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Dynamic information

  本报讯 9月14日,国家发改委消息称,据对全国18个生猪主产省饲养户(场)生猪生产情况调查显示,与上月相比,2012年8月份出栏生猪利润止跌回升。数据显示,虽然成本增加,但价格上涨,生猪养殖利润结束连续下滑之势,恢复性上升,出栏生猪平均每头净利润56.25元,增加30.04元,增幅112.50%。其中,规模饲养和散养生猪出栏平均每头净利润分别为67.95元和45.55元,分别增加26.86元和33.23元,增幅分别为65.36%和269.70%。(夏 青)

Report from our correspondent September 14,,The national development and reform commission news said,According to the national 18 pig to raise animals into thinking the primary production provinces(field)Pig production status survey,Compared with last month,In August 2012 pig market profits rebounded reason.Data display,Although the cost increase,But prices,Pig breeding profit over falling trend,Restorative rise,Pig market average per head net profit of 56.25 yuan,Increase by 30.04 yuan,112.50%.the,Scale breeding and keeping free-roaming pigs market average per head net profit were 67.95 yuan and 45.55 yuan,Increased 26.86 yuan and 33.23 yuan,Rate were 65.36% and 269.70% respectively.(Summer green)


瑞银证券 Ubs securities

  荣获“年度最佳中外合资券商” won"The best sino-foreign joint venture securities trader"

  本报讯 在最近公布的2012年《国际金融评论》(IFR)中国最佳投行评选中,瑞银证券被评为“年度最佳中外合資券商”。

Report from our correspondent in the recently published in 2012[International financial review](IFR)China best investment Banks in the selection,Ubs securities is evaluated"The best sino-foreign joint venture securities trader".

  瑞银证券于2006年12月正式注册,是中国首家外资入股的全牌照证券公司。凭借丰富的本地知识和遍布全球的网络,与其他任何国际投行比较, 瑞银证券所完成的股票和债券交易为多,在国际投行完成国内股票和债券交易排名上位居第一。(夏 青)

Ubs securities in December 2006 officially registered,Is China's first foreign invest full licence securities company.With rich local knowledge and our worldwide network,Compared with any other international investment Banks, Ubs securities have finished stock and bond trading which is,In the international investment Banks complete domestic stock and bond trading top ranking.(Summer green)

  “新三板”为构建多层次资本市场 "The new SanBan"For the construction of multi-level capital market

  注入更多活力 Inject more vitality

  本报讯 “中关村科技园区将连同‘新三板扩容’新增的三家园区覆盖我国东部沿海及中西部内陆的经济发达地区,对我国未来各个区域经济连动、各地园区企业发展起到推波助澜的作用,为构建全国多层次资本市场注入更多活力。”清科研究中心最新发布的研究报告指出。

Report from our correspondent "Zhongguancun science and technology park will be along with‘The new SanBan flash’New three park covering along the east coasts of our country and the Midwest inland economy developed areas,To China's future each type of regional economy/All the enterprises in the park areas development play a important role,For the construction of the multi-level capital market inject more vitality."Clear division research center released the latest research report pointed out.


a,Nine ministries jointly issued jointly with the Beijing municipal government[About zhongguancun national independent innovation demonstration area construction of national science and technology financial innovation center opinion],The construction of zhongguancun national science and technology financial innovation center guiding ideology/principle/Target and concrete work deployment to be clear.this,Clear division research center sebald w when accepting a reporter to interview said,The accelerating the construction of zhongguancun national science and technology financial innovation center,Will contribute to give full play to the zhongguancun science and technology and the development of financial combined with rich experience,To lead the demonstration and radiation which drive the national science and technology financial innovation system forming,To take the global science and technology innovation and high technology industry development of new strategic commanding heights provides the powerful support.


As a national independent innovation demonstration area,To cultivate a large number of zhongguancun high-tech innovation enterprise/Gather a lot of science and technology financial service resources.According to the clear division research center statistics,In the first half of 2012,Beijing area new IPO enterprise and home,Financing total 2.96 billion dollars,the,Only zhongguancun science and technology park listed enterprise quantity and account for or junk-rated than is as high as 85.7% and 79.9%,Were 18/2.365 billion dollars.In addition,A VC/PE support in listed company,Zhongguancun science and technology park in Beijing or junk-rated listed quantity and of the area accounted for more than 87.5% and 55.7% respectively.(ZhuBaoChen)


 原太平洋(601099,股吧)资管债券主席加盟英仕曼 Original Pacific(601099,guba)Endowment tube bond chairman to join the English shi mann

  本报讯 全球第二大对冲基金公司英仕曼集团日前确认,前太平洋投资管理公司国际债券主席 Sudesh Mariappa正式加盟英仕曼GLG 对冲基金公司,任组合资产投资高级经理,并将负责固定收益交易。英仕曼认为,Sudi Mariappa 的加入,将有助于提升GLG公司固定收益产品的回报率。

Report from our correspondent the world's second largest hedge fund company British official mann group has confirmed,Former Pacific investment management company chairman international bond Sudesh Mariappa formally joined the shi mann GLG hedge fund company,RenZuGe assets investment senior manager,And will be responsible for the fixed income trading.British official man think,Sudi Mariappa to join,Will help promote the GLG company fixed income products rate of return.


51 years old Mr. Mariappa in 2003 to join the Pacific endowment tube company,As the global bond fund,And within in asset management scale expansion to $85 billion by 10 billion,This makes the Pacific endowment tube company to become the world's largest bond traders;Over the same period,He also for the Pacific endowment tube company established the company hedge fund product categories.Before joining the Pacific endowment tube before the company,Mr. Mariappa also who have served in salomon brothers company bonds arbitrage team.


British official mann says,The company's business in America this department has a comprehensive plan,In the next few months,Will launch a series of bond funds.At the same time,British official mann executives think,Bond hedge funds to meet the conservative investors demand for income was of great significance.(Bag am)


 九牧王(601566,股吧)推出“优雅绅仕方程式” Nine king of animal husbandry(601566,guba)launched"Elegant landed gentry shi equation"

  本报讯 今年秋冬,九牧王将以最能代表男人优雅的大衣、西服及西裤组合作为主推产品,为精英男人展现着装搭配的绅士风范方程式。

Report from our correspondent this year qiu dong,Nine animal husbandry the king will be the most can represent man elegant coat/Suit and trousers combination as a main product,For elite men show dress collocation gentleman demeanor equation.


It is reported,The second half of this year,"Nine king of animal husbandry"Brand plan in the nationwide roll out ceremoniously"In 2012 an elegant flowed image ambassador selection activities",promotion"Flowed elegant shi"Dress concept and"Elegant landed gentry shi equation"Dress way.The company's market brand center director HuZhongHui said,Media publicity fit activity promotion will boost products and brand influence upgrade,"Thus further promote nine animal husbandry king brand visibility and reputation".(Bag am)
