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  金控集团的理论基础 Gold control group theoretical basis


Financial holding company is like a financial aircraft carrier,In a country with a high among the political status and social status,It's every move in domestic and even the world economy/Political stability and development have a profound effect.Rising power must be a batch of rising financial aircraft carrier.


Gold control group towards mainstream road inner logic and power is what?The historical evolution process, and several kinds of interpretation to people in order to inspire,However, financial theory financial after all is not enough.To answer this question,They must conduct more basic/Thorough theoretical analysis.

  分工与交易 Division of labor and trade


In march of 1776,Adam Smith in[The wealth of the nations]Puts forward the point of view of division of labor,This paper expounds systematically division of labor to improve labor productivity and promote the great effect of national wealth.He lists system needle industry to explained."If their respective work independently,Learning is a kind of special business,Then they no matter who he is,Absolutely can't make a day 20 pieces of needle,Perhaps one day even a gold also manufacturing don't come out.They not only can't make today by the appropriate division of labor and cooperation made of one over two hundred and forty of the number,Even the number of one over four thousand eight hundred,I'm afraid also manufacturing don't come out."Although Adam Smith and no direct origin of enterprises are put forward,But he thought of the division of labor,To the enterprise origin problem research has great heuristic.Division of labor not only led to increase the number of transactions,Also prompted trade increasingly diversified.As long as the cost of trading right,Business owners will be properties correlation but different division of labor integration to their own enterprise in,Thus constitute the prototype of the comprehensive enterprise organization.


If the abstract off the concrete product definition,The above theory to financial organization form of change also has explanatory power.For example Banks/Securities and insurance and other financial activities is to meet various financial needs of the product of division of labor,But as a business organization as long as internal organization cost less than the market transaction cost,It will take all relevant financial business into his system.From the financial industry development history to see,Because the customer demand and financial technology(Including the financial innovation and the support of information technology)development,Financial services and financial products are more and more.This leads to the main result of the same financial institutions is producing a variety of financial products and each type of product and need to organize system support,The results of comprehensive evolution is the generation of financial holding company.

  交易费用 Transaction cost


- decided to financial) why do firms exist and size


The market price mechanism and enterprise organization corresponding mechanism,When the destination inhibition or stop the uncertainty of financial market when the price mechanism,Was born financial enterprise.Why do you want to"Give up market"And made a financial enterprise here yet?Transaction cost economics theory can explain accordingly:The financial enterprise exist,Because it can save using financial market price mechanism of the cost,Reduce the financial market inherent uncertainty.The financial enterprise is to choose market transaction,Or choose the organization of internal trade,Depends on the size of the transaction cost.As the largest degree to reduce the uncertainty of financial markets,The financial enterprise will increasingly choose organization insider trading.however,When the financial enterprise scale(The financial market transactions more into a financial enterprise insider trading)When more than a point,The financial enterprise internal organization costs will rise,It is possible to happen scale benefit decline.therefore,theoretically,The optimal financial enterprise scale is financial enterprise will expand to its size"Will the cost of transaction internalization/And in the open market similar exchange cost/Or other enterprise will trade the cost internalization,These three equal boundary point".In short,Other conditions in the same circumstances,The financial enterprise will according to the transaction cost to determine the optimal size scale of the enterprise.


From the financial enterprise change perspective,Can clearly see the influence of the transaction costs.The biggest financial essential characteristics is the existence of the risk,Financial transaction cost is the main identification/Measurement and control the cost of risk.Whether the market sale of financial transaction or a financial enterprise internal management of financial transaction,The behavior of the highest standard based on minimum transaction cost to get biggest financial security.Since the 15th century to the 16th century in Italy since early banking development,Global financial enterprises with technology/The development of the system of and will be more and more financial transactions to be included in the organization's internal by market,So as to promote the financial enterprise from small-scale private Banks to large-scale joint-stock Banks,To very large scale of financial holding group/From the organization structure is simple to structure the development of complex.Of course,Subject to each enterprise internal structure and the system and policy environment difference,The enterprise's transaction cost boundary value is different,Its economy of scale and economy of scope interval is different also.Therefore financial institutions on and off will become modern financial market normal.

  市场交易与组织交易的中间地带: Market trade and organization trading intermediate zones:

  对金控集团形成原因的一种解释 On the gold control group the cause of formation of an explanation


The financial enterprise by expanding scale can be obtained a certain market power,So as to overcome the market uncertainty.But if only pursuit for a single financial markets(The bank/Securities or insurance market, etc)Domination and monopoly,Still there is a great risk.Because the financial markets once atrophy or division,The financial enterprise survival will be deadly threat.therefore,Financial enterprises to give up the pursuit of the single market domination and monopoly,And start through diversification expansion to overcome uncertainty,So as to seek their own steady growth.but,Because of the limited rational human decision making/Information transfer, etc of the existence of the problem,Monomer financial enterprise if large(Whether longitudinal integration led to financial enterprise size too big,Or transverse integration led to financial enterprise size too big),It is easy to cause"Organization failure".In fact,Under the market economy system,Not only the enterprise will internalization of market mechanism that a single direction of the movement,And the market itself in the development and expanding sports,There are many transactions will be returned to the movement of the market.i.e.,In between enterprise and market,There are various forms of intermediate zone.The reality of the financial enterprise is according to different development strategy in internalization/exteriorization/Quasi market choice dynamic change.Gold control group(Include other types of enterprise group)Is is neither monomer financial enterprise/Also non-financial market,But between financial markets and monomer financial between enterprise's a"instar",Is financial market and monomer of financial enterprises"Mixed form".The so-called gold control group,In the ideal state,But an attempt to at the same time avoid market failure and internal organization failure of the institutional arrangement.


Gold control group is monomer financial enterprise/Financial markets outside of the third kind of financial resources moderator.In gold control group internal,The relationship between monomer financial enterprises is different from the market transactions in the relationship between enterprise,Is different from the single big enterprise internal each department(Or various points/subsidiary)The internal relationship between,But depend on each other/Complement each other/Cross borrows the long-term trade relationship.The so-called long-term trade relationship,Refers to the control group member gold between enterprises through the strategy/capital/management/Culture or other forms of bond unite together and form of fixed relations of cooperation.The partnership relationship than market closely,But more than the enterprise internal management relations loose.Gold control group between members to maintain long-term trade relationship,Help to save transaction cost(Because each on a complete market transaction,Just need a"search"and"signing"cost)/Improve economic efficiency,Can have your cake and eat it market efficiency and enterprise organization of the.

  经济效率:规模与范围 Economic efficiency:Scale and scope


Need some financial enterprise organization form and it with many large-scale much range is the best,Fundamentally depends on the cost of trading,And the influence of the transaction costs endogenous foundation has two:Scale and scope.


1. The economy of scale and economy


Economies of scale refers to as production/sales/The expansion of trade volume and unit product cost down,So as to achieve the maximum profit of economic process.The foundation of scale economy not only from the fixed cost of diluted,Also from the mass production/A large number of transactions take generalization/Standardized parts and components/components/Management process and the causes of the cost down.The theory of scale economy is a large number of production mode of the basic theoretical basis.At the beginning of the 20th century,The United States efficiency engineer Jill galbraith, a famous saying:"If a dozen words,Becomes cheap."Scale economy can bring the huge economic efficiency,To build the enterprise competitive advantage,And the expansion of the scale of the enterprise is to realize scale economy indispensable condition.but,Scale if too,More than the best economic scale,Due to the limitation of the technology/The difficulty of management and cultural integration of the impact of factors such as the difficulty increases,Will bring diminishing marginal returns that diseconomies of scale.From another point of view,Diseconomies of scale is actually made up of management is not caused by the economy,If feasible in technology/Management up with/Culture can be condensed,The enterprise's optimum size point will be moved to,The scale of the enterprise could be made more big.visible,Bad management,Technology bad,Culture bad,Scale boundary will be limited.


2. Economies of scope and economy


Economies of scope is to point to an enterprise diversification management/Have several independent product or market,When several business projects joint operation than separately gain greater profitability,It says the enterprise won the economies of scope.Speaking from the management,The so-called economies of scope is synergy effect.Enterprise the pursuit of economies of scope of the sufficient condition is the enterprise manages the career of a certain connection exists between sex,That is to use some common resources,Such as technology/Management skills/Market information/goodwill/talents/Land, etc.This is because,This enterprise each operation between items in common,To greatly save cost and expenses.


With large appear likely diseconomies of scale as,If more than a certain critical point range,Will also become range not economic.generally,Diseconomies of scale caused by some factors often is also causes the range not economic reasons.For example,Along with the enterprise range of expanding,The enterprise internal organization management will become more and more complex,The exchange of information and the enterprise employee incentive also becomes very difficult.and,Most modern enterprise for the production and operation of a variety of products,this,The size of the excessive expansion in produce diseconomies of scale at the same time,Also can produce range not economic.


3. To forever"big"Down??


From scale economy/Economies of scope and enterprise optimum size of the theoretical analysis,We can see any one organization(Including enterprise/market/Enterprise group/The government)There is a the best reasonable scale and reasonable range.More than the scale and scope,The group will become not economic,Economic efficiency will fall.In this sense,Today's cross walk the world financial"Big MAC"Theoretically may not always be like this"big"down.Of course,Along with the progress of technology/Management ability of ascension,The best the scale and scope of the critical point may move after the meeting,But not infinite"big"down/"wide"down,Man is a limited rational creatures,Management ability always have limit;enterprise,Especially the financial enterprise is highly externalities organization,"Big and can't fall"It is also the national and social we must pay attention to the factor.

  金融企业一般 Financial enterprises generally


Finance is a plane delicate machine.Industrial division/Transaction cost/Scale economy/Economies of scope these basic economic motivation continuously changing this machine operation,The present situation of we see today.(1)Scale is getting bigger and bigger.Of the last century,The capitalist countries between financial oligarchs joint control the national lifeblood,However, from quantity to see,Compared to this day is a fraction of the.The scale of the bank(capital/assets/Labor number/Branch number)astronomical.(2)Set foot in more business field.Take bank holding company way in insurance/Securities and other fields.(3)The emergence of a new form of business,Widely used in electronic means of financial industry.(4)Organization structure is more complicated,Internal management level more,Financial group including the members of the enterprise quantity more.(5)Risk control requirements higher.A single large bank once produce risk,Often drive the occurrence of systemic risk,Then happened financial/Economic crisis.(6)The allocation of resources to the society/The economic development of the greater role,Has become the economic development of a country and an important engine of economic safety valve.Gold control group has become one of the important symbol competitiveness.

  制度考察 System inspection


Enterprise is a contract of the complex.Institutional economics and the latest development of the economic law/Enterprise management innovation,Carrying multi-level/multidimensional/Many elements of the institutional arrangement and institutional change."The principal-agent"theory,Incentive - theory of constraints,Property rights theory and its corresponding legal create,For complex financial enterprise organization form provides the theoretical preparation and system basis.


1. The latest development of system theory


Institutional economics to all including Bob Aaron/Kang mans,/Mine strategic thought as a representative of the early institutional economics and the coase/noth/Williamson, etc as a representative of the new institutional economics.Early institutional economics,Also called evolution economics,It will boil down to a system of observation and obey the arrangement of human affairs,And discusses how to"control"or"guide"Human affairs and changing target coincide,Such as the actual situation how?Who is in control?Who benefit who damaged?Income how to distribute?Where power is located in?What will happen?problems.New institutional economics,Also called the transaction cost economics,It discussed the new classical economics have to ignore some important proposition,Such as the relationship between enterprise and market/Enterprise production and the root cause of the change/Enterprise why is big is small/What determines the structure of the enterprise and the border/Enterprise and market as a management mechanism of the limitations and complementarity, etc.

  2.金控集团的制度安排 2. Gold control group institutional arrangements


Gold control group is composed by several financial enterprises(Some gold control group also includes some industrial enterprise)Enterprise association.In this in the association,Parent company the main.Discusses the institutional arrangements of the gold control group,In fact is mainly discusses how the parent company"regulation"subsidiary.


Gold control group's system arrangement has the following some characteristics:(1)The parent company through the holding subsidiary shares or have other way of the subsidiary company on the essence of control,The companies combined together,Thus forming a gold control group.(2)The parent company by appointing director/Supervisors to the board of directors of subsidiary/The board of supervisors,On behalf of the parent company and subsidiary company intervention.(3)The parent company also through the organization of personnel/Risk management/Strategic management/Audit auditing function control gold control group development direction,The subsidiary company influence.(4)The parent company through the acquisition equity income share subsidiary market operating results,And through the equity investment/Intellectual support to support the development of some of the subsidiary.(5)Mother and child corporate system to solve the problem of the relationship between the centralization and decentralization.The basic principle is controlled decentralized.The parent company and subsidiary company has independent legal person property rights,In the legal status in both equality.The parent company depends on holdings subsidiary company to exercise the contributor rights and bear the limited liability.(6)The relationship between the mother and child derivative,Gold control group gradually formed in the traditional family of similar/The capital/Contract and cultural connection huge system.

  3.纵向与横向考察 3. Longitudinal and transverse investigation


The financial enterprise's scale can be horizontal,Also can be longitudinal.Transverse expand refers to financial enterprise to expand"production"The program one phase of the scale,Or to establish a same and independent operation unit.For example,Bank to expand the scale of credit card business unit,Establish a new branch, etc.Longitudinal expansion is refers to the size of the financial enterprise extends to"production"Program to other stage.For example,A securities company to the customer by the investment banking services extends to brokerage business,Expand the connotation of service.The actual situation is often criss-cross process.Whether longitudinal expand,Or transverse expand,In expanding process,The financial enterprise internal many this belongs to the category of market transactions,The hierarchical structure of executive order replaced the price as lever of the market mechanism,This alternative process is by the transaction cost saving as the driving force.


Gold control group scale also take and monomer financial enterprise the same expansion logic.It can be through the big one member enterprises to expand the size of the gold control group,Can also be created through mergers and acquisitions or add new member enterprise.Due to the gold control group member enterprise and grade layer more,The supervision of the subsidiary to the parent company become more difficult.In this sense,Gold control group can't infinite expand down.Gold control group was will itself"freeze-frame"A scale point,Also can use the new institutional economics theory to explain:The transaction cost minimum.From the capital control Angle understanding,Gold control group parent company is using equity, etc"control"subsidiary,Not all subsidiaries all after integration into a"giant"enterprise,The purpose of saving is still in the capital:Less as possible of the capital control more resources,To achieve a single enterprise can not achieve scale.In other words,Take holding company structure form gold control group,Also for the purpose of saving transaction costs.

  4.委托代理关系中的信息、控制与效率 4. The information in the principal-agent relationship/Control and efficiency


The separation of ownership and control to the generation of principal-agent relationship.In the framework of gold control group,The client is the parent company,Agent is subsidiary.Because the two sides information asymmetry and interests conflict,The parent company must face the subsidiary company of an incentive/Supervision and control.


The objective function of the parent and subsidiary company are not identical.This need to study the optimal organization design scheme,Incentive each subsidiary can maximum limit for gold control group the integral goal of trying to.Supervision and rewards and punishment closely linked,Is the effective incentive two aspects.By the parent company to establish an effective rewards and punishment structure to improve the supervision of the subsidiary company effect.Make supervision and rewards and punishment maximum utility way is proper authorization.Through the authorized,Make subsidiary in"authorized"Acting within the scope and obtain and"authorized"The results of content and act accordingly"remuneration".


Gold control group operating efficiency mainly depends on the parent company of the subsidiary company on the control degree,And the discretion of the control depends on the parent company management level/How many shares holding subsidiaries/How many levels of management and so on the many kinds of factors.These factors in a given situation,The technology has an important role.If technology in gold control group management application fully,Is information transmission/The subsidiary to the parent company"monitoring"Work will become easier.

  技术考察 Technical investigation


The scale of the gold control group could survive/Persistence can play and maintain economic efficiency and international competitiveness,Are subject to technology accumulation and innovation.Financial development in different times are to make full use of the advanced technology achievements at that time:stone/bronze/smelting/printing/information/Electronic and so on the different age technical innovation are the first time successfully applied to the financial sector.

  1.对现代金融业的技术考察 1. To modern financial industry technical investigation


The development of the computer and use,To the financial industry has brought great changes.30 years ago,China's financial industry is still in manual bookkeeping and abacus era.When a bank also cannot be called a true bank,Can be a by countless small Banks composed of aggregation,Unable to system and effective quantity management,And the application of computer technology has changed the situation.(1)IT after the centralization,Truly a countless small bank aggregate into a has the real meaning of the bank.This change makes financial enterprise in volume rapid growth and business greatly increased the complexity of the cases,Still guarantee business operation of high quality/High efficiency,And can effectively reduce the operation cost and control business risk.(2)Change the scattered operation mode,Through the establishment of the same operation platform,Realize the background business processing factory/Intensive and standardization,Not only greatly improve business efficiency,And improvements in the background to front desk/Counter service ability and efficiency,The business that accepts time reduced,Accounting quality improvement,Human resources cost reduction.(3)In data centralization basis,The development and application of a series of management system,Make data mining and information sharing possible,Promote the customer service and the modernization of enterprise management.(4)The bank on the net/Mobile phone Banks and other financial electronic development,Promote the electronic financial services.(5)to"Big enterprise disease"governance."Big enterprise disease"Is QiYeZhe management ability and information asymmetry caused by,So cure"Big enterprise disease",The key is to make the enterprise internal do information fast through/Fluctuation sharing,And technical means to become possible.(6)The risk of computer has become many financial risk is the most important one of the risk.If the system paralysis or collapse,The financial enterprise will not be able to run.


The current,Finally, with intelligent/Digital features of the third industrial revolution is sweeping the globe,Intelligent software/New materials/More sensitive robot/New processing(Especially the 3 d printing)Based on the network and a series of service are moving into public view,Molecular computer/Quantum computer/Photon computer and biological computer and so on the new computer has appeared.The revolution brings technology progress may overturn our understanding of the traditional financial industry:The financial enterprise's information/technicalization,That contains the astronomical financial transactions and the changes of the modes in the support of technical means possible,The financial industry existing regional/Network means such as maybe will disappear.Can say,In the new technology revolution under the impact of,The financial industry is taking place unprecedented upheaval,The traditional financial has wandered off.

  2.金控集团何以在技术上成为可能? 2. Why gold control group in technology become possible?


Gold control group is in the field of finance enterprise group,The reason is actually in order to overcome the enterprise internal transactions and market transaction failure,Aims to obtain market power to overcome the uncertainty of the market.But tell from management,Gold control group faces than a single large enterprise more complicated internal management:Big enterprise internal between the superior and the subordinate only family relationship,While the gold control group in addition to family layer outside relationships,And quasi market relations.therefore,On the gold control group speaking,How to through the internal management in order to improve operation efficiency,Is a more severe challenges.


The development of technology make gold control the development of the group become possible.This is mainly embodied in:(1)Gold control group across multiple financial business areas,The differences between field,The application of computer technology makes gold control group can quickly business processing properties of a variety of business.(2)Computer technology can greatly speed up the information collection and transmission speed,This makes gold control group the most basic information can quickly transmission to decision-making,So that executives can in the shortest possible time to make management decision.(3)The application of computer technology also makes decision-making decision-making information/Management information to the fastest speed transmission to the most basic unit.(4)Gold control group member enterprise many,The application of computer technology, make gold control group members can break between enterprises"barriers",The rapid exchange of information between possible.


Technology makes gold control the development of the group become possible,But the technology is not everything.Technology can only to a certain extent, make up for the deficiency of the system and culture,And technology also can't take the place of system and culture.If the system and culture construction can't keep up,It is a good technology can not produce productivity - technology after all just management tool.

  市场总量与交易半径 Total market and trading radius


The market is on the rise,Already enter the stage of globalization.The production and operation of enterprises has been fully integrated into the process of globalization of,Be a global system of a part.Division of labor/cooperation/Trading is no longer limited to a given region or country,But global division of labor/cooperation/trading.It is in the market capacity for the expansion of financial enterprises to provide the possibility.Of course,In the age of globalization,The financial enterprise can achieve what scale,Also depends on their own management ability/Technical conditions and system(system/Technology is a financial enterprise scale expanding sufficient condition).If a financial enterprise trade radius is big enough,Are adequate system and technical support,Its size can be towards greater:How big is the market is how much financial enterprise,And vice versa.

  国家间竞争:从非经济角度的考察 The competition between countries:From the Angle of the non-economic investigation


In the rise of great,Financial played an important role.Such as the United States:The war of independence after the rise process,Is also the Rockefeller consortium/Morgan consortium/Goldman sachs group rising process.Rockefeller consortium to Rockefeller family oil monopoly as the foundation,Through continuous control financial institutions,The sphere of influence to the national economy department.It not only in economic and financial field dominant,The government also embedded with his agent,The internal affairs of the United States around/Foreign policy,It through the Rockefeller foundation/Rockefeller brothers fund organization,Education all over the world/science/Health and art and social life in the penetration,To expand its influence.


Financial holding company is like a financial aircraft carrier,In a country with a high among the political status and social status,It's every move in domestic and even the world economy/Political stability and development have a profound effect.People mention the United States,Inevitable thought of citigroup/Morgan - they are the United States economic and financial strength of the symbol.[The Wall Street journal(blog,Micro bo)]Had done to citigroup described,Can be seen as a symbol of social status financial carriers."When you walk into your citibank headquarters,You will not consciously aware you have is a world power the peak.It is just like a ship full speed ahead of an aircraft carrier,Surrounding everywhere in the trembling."


Rising power must be a batch of rising financial aircraft carrier.Financial carriers for the rise of great delivery financial"blood",Direct support its economic internationalization process,Contribute to the strengthening of powers.At the same time,Financial carriers depend on power status get worldwide unique(Even monopoly)The economic interests of.In the process of the rise of great,Financial carriers and military aircraft carrier for each use/Closely cooperate with,To complete the national strategic mission.
