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奥巴马连任 中美经贸难题仍待破局--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  每日经济新闻(博客,微博)记者 金微 李玉敏 印峥嵘 董华 发自北京 上海 深圳

Daily economic news(blog,Micro bo)Reporter LiYuMin modification of the printed extraordinary DongHua Beijing Shanghai shenzhen


Beijing time on November 7,Democratic candidate barack Obama in the general election defeat republican challenger romney,Become the nation's first run for a second term as President of African americans.Despite winning moment for Obama is in delight,But then his challenge will only more than in the past.The upcoming financial cliff and campaign barack Obama mentioned policy,All is not get away from the fact.


On November 7,(The United States local time 6 days late),Incumbent President/Democratic candidate barack Obama in the general election defeat republican challenger romney,Re-elected President of the United States.


The election results were announced,Gold of,Dollars down sharply.As the world's important economies,China has also can't stay.


 政策稳定性获延续 Policy stability was continue


In the previous campaign,As a candidate Obama has accused China of control trade.As the election dust settled,Obama's attitude or further decided to the United States to China economic policy trend.


The academy of political and economic research institute researcher SongHong accept[Daily economic news]reporters,Because Obama for china-us economic and trade/Relations between China and the United States have the accumulation of time,The understanding to the relation between China and deep,"Obama to China after the stability of the economic policy will be continued."

  此前,奥巴马政府已连续对中国发起多起 “贸易战”:对中国轮胎征税、对中国太阳能板与太阳能电池征收高额关税,而奥巴马在选举时也提到,“加大对华惩罚性贸易措施。”

after,Obama government has continuous to China has launched several "Trade war":Tax on China's tire/On China's solar panels and solar cell collection of high tariffs,Obama also noted in the election,"Increase China punitive trade measures."


recently,zte/Huawei was in the survey/Trinity group subsidiary wind power project was Obama veto,China enterprise whether want to invest in the United States or their products sold to the United States have encountered resistance.


At present,The United States economic recovery lack of power,The unemployment rate has been high,Obama is in their campaign for the President"Final version of a statement"that,If you win the election,He will increase the education investment in order to enhance the competitiveness of the United States,Reform of the tax system in order to promote economic fairness,Will originally used as a war money to be used for domestic construction and cut the deficit/Protection of the poor/The old man and the welfare of disabled persons enjoy,This and Mr Romney's claim is different.


"In macro economic aspects,Whether Obama or romney onstage,Can take policy are very much the same."The Chinese academy of social sciences institute of world economics and politics at associate researcher zhang Ming in accepting[Daily economic news]reporters,America's macroeconomic trends and macro policy trend all contain the new external shocks,The next few years the Chinese government will have to keep the United States to deal with the challenge of macro policy externalities.


 关注财政悬崖影响 Focus on financial cliff influence


Economic policy has been the President of the United States is the most important campaign issue,This is also deal with the United States the current economic recession situation.


Zhang Ming said,In the short term,The U.S. economy faces two big threat,One is the end of this year/At the beginning of next year the"Financial cliff"impact,The second is the unemployment rate is still not high."No matter who on the stage,Estimate first will implement relatively loose fiscal policy,By extending the tax cuts that the time limit to ease such policy collective due cause passive austerity,weakening"Financial cliff"impact."

  所谓“财政悬崖”,即指财政状况走到了尽头,即税收增加的同时财政支出又大幅削减。银河证券首席经济分析师左晓蕾在接受 《每日经济新闻》记者采访时说,若美国财政悬崖这一问题明年1月没有解决,美国的财政支出将减少8%~9%,2013年美国经济将走向衰退,全球外需萎缩。美国是中国重要的贸易伙伴,中国对美出口刚刚出现好转,这对中国贸易带来巨大打击。

The so-called"Financial cliff",That is, financial situation came to an end,Namely tax increase at the same time the fiscal expenditure and slash.Galaxy securities chief economic analysts ZuoXiaoLei in accepting [Daily economic news]reporters,If the United States financial cliff this problem January no problem,America's fiscal expenditure will be decreased by 8% ~ 9%,In 2013 the United States economy will be headed for a recession,Now the global atrophy.The United States is China's important trade partner,China's exports to America have just appeared better,The China trade in two-half.


Whether the United States can solve the problem of financial cliff,China will impact.Zhang Ming said,The United States government if the expansionary fiscal policy,Can lead to the U.S. government debt to GDP rate continues to rise,This means that in the future the United States government through the manufacturing inflation/The dollar means such as debt left clear fierce increase,China is the biggest overseas creditors.

  中国建设银行(601939,股吧)高级研究员赵庆明对《每日经济新闻》记者表示,过去奥巴马政府提出 “出口倍增和再工业化”的经济复苏政策一直没有什么动作,新的任期内奥巴马的工作重心会转向经济,“实现出口倍增,就要实行软的汇率政策,即本币贬值压外币升值,而我们对美贸易顺差持续扩大,人民币问题一定会成借口和依据。”

China construction bank(601939,guba)Senior researcher to ZhaoQingMing[Daily economic news]reporters,The past Obama government proposed "Export multiplication and again industrialization"Economic recovery policy has been no action,The new presidency barack Obama work center of gravity will turn to the economy,"Achieve export multiplication,Will the soft exchange rate policy,Namely local currency devaluation pressure foreign currency appreciation,And we continue to expand trade surplus with the us,The Chinese yuan will into excuses and basis."


 /QDII基金/ / QDII fund /


QDII fund:Real estate industry energy save opportunities

  每日经济新闻记者 董华 发自深圳

Daily economic news reporter DongHua from shenzhen


yesterday,President Obama to more than half the votes advantage,Defeat republican candidate Mr Romney,Thus re-elected President of the United States.Silver resources into the fund manager RaoChao said,Short term,This means that the current loose monetary policy will continue,A certain extent, is conducive to stabilize the market mood and capital flow.But Mr Obama's re-election and not to the American political bring substantial changes,The two parties in the treatment of the ensuing financial cliff problems are still differences may give the next market with fluctuation.


so,Specific to QDII fund,Especially for the American market and emerging market QDII fund,Obama if again ruling,What this will produce what kind of impact?QDII fund and face the future what opportunities?


For future QDII fund existing investment opportunities,Fund managers think,In the short term,Gold class assets have a chance,The United States gradually moving towards the middle"Energy independence",Related industry will benefit.Real estate plate see bottom rebound will also bring some investment opportunities.


By Obama reappointment influence,Gold income obvious,Last week, the price of gold big Yin line today recover,In the short term some pitch gold class QDII will have the opportunity.In the medium term,Analysts expect,Gold is now rising trend will get to maintain.Gold prices might exceed $1800,Gains would continue for more than a quarter.


The United States had two presidential candidates are advocated"Energy independence",If forming,Mean energy decrease imports,The trade deficit will ease the pressure;The United States energy price cost advantage to improve the relative competitive domestic industry,And to a certain extent, boost consumption.


"The medium term,As the us energy independent influence,The future of the United States imported energy reduce dependence,Domestic oil and gas production steadily rising,Shale gas and shale oil unconventional energy prospect of development is still good,And thanks to lower gas prices,Related downstream areas will also benefit,So the Lord cast the resource type of QDII future also have certain opportunity."RaoChao said.


"The United States real estate see bottom rebound/The real estate recovery will also bring some chances.In fact,The United States this year real estate related plate rise very much."It also means to the United States real estate QDII still have a chance.


From the long term,RaoChao think,Obama re-election for American economic impact is not big,Because in the United States,The government to the economic leading role is not big,Leaders of the reappointment does not change the long-term economic operation of the trajectory.


In addition,Because QE3 and China's economy stabilises,Hot money flows into the Hong Kong market,Stocks rebound significantly,Hong Kong's hang seng index has exceeded 22000 point.


"At present Hong Kong stock due to capital promote valuation ascending market has been deduced to get about,The next still want to return to the fundamentals,Attention to profit is cash,If profits "not exceeding the expectation,So also will appear a wave of callback.The next if us stocks because financial cliff problems continue to callback,Hong Kong stocks will face a certain callback pressure,Hong Kong stocks market the current priority should be given to the basic surface stocks."RaoChao said.


/外汇/ / foreign exchange /


Market risk preference high against the dollar to touch the ceiling

  每日经济新闻记者 印峥嵘 金微 李玉敏发自上海、北京

Daily economic news reporter seal modification of the extraordinary LiYuMin from Shanghai/Beijing


The U.S. presidential election dust settled,Democratic candidate barack Obama won re-election,Make market risk preference emotions rise.The dollar index in the election results after a crash answer,Domestic against the dollar spot pan seventh consecutive trading day trading range touch the ceiling,And tail disc close to trading interval on the deadline.


Dollars trend strength pending


Yesterday Mr Obama win just released the news,The dollar index quickly appeared diving,Rapid fall from 80.70 to 80.30,Fell by 0.50%,But later rebound to 80.60.


Economists LiuJunLuo think,The history of the United States the most severe financial supervision will be in Obama's second term spread to open completely,The dollar index will be fierce rise,Obama re-election,The dollar index rise time will be moved back to December of the second half.


Many economists think,The dollar will maintain the weak.Fudan university school of economics, vice President of the SunLiJian analysis,in"Financial cliff"before,In order to solve low income in employment and social security,The United States needs to long-term monetary policy support,The dollar is good for us to industrialization."In QE3 after,We will have QE4 come on stage.A weak dollar era is coming,The appreciation of the renminbi has already become the expected."


SongHong think,Can't judge now dollars will ultimately stronger or weaker,The American economy has a lot of variables,"The dollar after quantitative easing,Now is the weak American dollar,But the dollar in the future is to maintain the weak or going strong,This should see the trend of the rest of the world economy."


The appreciation of the renminbi mood swings


The us dollar middle rate for the second consecutive trading day up yesterday,Newspaper 6.3067,Make market rather accident.After several trading day the middle price continue,Is the market interpreted as a central bank intends to turn down the middle price control RMB increase.


Societe generale(601166,guba)A foreign exchange dealer said,"The U.S. presidential election to RMB and no direct influence,But Obama won re-election,Risk preference emotions rise to the decline of the dollar,Will help up the appreciation of the renminbi emotions."

  海外市场方面,香港离岸人民币即期(CNH)汇价昨天继续走升,且持续高于在岸人民币 (CNY)即期现汇价格,差距达到七个月来最高,反映市场持续看升人民币。

Overseas markets,Hong Kong offshore RMB sight(CNH)Exchange rate yesterday continue to go up,And continued to be higher than the RMB (CNY)Sight spot price,Gap to seven months to the highest,Reflect the markets continue to see the flag-raising RMB.


12 months period against the dollar no principal delivery the forward rate more than 1.6% lower at the spot exchange rate of the Shanghai market,On October 23rd this discount once reached 2%,For 2009 years the largest,Prediction shows that investors in this week's U.S. presidential election after the appreciation of the renminbi momentum will reverse.


Obama re-election,To his previous ruling ideas to continue,The fed quantitative easing(QE)Policy will continue to implement,During the campaign,Obama reiterated his success during the term of promote the appreciation of the RMB.


China's central bank international company priests HeJianXiong this week in Mexico City an interview said,China's exchange rate policy have independent decision-making ability,RMB appreciation against the dollar in recent weeks by market demand.


HeJianXiong said,It is fundamental to the market in RMB exchange rate,And there is close to equilibrium level.He said,The U.S. presidential election will not big impact to the level of the yuan,China is fully capable of setting their own policy.


 /大宗商品/ / commodity /


Obama MaShengXuan push high gold election market can last long?

  每日经济新闻记者 李玉敏 发自北京

Daily economic news reporter LiYuMin from Beijing


After the fierce exchange,yesterday(On November 7,)The United States presidential election results the dust settled.Obama won a news announced,A weaker dollar index immediately,And crude oil/Gold and commodity prices, as early as in Beijing time 6 late during the vote expected Obama greater odds there was a surging.


Analysts believe,Investors are generally expected Obama re-election will last the loose monetary policy,Dollars so that by,Gold prices continue to go up,This election is expected to market will continue for a period of time.


Due to the expected barack Obama won the election of the President of the United States more likely,Beijing time on November 6, at night,New York gold December contract rose $37.6 to $1715.0 per ounce,Or 2.24%.Continue rises on November 7,,Or was close to 1%,Reached $1731.6 / ounce,To press when reduced to 0.36% increase.The world's largest gold listing for trading fund(ETF)SPDRGoldTrust gold position increased 2 tons to 1334 tons.


Beijing time on November 6th night,Beauty crude oil even greatly rose $3.06,To close at $88.71,Rose 3.6%.On November 7,,Beauty is but crude oil even fall,Plate by Obama win news stimulation,Once back to $88.71,But by Beijing time is 8 PM,Again fall to 87.81 or so,Fall about 1%.


Haitong futures to general manager XuLing[Daily economic news]reporters,"I think this is a general election market,Short-term will continue to,After the clear situation will return.The price of gold going up to the United States is loose policy a reaction,To support the real economy in the many factors did not fundamentally change."


Beijing normal university school of economics professor HeLiPing but said,Exchange rate and the change of commodity prices will not necessarily and elections have direct relation.Many people think that Mr Obama's victory means the United States loose policy of continuous,But the continuation of QE policy is the fed had come down surely.HeLiPing said:"In the United States this system,The fed decided monetary policy and who when the President's concern is not big."
