also is the development of short selling.And short selling mechanism of the launch,In the global range may produce two big effect.


The first,In the short term can lead to produce small stock market fell.This is mainly because a short after mechanism,The market can more reflect the negative information.Long-term to see,Shorting mechanism launch a great extent can help market into balance city.Our stock market in the paragraph of time often out of the great big bull market or bear market,Fluctuations situation to a certain extent, because the market is not good reaction short-term negative news,As the whole shorting mechanism and turn accommodation mechanism of the launch,The market can better response and empty party in the two aspects of the information.In this mechanism under,The market whether to go up to still drop,Personally, I hold the long-term optimistic attitude,The entire market volatility will than before much less time.so,From this point of view,I think that could be helpful to reflect market information,Can better resolve the market this kind of systemic risk.


HeXunWang:Refinancing before and after the launch,We see the capital market has some of the more unusual phenomenon,For example the listed company of some of the negative reports began to increased,And in these negative after reports,The listed company short time share prices plunged happened,Do you think this kind of situation and refinancing whether the advent of related?


ZhuNing:I think and refinancing launch has a certain relationship.As we all know,Do those empty most motivation send out some negative news,Because they can send out through negative news flatten prices,Through the first sell to buy them,Buy low sell high way to make money.But I think that should be worth considering,In the last year we appear Chinese concept stock on nasdaq also suffered some short seller or distribute news person sniper,From this point of view,Short seller is to a great extent has certain motivation send out negative news,this,The supervisor must put an end to this fabricated or specialized manufacturing negative information behavior.


If a company fundamentals is good,Short-term decline will only give investors to create a good long-term investment and open a position opportunities,So from the point of view of short-term stock down is not necessarily a bad thing.


Share prices including negative news to refinance outflow and launch does have certain effect,But I think that this kind of influence most can only be short-term,Could not long-term influence share price or about the stock market.


HeXunWang:I see online have such a point of view,At present net friend say refinancing after launch,Because China was not turn accommodation,So investors only bear the risk of falling,But now due to the emergence of shorting mechanism,Investors should also bear the risk of rising,So later investors to make money in the stock market is more and more difficult,How do you look at this point of view?


ZhuNing:I am not fully agree with this view.Because I think,The first,Do empty do have risk,And do empty risk in trading individual stocks will be greater than the whole do more risk.Do more than,Your risk most is one hundred percent,Investment 100 yuan,The 100 yuan you lose all the light;But you if you do empty words,Are likely to make empty 10 yuan/stock,It up to 30 yuan,The profits will tell you the loss of line may be more than 100%,So from this perspective do empty risk really great.Because do empty the risk is very big,So we want to see,In overseas markets in empty retail trade proportion is very low,In the United States so developed country,Retail investors in the market in short selling quantity and the proportion of no more than 5%.


so,Not encourage or suppress certain behavior of retail,More I think is to the market better disclosure of the information of the market a mechanism;Help the market better balance the risk of rising and falling,For we basic only downside risk,Not afraid of rising risk,So we unite as one,All want to short-term the stock market push very high,We will appear from 1000 points to 6000 points up,Again from 6000 points to 1000 points down the situation.After a short selling mechanism,Possible from 1000 points around 3000 point,The market has not been approved by many participants,So a great extent avoid the extreme volatility of we plunged.


We know that the stock market whether to go up to still drop,Long-term must be upward,But how can it to a certain extent, ironing so big fluctuation,I think it is China's capital market gradually mature,Investors also gradually to obtain a more sustainable,Stable investment income is very important development direction.

  机构投资者壮大是长期趋势 散户正撤离A股 Institutional investors is long-term trend and retail are evacuated A share


HeXunWang:China's stock market has the stock index futures,And recently also appeared to refinance,But what we see report to see,These threshold is still very high,I'm from many securities companies to know,For margin threshold are set in 2 million yuan of above,This put a lot of retail excluded from this tool out.Is your current master of information to see,Whether China's capital system reform have a retail investors out of capital market signs?As far as I know,Mature market,Institutional investors is the main body of the market,And our current China's A shares is mainly composed of A small and medium-sized retail,At present the proportion of institutional investors are still not very high,Whether in will to institutional investors than increase of the trend to develop it?


ZhuNing:If contrast China shares and then around the year 2000 China funds just when founded,In fact the whole valley of China's institutional investors in the stock market in A place of proportion of has increased significantly,From this perspective,China and other international market experience is the same,We are gradually to institutional investors has more and more influence,And retail or individual investors gradually exit direct investment direction,I think it can be traced to the international trend.


There are two points I want to especially stressed,The first,China's institutional investors may in some transaction behavior,May also more like retail,So they have no good play a stable market or do long-term value the role of investment.We should not only look at the number of institutional investors how many institutional investors or the size of the management,More should see whether the behavior of the institutional investors.Especially later if we have the opportunity to attract pension/Risks of capital market,Institutional investors more should keep their long-term earnings and cash balance between the expenditure.


Our whole development trend to institutional investors really further development,Retail initiative or passively to withdraw from the market.Because I and many colleagues research,In overseas and Chinese market,Retail on the average their performance can't run the win,Even if the poor performance,The performance of the retail investors may have worse,So we say active recession this market is said,Retail investors will be aware of their investment ability as institutional investors or other than retail,They decided to no longer investment stock,Such as buy fund,Buy financial products.


The second,Retail passively to withdraw from the market.Retail took 10000 yuan opened a door,Investment after two years there are only 3000 yuan,Was forced to withdraw from the market.


No matter which causes,The long term,Certainly China's capital market will gradually development to institutional investors no matter from management scale or transaction scale,Or the market pricing influence will be more and more big,And I think that retail investors can through the investment public offering fund/Investment private products/Finance and investment products to participate in the stock market,Including later bond market development,Through the diversity of the capital market development later have more investment target selection,Not ravel in the stock market.


From this point of view,The Chinese stock market whether trading mechanism reform,The reform of the disclosure of information are very important,meanwhile,China A stock market investors field structure of the reform,After how can no longer retail to a-share short-term fluctuations have so much influence,China's a-share market may be gradually mature,At the same time, more conducive to the long-term value found,The long-term investment value.

  下一阶段中国股市将有三个改革方向 The next stage of China's stock market will have three reform direction


HeXunWang:Securities regulatory commission the new management after he came into power,Has issued a series of policies,To solve the original of the market did not solve the problem,Some system comes on stage in succession,Such as margin/Delisted system/Share out bonus guide way, etc.We see,Capital market is still stumbling endlessly,Do you think in the capital market, what should do should do?How it should be further to improve?


ZhuNing:First of all,I still is sure GuoShuQing President after taking office in Chinese capital market launched a series of reform measures,Whether public/justice/Fair information disclosure,Or the investor protection,or[guidelines]Forced enterprises to share out bonus,To improve the company's governance structure are relatively correct development direction.But here side I think the market supervision mechanism of the change and the market short-term trend,In theory there is no direct,Certain positive correlation.


We know that,The stock market influence outside several big direction:Global macro economic situation,Domestic own economic environment,Corporate earnings and investors to now is going to launch a new round of,No matter that stimulus or economic stability policy it confidence.The latest stockmarket stumbling endlessly may reflect the global financial system is still unstable,The debt crisis further intensifies,Domestic economic growth is slowing,Enterprise profitability decline.At the same time, everyone will be able to continue for the past three years,Through the massive fiscal and monetary stimulus policies continue to promote the development of economy,May also began to form the uncertainty.


so,It reflects many short-term market sentiment,At the same time the entire economic environment influence.


As for our next stage market can have what reform of the way,I think there may be three big direction:


internationalization.China's capital market or China's capital of capital flow is still in a strong regulatory system.This will lead to Chinese investors can be a good investment in overseas markets,Overseas investors also can't invest on the Chinese market,It is found that investors in the overseas have better,Valuations more attractive investment opportunities,But they can't take their own capital allocation to go abroad.


China has a lot of valuation virtual high enterprise,Since there is no competitors,So they also attracted investors a lot of money.If we can more open China's capital market,Is not necessarily through the international plate,Can allow investors in China investment overseas stock index futures,Can invest overseas index funds,Diversified investment,I think it might be for,One is the scattered domestic too much investment funds,The second is to domestic listed enterprise puts forward more competition,I think is a good direction.


Education and protection to investors.There are two,One is the investor education,Must let the general retail aware of their investment ability have big limitations,His investment performance than it market average,How to correct,May through the investment fund,Through the negative investment rather than positive on the stock market,Could investors but can obtain better investment performance.We think conversion investors investment behavior and investment concept is very important.The second is investors now basically and listed companies game is always at a disadvantage,So how to better regulate the behavior of listed companies,Whether improve corporate governance structure,Still say forced dividends,Still say for some illegal or incomplete legal behavior attack strength enhancement,I think this is very important.


The whole market in the construction of the legal system and rules.Now a lot of overseas scholars will say to,We have no lack of domestic law,Also don't lack of rules,There is a law enforcement and real the dignity of the law and legal influence,Some time ago, there is a insider trading and information disclosure,Is not completely to CSRC prosecution/Accused and market access.But in the penal code,In fact they have been punished and not very serious.In overseas,For instance the United States securities regulatory commission have direct prosecution justice and the power of the project,So how can to CSRC puts forward many requirements,To further enhance the quality of the capital market and give it some more tools and weapons,Can make it better exercise it endowed by laws this responsibility,I think it is a very important development direction.

  行情仅是反弹 短期不会出现牛市 Quotation is only a short-term rebound will not appear bull market


HeXunWang:Professor zhu,On Friday we saw the stock market appeared to rebound,Do you think the rally is due to what kind of the causes?We see,Recent development and reform commission (NDRC) nearly trillions of examination and approval on infrastructure construction project,Do you think would like appeared in 2008 a new round of stimulus policy produce it?


ZhuNing:The last round of big rebound I think does give many market participants to bring a lot of hope,I think there are two background:The first,Just development and reform commission approval the massive project,Triggered investors for will there be a new round of financial and monetary stimulus policy launch caused some daydream.The second,May in the long process of falling,This round of rebound no matter from technical repair or the release of investor's emotion,Or the whole value return to a stable,I think all can understand,But the key lies in you for the next round of the whole macro economic situation of the judge.My personal view,Especially in the CPI released today last month,CPI has turned a few months before it falling trend,Start appeared to rebound,This, to a certain extent, I think and global food prices including commodity prices moved about.


On the other hand can not deny and now there is a certain loose fiscal and monetary policy is related,Whether real estate or a few large infrastructure investment project,From this point of view,I think it a policy to relax no matter from strength was determined,Or the technical feasibility,Than in 2008/In 2009 that a massive fiscal stimulus policy will much more subtle,Or more prudence.


so,I think that the rebound may have a certain strength,But not very short time large-scale big bull market in the market.This is my personal opinion.


HeXunWang:Thank you very much for professor zhu accept our 2012 summer davos field interview!Thank you for your!

