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叶檀:外储结束高增长 货币体制亟待确立--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室

  中国经济网北京10月23日讯 近日,周小川先生发表《金融危机中关于救助问题的争论》,否认了金融领域存在垄断。非垄断论一出,立即引起各方质疑。对此,知名财经评论家叶檀发表博文称,中国银行(601988,股吧)业在市场化的道路上,尤其是利率市场化迈出重要一步,但在一些关键项目如吸储权的审批上仍未有改进。在外汇储备高增长已经过去的今天,中国基础货币发放方式面临抉择,是回到再借款或是依照外汇占款数据进行发放,只有解决这个问题,中国才会有明确的货币体制。

China JingJiWang Beijing on October 23 - recently,Mr. Zhou xiaochuan published[Financial crisis about rescue debate],Denied that the financial sector monopoly exist.The monopoly theory a,Immediately aroused questioned.this,Well-known financial critics leaf wingceltis published bowen said,The bank of China(601988,guba)Industry in the market on the road,Especially the interest rate marketization as an important step forward,But in some key projects such as the right of XiChu and still no improvement.Growth in foreign exchange reserve has already passed today,China's monetary base issuing mode at a crossroads,Is to return to again in accordance with the foreign exchange loan or funding of data distribution,Only to solve this problem,China will have a clear monetary system.


In the leaf wingceltis seems,China's monetary base on the system is still a confused account.Mr. Zhou xiaochuan put forward,China's foreign exchange reserve high growth has ended,From 2002 to September this year,China's foreign exchange reserves to maintain more than $2000 to $3.29 trillion high growth,Due to the funding of foreign exchange as a foundation of the main currency issuing mode,The central bank's balance sheet then rapid expansion,Assets party is accumulating foreign exchange reserves,Liabilities party is funding of foreign exchange of the launch.


The paper points out that,Now that foreign exchange reserves growth stage is almost over,The future China base money how to issue becomes a problem urgently solved,Then China can have clear monetary system,And will not be subject to the fed or economic pressure/Debt risk factors.Only in this way,China can be eliminated pegged to the dollar old routines,Real increase international competitiveness.


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Leaf wingceltis,Well-known financial critics/Financial columnist.[Daily economic news(blog,Micro bo)]editorialist/[Liberation daily]Economic commentators,The financial channel CCTV special commentator.
