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28-year-old zhang only(alias)Is a foreign enterprise customer manager,But work gentle but he more hope others so called:It was a mad of beth hand!And now,A lot of financing gap right out of the open shop on the way.


"Listening to their songs it feels good!"Chat to Oasis(oasis,Manchester, England's a combination of singing),Zhang only in the light of the excitement out,"And I was a Manchester united fans."

  资深乐手 职场新锐 Senior musicians new workplace


"A few of us know as a freshman,Later the interests,Is group a band."Zhang only said,"Then the first sophomore using smashed."Zhang only band since its establishment for seven years,In the circle also calculate a little famous,Can often received the invitation of each kind of performance."My grandma practice a seven years can also have this level."Zhang only said sheepishly.


After graduation,Zhang only and other several band members work in Shanghai.Due to the eloquence good temperament beautiful and good contacts,Zhang and quickly from a window consultant promotion for customer manager."Eloquence good?Don't,I just see the guests before making two hours the mental note it."Zhang only shake to say,"You see I a performance didn't say a word‘hello everybody’."

  买下二手琴行 筹措年底运营 Buy secondhand shop operation to raise the end of the year


"Probably from the Beijing Olympic Games since then,We in the opposite the music rehearsal,Sometimes also asked him to lend performance equipment.But this year, liu's owner suddenly wash one's hands of the."Zhang only told reporters,Music, liu boss,The immigration to the United States next year.Zhang only and friends have considered the store to buy liu's owner of a complete set of equipment,But these equipment loss serious,Liu's owner leng would not kill them a sword,But with lower price sold to another is not too familiar with the buyers.


Liu's owner go make several musicians like nidifugous birds,There is bound to be somewhat lost,However different the student age is puerile,Now they can already reengineering party belongs to own heaven and earth."Later, liu's owner and find him another friend to open shop,Agree to a small shop with 80000 yuan prices from hand to hand to us."


now,Zhang and a few good friends became the XiaoQin done owner(Only by zhang mainly),But zhang and must bear the $15000 a month in store rental fee."and,ZhuanRangJin music, although only accept 80000 yuan,But various expenses added up to include the initial purchase of equipment and so on,Before and after the start-up capital at least take a 350 ten thousand yuan,That is five friends share the initial cost,The pressure is much light!"Zhang only told reporters,That shop has a part of the faithful old customers,So they were not worried about the loss of passengers."Next month will decorate a store,Before the end of the year is expected to can be opened for business."


Zhang only basic monthly salary now 12000 yuan,And the band's performance fee monthly could bring him 3000 yuan of the extra income.But in the shop before start making profit,A book may be only in"Cannot make ends meet"Awkward situation.


"We only hope that music can profit per month,At least we have no need to another TieQian is good."Zhang only said.

  如何确保琴行运作资金 How to ensure that shop operation funds


"Has had several customer going to introduce me to the object."Zhang and a little embarrassed,"But this also is really a headache problem."


Zhang only in colleagues seems to be the company's appearance,In the relative seems to be his son's incentive model,In the eyes of friends is real"GaoShuai rich".However is such a"Perfect idol",But also for love problems for a long time."Single hand is not meet the right person,On the other hand also worry that the love spending will affect the normal operation of the band."


Zhang and that is quite true,In the family income and expenditure in the table,We can find a daily spending only remove the necessary living expenses and other than the rent and without much spending,The rest of the money up most of the music on."The rehearsal before charges of their burden,A month comes down to also want to a one thousand block.If you want to buy a new piano,Or effector of what,It is a large expenses."


"In a word all hope that our music stores the!"Zhang only smiled and said.Of course this is just a joke,Several highly educated players nature also ready to cope with losses music of one size fits all,From the development business to looking for investment,Even short-term arbitrage obtain emergency fund projects are already in perfecting in."The only not trust is the equipment,It will make an unexpected misfortune happened,We can miserably."Zhang only said,To insurance is not very familiar with,Hope to take this opportunity to finance division advice about the problem of property.


Of course,Money is still a only the most attention,How to finance to ensure adequate music, the operation funds,And will not affect the normal life,Also please finance division for their advice.

  每月性收支状况(单位/元) Monthly sex of payments(Units/yuan)

  收入(税后) 支出

income(after-tax) spending

  本人月收入 12000 房租(琴行) 15000

I rent monthly income of 12000(shop) 15000

  其它收入(演出) 5000 基本生活开销 3000

Other income(performance) 5000 basic living expenses 3000

  购物娱乐等 1000

Shopping entertainment, 1000

  合计 18000 合计 19000

Total 18000 total 19000

  每月结余 -1000

Monthly balance - 1000

  年度性收支状况 单位/万元

NianDuXing payments unit/ten thousand yuan

  收入 支出

Revenue expenditure

  年终奖金 3 旅行费用 1.5

Year-end bonus 3 travelling expenses 1.5

  其他收入 0 年末购物+孝敬父母 1

Other income 0 the end of the year shopping + is filial piety the parents 1

  人情往来 0.5

Human intercourse 0.5

  人身保险费 0

Personal insurance premium 0

  其它 0

Other 0

  合计 3 合计 3

Aggregate 3 aggregate 3

  年度结余 0

Annual balance 0

  家庭资产负债状况 单位/万元

Family balance sheets unit/ten thousand yuan

  家庭资产 家庭负债

Household debt family assets

  活期及现金 5 房屋贷款 0

Current and cash 5 housing loans zero

  定期存款 0 其他贷款 0

Deposit 0 other loan 0

  国债 0 信用卡未还款 1

National debt 0 credit card not reimbursement 1

  股票(市值) 20

stock(Market value) 20

  基金(市值) 10

fund(Market value) 10

  自住房(市值) 0

Since the housing(Market value) 0

  黄金及收藏品 0

Gold and collection 0

  固定资产(琴行) 8

Fixed assets(shop) 8

  合计 43 合计 1

Total 43 aggregate 1

  家庭资产净值 42

The family net asset value 42

  “两条脚”走路 圆琴行之梦 "Two feet"Walk round the dream of music

  文 本刊金融工作室 国家理财规划师 LOMA寿险管理师(FLMI)

Article the state financial studio financial planner LOMA life insurance management division(FLMI)


Zhang is actually pretty lucky,In this more and more the lack of passion and dream of society,He had a crazy and firm music ideal.More valuable is,In some young man"dream"For shield is not willing to walk into social work need"Nibble at old"when,He has his feet on the ground,Hard working and progress.

  合理筹划 力争琴行稳定盈利 Reasonable planning strive to music, stable earnings


Zhang only recently and friends under the partnership their music,And he is mainly to undertake rent and spending,Visible zhang only force not small.But they should pay attention to,Open shop with the nature of the performance completely different,Performance basic need only human,Equipment is short term lease,But open shop is a business,More need to continue/A planning to business.


nowadays,Hobby music and want to will sing simple young people more and more,so,guitar/Beth, etc is fashionable and popular/Price and comparative economic instruments also more and more be favorred.Open shop,Become a special artistic atmosphere of the venture form,If proper operation,Can make money,And can satisfy the zhang only friends and music to desire.


Decorating a respect,Music is not a full of buying and selling smell of the place,But a music atmosphere of the heaven and earth,So proposal outstanding shop decoration features is very important,Can try some style exaggerated decoration mode.


After decorating,After officially opened,The first goal is to realize the profit and loss balance,Then go to the pursuit of profit.We help zhang only a measure,In the employ a formal staff,Goods purchase price, price for about a third of conditions,Monthly sales reached 32761 yuan,To realize the profit and loss balance.Schedule specific visible.

  虽然有一些老客户,但是小琴行尤其是张唯他们以打击乐器为主的琴行,想要实现三四万元一个月的销售额,并非易事。为此,我们建议张唯他们多动脑筋,在琴行启动的初期,多通过一些沙龙、讲座等形式,来招揽更多的顾客,琴行的顾客基本上都是音乐爱好者,其中多数都是“半道出家”开始玩上乐器的人,所以有音乐交流气氛的琴行,人气会更加旺盛。做琴行一定要给人一种 “家”的感觉,让爱好音乐的年轻人不仅是来买乐器,更可以把这里当作可以玩音乐的地方。只有这样,琴行的名气才会更响,客源也会越来越多,以便实现更多的销售业绩。

Although there are some old customers,But the little shop especially zhang only them with percussion music, mainly,Want to realize three or four ten thousand yuan a month of sales,Is not easy.therefore,We suggest that zhang and they think more,Music in the early stages of the start,Many through some salon/Lectures and other forms,To attract more customers,Shop customer basically are music lovers,Most of them are"Monks got"Started to play Musical Instruments on the people,So there's music communication atmosphere of music stores,Popularity will be more exuberant.Do shop must give a person a kind of "home"feeling,Let love music of young people is not only to buy instruments,More can put here as can play music place.Only in this way,Shop fame will be more ring,Tourists will more and more,In order to realize more sales performance.


In addition,Can also through the instrument rental forms to enhance the turnover of music.Can also should customer special requirement to provide some CD/VCD record editing/Band recording small kind/Music clips synthesis service.


Although open shop procedure is very simple,Only need to take photos/Id card, etc to industrial and commercial bureau and tax official register then.But if you want to do music training,The procedure you will be in trouble,And taxation supervision and so on also relatively strict,And whether human resources or equipment/Site, etc,Are more trouble,Also need more energy and money.therefore,Suggest a only music, such as business after the relatively stable,Consider the subsequent business transformation.

  附表:张唯的琴行平均每月盈亏平衡模拟计算表(单位:元) schedule:Zhang only music, the average monthly profit and loss balance simulation calculation sheet(unit:yuan)

  项目 金额 备注

Project amount note

  营业额 32761

Annual turnover of 32761



  成本 10811

Cost 10811


Instruments according to 33% of the purchase price, the price calculation

  毛利 21950 --

Gross profit 21950 --

  (减)店铺租金 15000 含水电煤等费用

(minus)Shop rent 15000 water electric coal and other fees

  (减)固定资产折旧 3000 按两年时间摊销

(minus)Depreciation of fixed assets by two years amortization

  (减)人员工资及保险费 3800 1名专职员工,业务时间张唯和朋友过来照看,不支付酬劳

(minus)Personnel salary and insurance 3800 1 full-time employees,Business time zhang only and friends come over to look after,Don't pay

  (减)税收等其他费用 150 属于不属于完全性的经营店面,可以算个体户,可享受固定税收的优惠待遇,大约150元/月

(minus)Tax and other costs are 150 belongs to do not belong to the completeness of business store,Can calculate the soho,Fixed tax can enjoy preferential treatment,About 150 yuan/month

  净利润 0

Net profit 0

  加倍努力 工作争取晋升 Work doubly hard fight for promotion


Although music is only a real dream,But the young man economic and don't have much foundation,Want to be in music on the road more walk more far,In fact also need more financially stable.


therefore,Zhang only must keep firmly in mind,Although music, now also organise get about,But their work or to further upward.For example,Interview zhang only mentioned,His boss multiple urged him to read to learn some management books and newspapers.Zhang only said,The boss of the move,He seems to indicate a promotion soon.


Position if there is a promotion,May first income will also be higher,In the shop are still not certain whether profitable,Upfront input and more cases,Zhang and still have to try to do the work of customer manager.If in the future oversea business smoothly,And to have strength turn to music training on the road,Can only consider heart into his own music dream.

  买些意外险防身 Buy some accident insurance self-defense


The day to work hard,The evening want to look after music stores,Sometimes also to participate in the performance,Zhang and mental and physical pressure is not small.Performance on the risk of accidents than"igawa"High some of the.


therefore,We suggest that zhang only in day stock good a comprehensive insurance,Should include accidental death/Disability security,Also want to contain accident medical security(Accident hospitalized allowance/This accident compensation, etc),Just in case.You are right to do so is responsible for parents,Also is to the partnership friends is responsible for.


At the same time,Suggest a only in daily life to also want to pay attention to strengthen exercise,Maintenance body.After all big shoulders the burden.
