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23日纽约股市三大股指大幅下跌 23 New York stock market indexes fell sharply three


Dupont by transnational corporations such as poor performance of the drag,23 New York stock market indexes fell sharply three,The dow fell 1.82%,The s&p fell 1.44%,The nasdaq fell 0.88%.


伦敦股市23日大跌 The London stock market plunged 23


The London stock market[Financial times]100 stock average price index fell 23,In at 5797.91 points,Than the previous trading day down 85 points,Down 1.44%.This is the blue chip stock index nearly a month biggest one-day fall since.The British leather manufacturers MULBURRY release performance early warning,And moody's, a rating agency for Spain cut five regions of the rating,Add the market investor pessimism.


纽约金价23日收跌 New York gold 23 accept fell


Because of the dollar go high pressure including gold, commodities trading,New York gold futures contract price 23 down,The closing price and the lowest since September 6,.The day,The New York mercantile exchange gold futures trading market of the most active December gold QiJia to close at $1709.4 an ounce,Than the previous trading day down 16.9 dollars,Down 0.98%.


国际油价23日下跌 International oil prices drop 23


Continue to the global economic slowdown by worries about rising influence and the dollar,International oil prices drop 23,New York market November delivery light crude oil futures prices fell $2.06,To close at $86.67 a barrel,Down 1.98%.


中国证券报 China's stock certificate report


首批基金三季报出炉 仓位降至76.59% Three quarterly report released the first batch of fund positions drop to 76.59%


And the fund company's 365 fund(Hierarchical funds combined calculation,A/B/C separate statistics,Contains coupling fund)24 disclosed three quarterly report.Good day of data display,In the third quarter a-share falling cases,At the end of the third quarter than stock direction fund average positions drop to 76.59%,A second quarter fell by more than 3%.Already disclosure quarterly report fund total losses in the third quarter of 22.501 billion yuan,By the second quarter earnings into losses.


险资参与期指仅限对冲不得投机 Risk information to participate in period refers to only for hedge shall not be speculative


Promulgated by the China insurance regulatory commission 23[Insurance funds to participate in the financial derivatives transaction interim measures](said[way])and[Insurance funds to participate in stock index futures trading rules](said[provisions]),Allow insurance funds to participate in including stock index futures, financial derivatives trading.[way]requirements,"Insurance institutions to participate in derivatives trading,Limited to hedge or avoid risk,Shall not be used for speculative purpose."Analysts said,Insurance funds to participate in the financial derivatives investment will be for the purpose of hedging,Don't bring to the market"Naked short selling"pressure.More important is,After insurance institutions can only rely on sell stock to control risk,In the market fluctuation is bigger,Communality to reduce their holdings of more exacerbate market fluctuation,And through the stock index futures hedge,Insurance institutions can reduce the transaction cost,And won't cause a direct impact to the spot market,Thus plays the role of the market stable.


郭树清:支援西部地区发展 GuoShuQing:Support the development of the western region


Securities regulatory commission chairman GuoShuQing recently in shaanxi research said,Support the western region development is the duty of the CSRC,Will through the project and capital cohesion/Multi-level capital market construction/The modern agricultural development key,Deepening the cooperation with shaanxi,Provides the high-quality service.


财政部:积极财政政策将继续发力 The ministry of finance:Active fiscal policy will continue to send force


The ministry of finance officials recently, when being interviewed by the media is introduced,By the end of September,The central construction investment budget to $390.5 billion,Account for 97% of the budget target,Progress than the same period last year increased by 8%,Key construction in/Construction projects and major projects to start new country construction funds get better security.


Win8重燃超极本“钱景” PC欲演“三国杀”变局 Win8 reignition super this"QianJing" PC to play"Triple kill"upheavals


Industry sources said,Beijing time on October 24,,Apple will hold a product launches,The industry of hot debate seven inches tablet PC and so on the new product appearance;On October 26,,Microsoft Win8 system will be listed on the global,And Microsoft's tablet PC Surface will also be on the synchronous put on sale.In addition,Google on October 29, new conference,Will be issued new Nexus mobile phone at the same time,Publish a paragraph 10 inches Nexus tablet PC.


上海证券报 Shanghai stock certificate report


银行将添更多融资途径 有望减少对A股冲击 The bank will add more financing way are expected to reduce the impact of A shares


Reporters from a source place to know,The formal introduction of CBRC[The measures for the administration of the commercial bank capital(trial)]after,Which makes the market of the concerns of bank capital supplementary channel innovation rules has already make finished,The innovation of the tools of the capital guidance will come on stage formally before the end of the year.


证金公司资本金增至120亿 酝酿券商扩编 Gold card company capital expansion to 12 billion brewing brokers


Gold card company of step increase endowment spread work is orderly.The reporter learns yesterday,The company first increase endowment spread work has been finished,4.5 billion yuan new money in place,Gold card company registered capital has increased to 12 billion yuan.At the same time,The second time the company for the private capital and financial institutions open increase endowment spread solutions are worked out,For many agencies seco approach,More than half for the private enterprise.


多省市政策频出 地方国资兼并重组潮再起 Many provinces and cities PinChu policy where annexation and reorganization of salt tide rise


in[The state council on promoting the annexation and reorganization of enterprises opinion]Under the guidance of related policies,The local government in the area under its jurisdiction annexation and reorganization of enterprises to promote/Support is constantly increasing.Nearly a week,Guangdong province/Hubei province/Chongqing have issued or review the relevant promote annexation and reorganization of enterprises/The opinions of the reform and development spirit,For within its jurisdiction to develop in the future enterprise annexation and reorganization direction.


保监会两日连推六新规 险资可全方位介入金融衍生品市场 The China insurance regulatory commission two days even push six new gauge risk information can be comprehensive intervention in the financial derivatives market


Yesterday morning,The China insurance regulatory commission website hanging out on the market[Insurance funds to participate in the financial derivatives transaction interim measures].Marks the risk information for hedge investment risk,Can comprehensive intervention in the financial derivatives market.The so-called financial derivatives is to show its value depends on one or more underlying assets/Index or specific events of financial contracts,Including forward/futures/Options and swap(interchange).But these just domestic derivatives trading,Not including overseas derivatives trading.


基金法修订“二读” PE入法几成定局 Funds revised"The second reading" PE penetration method a few to stay


Securities investment funds revised draft 23, submit a request to the National People's Congress (NPC) to do the second review,Secondary reading of modified the revised draft of the relevant clauses.And first instance different,Reviewing the highlight of the two largest is to define the PE securities investment activities should be brought into the regulatory,At the same time to delete the previous about fund organization form of board type and the infinite responsible fund regulation.


经济参考报 Economic reference to


辽宁养老金个人账户被借支76亿 Liaoning pension individual account is 7.6 billion cash advance


According to the information from liaoning social insurance business bureau,Liaoning endowment insurance personal account 2011 RMB 7.68 billion cash advance,More than 2010 yuan in 6.35 billion an increase of 1.3 billion yuan,Already account for a year before 1/10 of the accumulation of the forehead.


29上市房企利润下降可售库存首降 29 listed room enterprises falling profits can sell stock first drop


At 23,,Existing investment real estate(000024,guba)Etc and listed room to release third quarter earnings,Eight of the home for the top 100 enterprises of large room.Analysis agency says,Although already disclosure earnings room enterprises only for a-share listed room look forward to twenty percent,but"To a certain extent can reflect room enterprise financial situation".


外贸低位运行态势短期难改 Foreign trade low operation situation short-term difficult to change


The customs to released on September import and export data is a little solace.7 compared/And two months,September export growth significantly milder,Expand from 1% and 2.7% to 9.9%,Set a monthly performance record export scale.Imports also say goodbye to August negative growth,From 2.6% to 2.4%.


中移动开建第二批4G试验城市 Open the second batch of move to build 4 g test city

  记者日前从多个渠道获悉,中国移动正在加快T D -L T E (我国4G网络标准)网络部署进程,近期已经完成新一轮T D -L T E建设招标,其中包括新建10个大规模试验网城市,并升级已有的3个大规模试验网城市。此前,中国移动已经在上海、杭州、南京、广州、深圳和厦门6个城市建设T D -L T E大规模试验网。参与相关招标的企业向《经济参考报》记者透露,中国移动此次计划新建的第二批T D -L T E大规模试验网城市包括北京、天津、青岛、宁波、成都、福州、沈阳、无锡等10个城市,计划覆盖目标为主城区总面积的30%到50%。

Reporters recently learned from multiple channels,China mobile is accelerating T D - L T E (Our country 4 g networks standard)Network deployment process,Recent have completed a new round of T D - L T E construction bidding,Including new 10 large-scale test network cities,And upgrade existing three large-scale test network cities.after,China mobile has been in Shanghai/hangzhou/nanjing/guangzhou/Shenzhen and xiamen six urban construction T D - L T E large-scale test network.To participate in bidding enterprise to[Economic reference to]Reporters revealed,China mobile the plan of the new second batch of T D - L T E large-scale test network cities including Beijing/tianjin/Qingdao/ningbo/chengdu/fuzhou/shenyang/Wuxi, and other 10 cities,Plan covers 30% of the total target is given priority to urban areas to 50%.


中海油在美遭集体诉讼 Cnooc in beauty by collective action

  中海油10月22日晚间公告称,公司10月11日收到由Sam Sinay个人及其代表所有其他类似情况人士的应诉通知书,指控中海油于2011年1月27日至9月16日间,就公司经营、财务表现和“蓬莱19-3油田”漏油事故发布重大虚假和误导性声明。该诉讼被告人包括中海油、首席财务官钟华和时任首席执行官的杨华。

Cnooc on October 22nd evening announcement to say,On October 11, the company received by Sam Sinay personal and represent all other similar situation people's appearance notice,Accused of cnooc in January 27, 2011 to September 16 day,For the company/Financial performance and"Penglai 19-3 oilfield"Oil leakage accident release significant false and misleading statement.The lawsuit the defendant including cnooc/Chief financial officer apart and the chief executive of cnooc.


证券时报 Securities times


私募基金统一向基金行业协会备案 Private equity fund is unified to fund industry association for the record


yesterday,Securities investment funds revised draft submitted to the National People's Congress (NPC) on the second review.Compared with a reviewing,Two copy-editor has been clear about the scope of the funds,Public or private to raise funds,For securities investment activities for the purpose of the establishment of the company or the partnership enterprise,Assets by the fund manager or general partner management,Its securities investment activities for funds.


券商“老鼠仓”第一案宣判季敏波获刑3年缓期3年 brokers"Mice storehouse"The first case JiMinBo sentence by punishment 3 years suspended for 3 years


yesterday,Brokers from personnel of"Mice storehouse"The first case first sentence,The chongqing first intermediate people's court to take advantage of the undisclosed information trading charges,Sentenced to southwest securities(600369,guba)Former vice President and general manager of the securities investment management department JiMinBo three years imprisonment,Declared three years probation,Shall also be fined 600000 yuan.


《保险资金参与股指期货交易规定》发布 [Insurance funds to participate in stock index futures trading rules]release


For the purpose of regulating insurance funds to participate in stock index futures trading,China insurance regulatory commission yesterday released[Insurance funds to participate in stock index futures trading rules].[provisions]Since issued by the.[provisions]clear,Insurance funds to participate in the stock index futures trading,Refers to the China securities regulatory commission for approval,In China financial futures exchange to appear on the market is with the stock price index for mark financial futures contract.Insurance institutions involved in stock index futures trading,Should be to determine portfolio basis,Open stock index futures trading account respectively,Implement account/assets/trading/Accounting and risk independent management.


证金公司首轮增资到位 全部用于转融资 Gold card company first capital increase in place all used to turn the financing


The reporter learns yesterday,The China securities finance company first increase endowment spread successfully completed,Has been completed business registration formalities,The first increase endowment spread 4.5 billion yuan in all,The company registered capital from 7.5 billion yuan to 12 billion yuan,New capital will be used to turn all financing business.The second increase endowment spread goes well,corporation/brokers/Social security funds more than 30 mechanism of this increase endowment spread show high enthusiasm.


第三批14家机构获险资投资管理人资格 A third group of 14 agencies (the risk investment manager qualifications


China insurance regulatory commission announced the third batch of 14 agencies for insurance funds investment managers qualification.So far,There are 40 institutions to insurance funds investment managers qualification.announcement,The 14 agencies are respectively:Yangtze river securities(000783,guba)/Long cheng fund/Work silver red letter fund/Wide hair negotiable securities(000776,guba)/Cathay Pacific fund/Exchange add rich fund/Pay silver schroeder fund/Accommodation fund/The teda manuterm fund/"Taikang" asset management co., LTD/YiFangDa fund/Yin fund(blog,Micro bo)/China shipping fund/Boc fund.


证券日报 Securities daily


万科前三季净利增41.7% 销售均价降近千元 Vanke first three quarter net profit rose 41.7% to average sales fell nearly one thousand yuan


On the night of oct. 23,Vanke A(000002 SZ)Released third quarterly report.1-9 months the company realized total business income is 46.13 billion yuan,Net profit of 5.08 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 57.4%, respectively, and 41.7%;Within the scope of consolidated financial statements has not sold completion settlement resources up to 15.4 million square meters,Total contract value of about 163.1 billion yuan.In the third quarter of vanke achieve business income is 15.41 billion yuan,Net profit of 1.35 billion yuan,Year-on-year growth of 65.3%, respectively, and 123.5%.


天然气价改最快年底启动 Natural gas JiaGai fastest start at the end of the year


a,The national development and reform commission deputy director/National energy bureau chief LiuTieNan in west-east gas transmission three line ceremony said,Natural gas is a clean energy,Must be efficient economical utilization.It is imperative to coordinate resources supply and market development,To speed up the perfect natural gas price mechanism,Strengthen the gas utilization policy guidance.This is the industry as a natural gas price reform will accelerate the signal.after,Have sources also revealed,The natural gas price reform transition scheme has been completed and submitted to the relevant state departments,The fastest may be released at the end of the year.


保监会:险资可以参与股指期货交易 circ:Risk information can participate in the stock index futures trading


The China insurance regulatory commission 23 recurrence risk capital investment channels two new gauge,Two days were released six new gauge.This is also the July continuous issued four risk information use after policy,Come again about risk capital investment of the new policy.Expert analysis thinks,In the economic situation slows,Steady growth become this year's economic growth primary task,The insurance industry to mobilize all aspects of capital,For the entire economic development support,Can have the stable economic growth in the role of the overall situation.


新京报 The Beijing news


国家统计局局长谈幸福测度 National bureau of statistics director talk about happiness measure


National bureau of statistics in new Delhi MaJianTang a fourth world BBS introduced in China happiness measure situation.He said,Accurate measure happiness is a big challenge.22 late,Statistics bureau's official website announced the speech.


光伏企业的国有化需慎重 Photovoltaic enterprise should be cautious of nationalization


Reports say,Recent rumours that in Europe to be listed on the gem in the dongying pv solar energy co., LTD. In recent transfer 51% of the shares to dongying city sasac.Although some of the local government officials and relevant organizations to reporter said that they have not been inspected the news of contribution,But the message I'm afraid not invented.


热钱袭港可能给境内市场带来风险 Hot money of avian influenza may give the domestic market risks


recently,Hot money inflow signs of Hong Kong obviously,The Hong Kong dollar exchange rate going strong and stocks continue to rise make hot money inflow further confirmation,From early September has,Hong Kong's hang seng index has accumulated rose by 14%,Hong Kong dollar last Saturday touch one dollar to 7.75 Hong Kong dollar strong party exchange guarantee level,The hang seng index to Monday is put on 8 even Yang,At 8 months and high.In order to stabilize the exchange rate of Hong Kong dollar continue to rise,Hong Kong last Friday was forced to the hkma since three years ago international financial crisis once again after shots to market capital injection.


江西国资出手救光伏企业赛维 Jiangxi salt out save photovoltaic enterprise "d


Suffer from Europe and the United States"Double reverse"Survey and money tight and a series of problems,Photovoltaic star enterprise LDK finally from financial cliff is pulled back a.The United States local time 22 LDK(LDK)issued,The company 19 and jiangxi salt XinYu background of jiangxi HengRui new energy co., LTD. Signed equity purchase agreement.By this news influence,"D stock price soar 21%.
