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1999 ~ 2008,Is Asia financial crisis to end the crisis inchoation period,meanwhile,China's economic growth the fastest/Lowest inflation/The most stable macroeconomic.Copy the United States terms,I call it the economy of China"Great harmony".With the outbreak of the crisis,The global economy of four consecutive years,China is also the downturn in trouble,People began to wonder,Whether China's growth has become the past?


As is known to all,More than 30 years to Chinese miracle,Thanks to a series of market system change.In the early 1980 s the implementation of the rural family contract system,Destroy the people's commune system,Directly or indirectly led China's economic later a series of great changes,Such as the rise of township enterprises,the"Land revolution"Significance is far has not been fully understand.The 1990 s establish market economic system,Keep the tail from wagging the dog,State-owned enterprise general realized the privatization,For China's economic growth eliminate obstacles.In 2001 to join WTO marks the trade liberalization reform and actively into the globalization,Concentrated inspired the Chinese economic vitality.These system change,Brought efficiency/Innovation and productivity increased enormously,People of the image of the call"System bonus".

  除了“砸锅式”的根本政治体制变化,“经济制度红利”是否已经出尽? 我以为,中国制度红利仍大有潜力。中国去年按购买力平价人均GDP已接近1万美元,按照名义汇率也已接近6000美元。现代化和城市化正处在半路,城市人口刚刚达到50%。继续前行,虽道路崎岖,却大有空间。人们因为经济危机引发的普遍悲观情绪,显然过于短视了。下面将紧要的制度变化,凑为五项。

In addition to"Anyway type"The fundamental political system changes,"Economic system bonus"Whether you have a do? I thought,China's system bonus is still great potential.China last year by purchasing power parity GDP per head has nearly $10000,According to the nominal exchange rate has nearly $6000.Modernization and urbanization are in halfway,The urban population had just reached 50%.To move on,Is bumpy road,But great space.People because of the economic crisis caused widespread pessimism,Obviously the too myopia.The important system change,Gather together for five.


One is the reform of the household registration and construction more vigour and flexible Labour market.In rigid census register system,Immigration costly,The current existing 250 million migrant workers,Accounted for 30% of the work force.These people completed"Workshop change",But is not yet complete urban residents turn.Gradually relax census register control,Cooperate with actual permanent population based financial/education/medical/Retirement system reform,Economic vitality reproduction will unexpectedly.further,China's agricultural output only 10% of GDP,But still in use 30% ~ 40% of the labor force.Through the system changes to reduce the cost of immigrants,The rural labor force from the low efficiency of the department of agriculture transferred to the high efficiency of the non-agricultural department,Still great potential.


The second is financial system reform,Especially the expansion of direct financing.Savings rely on financial system transferred to the richest efficiency of the department and the enterprise.The two economists about China and India capital error with paper,attention.This paper holds that,Not to change under the condition of technology,The capital allocation efficiency is raised to the level,Let the high efficiency enterprise get more capital,So China's per capita GDP will increase nearly doubled.So the financial system reform,Potential gains great.


Financial how to change?A word all is to ascend the proportion of direct financing.Direct financing refers to the use of financial intermediaries issue of shares/Bond financing, etc,We need to do is:Interest rate marketization,Expand QiYeZhai market,Expand local government debt market,Relax and safety control of direct financing.this,The allocation of resources efficiency is improved,Economic vitality will soar.


Three is for small micro service decompression,tax"Minus two from three".The proportion of China's service industry is only 40%,Far lower than the world average of 65%.At the same time,Rapid urbanization brings the employment pressure,Service industry especially small micro enterprise is the main digestion.For small micro service enterprise,Should take simply policy,That's tax revenue minus two years to avoid 3 years,This policy in the 1980 s for township enterprises have implementation.Policy is rough,Is very useful.And they grew up,To pay taxes,.


The fourth is gradually let go and encourage private enterprises overseas investment.The so-called globalization,One is the trade in goods in the global free circulation;The second is the global capital circulation;Three is the production resources in the global scope configuration,In order to reduce cost,Enhance competitiveness.Chinese enterprises should learn to walk out,We not only encourage them to developed countries,Also encouraged transfer industry to Vietnam/Burma, etc.globalization,The one-sided pursuit to attract foreign capital,Don't allow enterprise investment abroad,"in"Their children,There is no greater schizophrenia foolish idea the.


Five is to keep pace with The Times,Continuously improve the level of legal system,To protect property rights,Maintain the market competition.This is a day do not waste homework,Without such lessons,All Hugh talk about,Here I also need not wordy.
