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Across the global financial crisis,The main countries in the world of financial reform and development brought various reflection,One of the most striking is the financial regulatory reform and financial consumer protection.In the financial consumer protection,There are three major reflection:One is to establish an independent or relatively independent financial consumer protection agency is the consensus of most countries;The second is to financial institutions to establish the information disclosure obligation is the core of the financial consumer protection system;The third is to establish an effective/Low cost/Fair financial consumer dispute resolution mechanism.From our country over the years to see financial practice,China's financial consumer protection exist some problems,oerall,There are three aspects:One is our country has not establish an independent financial consumer protection agency;The second is the strong financial institutions/Financial consumers vulnerable pattern of interests to exist for a long time,The financial terms and damage the interests of consumers case happen from time to tome;The third is the financial consumers' rights after damage,The existing dispute settlement mechanism of the high cost/The lack of efficiency and credibility deficiency.After the financial crisis,Theorists and the practical realm in foreign countries on the basis of experience of legislation,To our country's financial consumer protection put forward many valuable thinking and Suggestions.


The author thinks that,In the full research and discussion,To our country financial consumer research and thinking should enter a to concrete system design as the center of the new stage.In particular,Financial consumer protection legislation framework design can include the following six aspects:Financial consumer concept and scope of protection;The basic principle of financial consumer protection;independent/Unified financial consumer protection agency and its operation mechanism;Financial consumer protection rules;Financial consumer dispute resolution mechanism and financial consumer education.

  金融消费者概念及保护范围 Financial consumer concept and scope of protection


Financial consumer concept is financial consumer protection legislation expanded basis points,Is also defined financial consumer protection scope and object of the baseline.At present,The legislation in China have not yet on the financial consumer concept definition.From the overseas legislation to see,America's 2010[Dodd - frank Wall Street reform and consumer protection act]provisions,Consumer is refers to the individual or on behalf of the individual agent of the act/The agent or representative.Consumer financial products or services means,In order to meet personal/Family members or family need,Provide consumers with the provisions of the financial products or services.Japan 2001[Financial commodity selling]provisions,Financial consumers is to point to do not have financial professional knowledge,In trading in a vulnerable position,For financial need to buy/Use financial products or accept the main body of financial services.Taiwan 2011[Financial consumer protection laws]provisions,Financial consumers accept financial services to provide financial goods or service,But not including specialized investment institutions and accord with certain financial or professional ability of the natural person or legal person.The scope of the specialized investment institutions and certain financial or professional ability standard to determine by the competent authority.


Analysis of the definition,one,Not all accept financial goods and services are the main body of the financial consumers legislative protection object.Such as the United States law,In order to meet personal/Family members or families need and purchase financial products or service of natural person and its agent,Is to protect the financial consumers.The second,Financial consumers not must be natural persons,Legal person also can become part of the financial consumers.Such as Japan and Taiwan provisions,At a disadvantage(Refers to the non-professional investment institutions,Financial or professional ability is not up to the legal condition set by the competent department in charge)Legal person is also the financial consumers.thirdly,Financial consumer protection object not limited to financial products and services in the buyers,Also includes the user.Such as the United States law,If family members are financial products users,When the rights and interests are harmed,It can also claim rights protection.Japan regulations be fixed,buy/Use the subject of financial products and services,The specific subjects into financial consumer protection range.


therefore,The author suggest,China's financial consumers should be defined as:Financial consumers is refers to the purchase/Use the subject of financial products and services,But does not include professional investor.This definition has the following advantages:one,Protection object not limited to buyers,Also includes the user,It helps to protect the financial products and services of the end users,Protect those for family members or families need and purchase financial products and services situation,Can also solve the free use of financial products and services under the situation,To the user rights protection;The second,use"subject"/"Professional investors"concept,This concept not only refers to a natural person,Also includes legal persons and other organizations,The application range was extended,So that those who do not have the professional knowledge and ability/Disadvantaged legal persons and other organizations in the financial consumption process can also be protected;thirdly,Professional investors will be ruled out.Compared with financial institutions,The specialized investment institutions and has considerable financial and professional ability of investors have a game ability,Its investment ability and level is not lower than financial institutions,Do not belong to the disadvantaged groups,There is no need to be protected for its.Professional investors will be ruled out,Can the limited resources for really need someone to protect financial consumers;its,The definition and China 1993[The consumer rights and interests protection law]Maintained the same.[The consumer rights and interests protection law]provisions,Consumers for life consumption need to buy/Use of a commodity or receiving a service,The rights protected by this law.The law will protect is limited to the cost of living,In this paper, the definition of the financial consumers continue to the protection of the living consumption,At the same time, considering the financial part of the consumption has the dual nature of consumption and investment,From the point of view of the act shall be defined,That is as long as is a professional institutions to purchase/Use the behavior of financial products and services are protected,Regardless of what kind of purpose,It was thus able to cover the cost of living and the investment spending.

  金融消费者的保护原则 Financial consumer protection principle


The legislative principle is the criterion of legislative activities,Law is the interpretation principle.Based on domestic and foreign financial consumer protection system research,The author thinks that,Financial consumer protection should adhere to the principle of comprehensive protection/Downtown cumber protection principle/Differential protection principle/For the convenience of the principle of high efficiency and protection and education and the legislative principles.


The comprehensive protection principle includes three aspects:The first,Not only financial consumer protection specialized agency responsible for to protect the financial consumers,Other departments for financial consumer protection to create a good financial environment,As the central bank to exchange rate/Interest rate control,Realize the currency stable,CSRC/The CBRC, and other financial supervision department to make financial institutions fully competition,Manage according to the law,Form is helpful to financial consumer buyer's market;The second,Financial consumer protection agency and the judiciary/Consumer protection association and industry association cooperation between,To solve the financial consumers' complaints,Safeguard the financial interests of consumers;The third,Should not only safeguard the financial consumers in financial consumption within the contract rights,And to safeguard the financial consumers in contract signing and performance in the process of the rights,Such as financial consumers on the financial consumers' personal information confidentiality obligations, etc.


Downtown cumber protection principle is to show in the financial institutions and financial consumer rights and obligations in the distribution,Give financial consumers more rights.Such as high risk for some financial products,Provisions of financial consumers calm period protection system,Namely after signing of contract of a certain period of time,Financial consumers can unconditionally terminate the contract,Give financial consumers cop out on opportunities.


Differential protection principle refers to financial products contains risk,On the financial product classification and take different protection measures,if,High risk financial products set access conditions,Only allowed to take the main body of high risk and financial institutions to buy a part of his obligations exemption.


For the convenience of the efficient principle is to show in the financial consumption process or when occurrence dispute,Financial institutions have an obligation to take convenient financial consumer measures,To improve the quality of financial services;Financial consumer protection agency have an obligation to investigate violations financial the rights and interests of consumers, the illegal act,And quickly deal with financial consumers' complaints,Reduce the financial consumers' rights protection cost.


Protection and education and principle is to show not only to strengthen the financial consumers' rights and interests protection,And to strengthen financial consumer education,Financial knowledge popularization,Improve the financial consumers' risk identification and judgment,Prevent enroach on consumer rights and the occurrence of financial behavior.For example,According to the practice of the outstanding problems and weak financial consumers shall establish a special financial education plan.

  建立金融消费者权益保护机构 To establish financial consumer rights protection mechanism


After the financial crisis,The world's major countries to their financial consumer protection system was reconsidered,A prominent and has common reform trend is an independent financial consumer protection agency.


For example,The United States established financial consumer protection agency,Exercise unified financial consumer protection duties,And give its independent regulatory power/Complaints enforcement power/Discretion, etc widely authority;Britain has revoked the financial service,Will the financial regulatory functions to the bank of England(Britain's central bank)exercise,And set up a consumer protection and market administration,Full-time responsible for financial consumer protection,To achieve financial supervision and financial consumer protection functions and powers of the mutual independence.In addition,Canada years ago established independent operation of the financial consumer protection agency.


From our country financial consumer protection present situation to see,Our country also needs to establish an independent financial consumer protection agency,For the following reasons.


one,The separated operation of China's financial industry/Supervised respectively,Financial supervision responsibilities by respectively"A line of three will"exercise,Don't set up independent financial consumer protection agency,The need to set up a four belongs to regulatory financial consumer protection department,Practice possible policy not unified/Law enforcement not unified problem;The second,More and more comprehensive financial products to the emergence of financial objectively requires the consumers' rights and interests protection of unity;thirdly,Financial consumers in the county number,In fact,In addition to the people's bank in the county have branch offices outside,The other three regulators in the county and no branches,Nature also no financial consumer protection department,therefore,The bank/Securities and insurance three financial regulators is difficult to realize the county the following financial consumer protection.If three regulators at the same time in the county was established under the financial consumer protection agency,Will bring a large number of institutions expansion,Is not recommended.


Considering foreign experience and domestic actual,The author does not agree with set up belongs to each regulators financial consumer protection agency,And arguing that set up independent/Exercise unified protection duties of financial consumer protection agency.however,In the past two years,Various departments have established their own financial consumer protection agency,Therefore to establish unified financial consumer protection agency more difficult.


From maintenance financial consumer interests,The author suggest,In the future financial consumer protection legislation to solve this problem,Ideas have two:one,The four financial consumer protection department from"A line of three will"off,Merged to form a deputy ministry class financial consumer protection agency,Exercise unified financial consumer protection duties;The second,To establish competitive financial consumer protection mechanism.In particular,Keep financial consumer agency establishment situation unchanged,But given the financial consumers dispute resolution option.Namely legislation in specific provision,Financial consumers can choose to the people's bank or three regulators financial consumer protection agency complaints.


For example,Concerning insurance consumers/Securities consumers and bank of consumer complaints,Can respectively to three regulators financial consumer protection agency complaints,Also may apply to the people's bank's financial consumer protection agency complaints,These organizations shall have the right to deal with,The people's bank of formation of financial consumer protection agency and belonging to the other three regulators financial consumer protection agency in solving financial consumption dispute of competition mechanism.


At the same time,To establish a by compiling department/Financial department/A line of three will/Legal department/On behalf of the financial consumers of financial consumer protection assessment committee,According to accept the complaint case quantity,Resolve the dispute satisfaction,The development law enforcement and education situation, etc,On a regular basis four financial consumer protection agency work evaluation and adjust the personnel according to the evaluation results/Funds and in the allocation of resources,And to the society regularly publish the evaluation reports,Subject to public supervision.


Through the above mechanism,Form between agencies benign competition mechanism,Make these institutions more actively to perform functions and powers,Better safeguard the rights and interests of the financial consumers.

  建立金融消费者保护规则 To establish financial consumer protection rules


In particular,Financial consumer protection rules include the following aspects:The first,Appropriate sales rules.Financial institutions sales products,Should the appropriate product sells to the appropriate financial consumers,According to the strength of the financial consumers/Experience and risk to bear ability sales financial products,Shall not sell beyond risk to bear ability of products.


The second,Product information full disclosure rules.Financial institutions and their sales personnel shall with concise/Understand the language to buyers fully/True disclosure product contains risk,And please financial consumers signature confirmation.To have the risk of disclosure,If there was loss,Financial institutions can be exceptions;Because of not to disclose the relevant risk caused by the loss of financial consumers,The financial institution shall bear.


The third,Calm period rules.With long-term savings composition or high-risk financial products or services,Financial consumers being calm period protection,Namely in the calm period,Financial consumers are free to terminate the contract and need not bear legal responsibility.It helps avoid financial consumers for sales staff persuasion by not rational consumption.


The fourth,Back tie-in sale rules.The financial institution shall not infringe upon the financial consumers' freedom of choice,Use a powerful position or product scarcity demands of its customers to buy the specified products or services.


The fifth,Qualified sellers rules.In the process of sale,Financial institutions must show that he is legal/Accept the supervision of financial institutions,Its sales workers also have competent product sales professional knowledge,If regulators have the qualifications of product sales provisions,The related sales personnel should also obtain corresponding sales qualification,Its purpose is to protect the financial consumers in the sales process of rights.


The sixth,Information and privacy protection rules.In the financial products sales process,To know the financial consumer information,Financial institutions shall, in accordance with law/Reasonable use and provide,The main body of consumers and financial information and privacy/Consumption information confidentiality obligations.


The seventh,After-sales service rules.Financial institutions should actively provide funds to the customer account changes,Interest rates/The cost of change,Credit record changes, etc,Do after-sales service and banned to the customer to take the bad debt punish way.

  构建金融消费者纠纷解决机制 Constructing financial consumer dispute resolution mechanism


In theory,Dispute settlement mechanism is also part of the financial consumer protection rules,The difference between,Dispute settlement mechanism is financial consumer rights and interests are infringed upon the right after relief mechanism.Practice shows that,Dispute effectively/A just settlement will produce DaoBi mechanism,That is if the dispute can effectively/Just solve,In turn will reduce the occurrence of the dispute.At present,China's financial consumer dispute resolution mechanism mainly exists low efficiency/High cost/Credibility problems such as insufficient.


The author thinks that,To build our future financial consumer dispute resolution mechanism should include financial institutions of the dispute settlement mechanism;Financial consumer protection mechanism of the dispute settlement mechanism;Alternative dispute resolution mechanism and judicial settlement mechanism.Financial institutions of the dispute settlement mechanism as a self correcting and supervision mechanism,Should be able to solve most of the disputes,Through these the settlement of the dispute,In addition to maintain financial outside consumer rights,Still can find problems in work,Optimize the financial institutions own management,therefore,Financial institutions shall establish their dispute resolution department,Clear complaint shooting time and guarantee justice solution program.


Financial consumer protection agency main solve those who have common disputes and financial consumer complaints case.For common occurrence similar cases,Financial consumer protection agency should be issued guidance to resolve disputes;For complaint case,Responsible for financial institutions shall be subject to administrative punishment or take compulsory measures,And require financial institutions to make up for financial consumers' economic losses;Alternative dispute resolution mechanism is the fast development in recent years of the dispute settlement mechanism,British/Japan and China's Hong Kong areas to develop better.Alternative dispute resolution mechanism is helpful to play folk strength/To reduce the consumption of administrative resources,And reflect more equal consultation solve spirit.


In the system stratification plane,Have credibility should be encouraged to third party participate in financial consumption to solve the disputes.Judicial settlement system is the end of the dispute settlement mechanism,The Chinese judicial mechanism consummation truth-value reduce the cost of judicial solution/Improve efficiency,Such as to improve the summary trial procedure and representative litigation system, etc.

  明确金融消费者教育制度 Clear financial consumer education system


Financial consumer education helps to popular financial knowledge,Improve the financial consumers' risk identification and judgment,And help prevent the occurrence of the dispute.


The author suggest,In the protection and education under the guidance of the principle of equal importance,The law should be clear about the financial consumer protection agency responsible for coordinating other government departments or non-governmental organization to implement feasible financial consumer education plan and the view of the financial consumers vulnerable groups of financial education plan,And funds from/Personnel to provide support.In addition,Still should perfect the external financial consumer education plan implementation effect evaluation mechanism,The formation of financial consumer education supervision.


In a word,On the financial consumers legislation to thinking framework has important significance in theory and practice,Not only helps to systematically summarize the experiences of foreign countries and domestic financial consumer protection practice,And further to be integrated/Absorb and draw lessons from,And to push forward China's financial consumers legislation,The specific provisions of the perfect design also has a reference value.
