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  金融快讯 长江证券(000783,股吧)获准开展

Financial express the Yangtze river securities(000783,guba)Allowed to carry out


Agreed repurchase type securities trading business pilot


Haitong securities


Brokers third quarter performance decline is expected to narrow was founded on August 16 brokers only set product


And this year highs

  本报讯 长江证券昨日公告,长江证券近日收到中国证监会机构监管部《关于长江证券开展约定购回式证券交易业务试点的无异议函》(机构部部函[2012]493号)。根据该函,中国证监会机构监管部对公司开展约定购回式证券交易业务试点及公司的业务实施方案无异议。试点期间业务规模在不超过公司净资本的15%的前提下,由公司自主确定。

Report from our correspondent yesterday announced the Yangtze river securities,The Yangtze river securities recently received the China securities regulatory commission JianGuanBu institutions[About the Yangtze river in securities agreed repurchase type securities trading business pilot have no objection to the letter](Institutions ministry letter [2012] no. 493).According to the letter,The China securities regulatory commission JianGuanBu mechanism for the company to conduct prescribed repurchase type securities trading business pilot and business of the company have no objection to the plan.During the pilot business scale in no more than 15% of the net capital of the premise,The company independently determine.


Haitong securities


Brokers third quarter performance decline is expected to narrow

  本报讯 海通证券(600837,股吧)近日发布研报指出,从业绩上看,券商行业前三季度预计同比下降3.5%,降幅较中报缩窄,预计三季度业绩同比增长超90%,个股来看,业绩弹性较大的长江、宏源、广发、国金、国海、方正、东北前三季度有望实现业绩同比增长。同时,三季度各项创新仍在持续推进中,转融通推出、新三板扩容、资产管理业务放开、代销金融产品政策出台,打消了市场对金融创新的疑虑。看好行业的后续表现,维持增持评级。

Report from our correspondent haitong securities(600837,guba)Recently released report points out that research,Look from the performance,Brokers industry the first three quarters year-on-year is expected to decline 3.5%,Drop a center daily news constriction,The third quarter year-on-year growth performance is expected to exceed 90%,Stocks to see,Performance of the Yangtze river bigger elasticity/hongyuan/Guangdong development/Countries gold/GuoHai/founder/Northeast China the third quarter is expected to achieve performance year-on-year growth.At the same time,The first innovation continues in advance,Refinancing launched/The new SanBan flash/The asset management business let go/Consignment financial products policies,Out of the market for financial innovation doubts.Value industry subsequent performance,Keep increasing rating.


August was only 16 brokers set product


And this year highs

  本报讯 海通证券近日披露的数据指出,8月15家券商共计募集成立16只券商集合理财产品,成立数量与去年12月份持平,并是今年以来成立数量最多的一个月份,今年前8月券商共成立集合理财产品62只。

Report from our correspondent haitong securities recently disclosed data points out,August 15 brokers to raise a total of 16 was only brokers set financial products,The number was established with roughly the same rate as in December,And is this year was established since the largest number of a month,Before this year on August brokers were established set financial product 62 only.


Founded in August 16 only products strands of mixed type product nine,Bond type product of four,Monetary type products three.Three monetary type products are according to the securities company stock clients' transaction settlement account retained funds design of innovative products.




Accede to the bank of China(601988,guba)Dong secret

  本报讯 中国银行昨日公告,中国银行董事会于2012年5月30日批准聘任范耀胜先生担任本行董事会秘书。现已收到中国银行业监督管理委员会核准范耀胜先生董事会秘书任职资格的批复。

Report from our correspondent bank of China announced yesterday,The board of directors of the bank of China on May 30, 2012 appointed Mr. FanYaoSheng approval as a secretary of the board of directors of the bank.Has received the China banking regulatory commission approved FanYaoSheng sir secretary of the board of directors of qualifications of reply.


In addition,The bank of China announced that the board of directors,From September 20, 2012 the beginning,Mr. FanYaoSheng as secretary of the board of directors of the bank,Mr. ZhangBingXun no longer as secretary of the board of directors of the bank of China.


Ningbo bank


Executive office approved

  本报讯 宁波银行(002142,股吧)近日公告,近日接到中国银行业监督管理委员会宁波监管局《宁波银监局关于核准付文生任职资格的批复》和《宁波银监局关于核准王勇杰任职资格的批复》, 分别核准付文生先生和王勇杰先生宁波银行副行长的任职资格。

Report from our correspondent bank of ningbo(002142,guba)Recently announced,Recently received the China banking regulatory commission ningbo supervision bureau[Ningbo silver inspect bureau approval of qualifications of FuWenSheng's reply]and[Ningbo silver inspect bureau approval of qualifications of WangYongJie's reply], Mr. FuWenSheng approved respectively and Mr. WangYongJie ningbo bank vice President of the qualifications.


Anxi trust


Through the major asset sale bill

  本报讯 安信信托(600816,股吧)近日公告,安信信托第二届临时股东大会审议通过了重大资产出售暨关联交易相关方案。

Report from our correspondent anxi trust(600816,guba)Recently announced,Anxi trust the second extraordinary shareholders' general meeting adopted the major asset sale and connected transaction related solutions.


Anxi trust pointed out that,Company to particular objects the purchase of assets through issuing shares and material assets reorganization matters in the original scheme has been under the precondition of no,Not done adjust continue to report to the original plan has not feasible.In the non-public issuance of no substantial progress circumstance,For does not affect the development of the company,The company in accordance with the prescribed procedures first transfer silver morning webex and kay union company shares,Cleaning industrial assets,Start renewal work.

  此前于9月7日公布的重大资产出售暨关联交易报告书草案显示,安信信托拟将所持有的银晨网讯科技有限公司74.0488%的股权及上海凯盟投资发展有限公司100%的股权出售给控股股东上海国之杰投资发展有限公司。拟出售股权总交易金额为33833.07万元。(朝 阳)

Previously on September 7, published by the major asset sale and connected transaction report said the draft,Anxi trust will be proposed to hold silver morning webex technology co., LTD. 74.0488% of the equity and Shanghai kay union investment development co., LTD. 100% stake sale to the controlling shareholder Shanghai CZJ countries investment development co., LTD.Plans to sell equity total transaction amount is 338.3307 million yuan.(Towards Yang)
