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Old Morgan age hand me down"case"


Production - about harmony with the form of organization/Levels and foundation


If wal-mart did not have a big customer base,Marriott no hotel management brand effect,Their financial business will lose production melt based and advantage.

  产融结合起源于摩根(John Pierpont Morgan)时代,最初含义是指金融资本对产业资本的渗透与控制

Combined with production melt originated in Morgan(John Pierpont Morgan)age,Originally refers to financial capital to industrial capital of the infiltration of control.


The end of the 19th century at the beginning of the 20th century,Morgan became the Wall Street financial overlord,But he is not satisfy financial empire achievement,Began to extend industry.In 1879,,He from Vanderbilt hand bought the United States central railway 75% of the equity,And in 1900 to become worthy of the name"Railway magnate";after,Morgan and marked the steel industry,The United States disperse iron and steel company reorganization merger for America's second largest iron and steel enterprise, joint iron and steel company,And in 1901 with the price of 480 million dollar to buy the Carnegie American iron and steel company,At the time of the world's largest iron and steel enterprise.


By 1930,Morgan consortium control enterprise's total assets at the time the United States has accounted for eight big corporations more than 50% of the total assets.With strong financial capital strength,Morgan control the huge industrial assets,Become the pronoun of monopoly.Along with the promulgation of the anti-monopoly law,Morgan's forces began to weaken.With the development of financial markets,Financial capital leading production melt combined with time gone.Following is a industry as the leading production melt combined with age.

  产融结合的功能和内在价值何在? Production function and harmony with what is intrinsic value?


We think,Harmony is the essence of combining production with the enterprise the competitive power of the main formation of high grade credit and the downstream enterprise risk control ability,Use of financial instruments(institutions),For the enterprise itself and stakeholders to provide financial services,Formation and management synergy effect,Reduce risk,Smooth wave,Promote growth.

  两种组织形式 Two kind of organization form


Produce melt with the form of organization have two:


Enterprise and external financial institutions cooperation,Include commercial Banks/Leasing company/VC/Insurance companies, such as.For example,Pudong development/Shenzhen development and China merchants bank(600036,guba)Are all UPS partner.UPS for bank customers recommend,And to provide credit guarantee risk control service, etc,The bank provides the loan and earn interest margin revenue.


Enterprise sets up financial institutions.The world's largest engineering equipment manufacturers caterpillar set up wholly owned subsidiary caterpillar financial company,For buying their products provide equipment financing/Financing lease service,To provide the accounts receivable or inventory financing service.In 2008,,Caterpillar financial company contributed $3 billion in revenue and profit of $385 million,In the United States equipment financial companies ranked fourth,Financial business for group contributed $580 million operating profit,Equivalent to 13% of the total group operating profit,Has made brilliant achievements.


Choose which kind of organization form,And risk management ability and the management cost factors.If enterprises established their financial institutions risk control ability and cost more strong,You can set your financial services.and,The financial institutions and external cooperation.We can see,In the fortune 500 enterprises,Many enterprises not our financial services.


UPS industry competitive position advantage,Operation ability,To the customer risk control ability,accordingly,High credit rating, moody's and standard &poor's and evaluation of 3 a enterprise,Financing cost and management cost is low,Gains high.


UPS in logistics link to a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises in depth the core link trade,Small and medium-sized enterprise needs to polymerization.More important is,From credit review to the process of risk control,To pawn realizable,No matter which link,UPS can than Banks save a few points of cost.Many of the UPS customer is small and medium-sized enterprise,For customers to provide logistics integration solutions at the same time,UPS and also a deep understanding of the clients business operations inside information.In the whole process of financing,Customer's pawn/inventory control firmly in hand UPS,UPS can effectively control risk of default.Even the appearance of breach of contract,Because of UPS perennial engaged in logistics business,For each type of both buyers and sellers of goods is very familiar with,When necessary can be easily realizable mortgage materials,Reduce losses.


Caterpillar equipment leasing service and the department of banking equipment leasing companies and independent than equipment leasing company,In the asset residual management advantages.


Caterpillar have a professional"Then distribution service team"(CRSI),Responsible for handling caterpillar's second-hand equipment.In order to reduce secondary trading information opaque cost,At the beginning of its establishment CRSI to popularize the caterpillar second-hand equipment the authentication(CCU),Through the classification evaluation for buyers and sellers to set up a credible value benchmarking.From the almost brand new equipment to use many years of equipment,Different quality equipment have different rating and price guidance.Caterpillar for the authentication of CCU second-hand equipment to provide corresponding level of service and spare parts replacement service.CRSI certification make caterpillar's second-hand equipment to become one of the world's value of second-hand equipment.

  三个层次 Three levels


Combined with the production melts three levels.


The first level,Enterprise group use their soft power,Introducing industrial investment fund(Involved in the investment fund,Or with external investment fund cooperation),Support business rapid expansion.But not synchronous increase assets and liabilities,To achieve the effect of lightweight assets structure.For example,Marriott hotel use of REITs,Split heavy assets hotel and light assets of the hotel management;Prologis launch establishment and management area warehousing investment fund,Into retirement/Pension and other long term capital,In the global development storage business.


To marriott, for example,Control more than 2700 hotels,Fixed assets but only $2.3 billion,Less than 1/8 of the McDonald's,The company accounts for only 27% of total assets.This is introducing industrial investment fund,Lightweight assets structure of the results.


In 1993,,Marriott hotel group in two:Marriott services and marriott international.The former specializes in hotel real estate business,The latter specializes in hotel management business.Marriott service to name for the real estate securitization packaging,Do REITs,For investors to provide investment tools,Let the marriott enjoy tax breaks,And release as fixed assets form of real estate business has huge cash flow.Marriott international is almost not directly have any hotel assets,Just to entrust management way of earning management fee income.The marriott service separation after go out,Marriott greatly reduces the fixed asset ratio,Control of the business risk.The two companies after separation,Cooperation still close:Marriott services for its financing new or rebuild to the hotel,Then and marriott international signed long-term entrust management contract;And marriott brand effect is to ensure the marriott service securitization income.After separation,Marriott international in retail at the same time developed franchise business;And the business real estate business marriott service will business extended to outside marriott brand,Start to other hotel brand disposal of fixed assets,"light"Change enterprise burden,To realize the production with harmony/Mutual support business structure.


The second level,Enterprise by means of industrial operation ability/High grade credit and customer risk control ability,Use of financial tools/institutions,Obtain low cost financing,For the customer/dealers/Suppliers stakeholders to provide financial services,Remove the user to the purchase ability is insufficient or supplier financing ability is insufficient/Lead to key problems such as insufficient supply of raw material,And the main form management synergy effect:Pull demand growth,Promote enterprise business revenue growth,Consolidate its competitive advantage,At the same time,Get financial services revenue.


The second level of production melt combined with pattern so far more general,Successful cases too numerous to mention one by one,Almost in all walks of life.


In the service industry,UPS supply chain in financial services,Including to inventory for mortgage trade financing and international accounts receivable for mortgage trade financing business.Wal-mart issued in 2005 has integral discount function of the credit card"Discover card"."Discover card"Don't accept the annual fee,Can be in wal-mart and other retail shops to use,And can enjoy the most 1% of shopping discount.Through the industry and finance combination,Wal-mart retail access to a stable consumer group,At the same time also Shared the financial income.


In manufacturing,The ford motor company was established in 1923 in auto loan business of ford motor finance company.Along with the popularization of cars,After the 1960 s ford motor finance business rapid development,Ford financial quickly replace the traditional commercial Banks to become the world's largest automobile financial company.At present the ford motor credit have 36 countries around the world of the 11 million car consumers/12500 automobile dealers provide automobile financial service,And its Hector, company is the world's largest car rental companies.Auto finance income have accounted for ford the 40% above of gross income.


In the new and high technology industries,Many large enterprises of science and technology in order to continue to grow,Often established risk investment institutions.For example,IBM/Microsoft/Merck/INTEL/Johnson &johnson,Purpose lies in investment external technology innovation enterprise,Constructing ecological circle meet customer demand,Expanded its product market demand,Get new growth opportunities option,Innovative business synergy effect.


For example,In 1999,,IBM established risk investment group.IBM's risk investment and independent risk investment different.IBM generally not direct injection funds to start-up enterprise,But with external independent IT risk investment institution cooperation,The risks investors/Startups and IBM integrated organically.


IBM with its hardware and software technology/Products and innovative services to help those who have already been risk investment company see rapid growth of start-up companies,And constantly in the IBM platform to create more new technology/New product,Together makes IBM"Technology innovation ecological system",For the customers to provide quality services,For IBM found new industry and IT industry chain has value on the technology and enterprise.IBM is a favourable position can use the best of new technology,Create faster/More innovative solutions,The customer can use solution achieve business transformation,And to achieve a competitive market advantage.IBM annual r&d funds at about $5 billion,And risk investment to provide innovative company funds have 22 billion dollars,Four times the IBM own r&d investment.


The third level,Enterprise group for different link chain/Investment and income volatility different entity enterprise provide risk management tools and trading mechanism,Smoothing income fluctuation,Ironing cycle,To achieve industrial chain link the equilibrium of supply and demand,Income stability.


The most typical example is enron(Enron).


The end of the 1980 s,Enron company is the country's largest natural gas company,One of the largest independent development producers,One of the largest independent power producers,Has the largest pipeline system.Enron's main originally in the physical aspects,Occupy ShangZhongYou gas industry,Along with the competition,Business gross margin decline,Begin from 1988 to provide financial services.

  1990~1993,安然花费6000万美元发展Enron金融服务系统。1991年,安然公司将其金融服务公司与其天然气市场部合并为天然气公司,定位为金融与天然气服务(Enron Gas Service,EGS)的混合型机构,成为“天然气银行”,借助其天然气主业的强大业务能力,为生产商和消费者同时提供长期合同,匹配供需,使天然气生产商获得稳定的需求合同,消费者得到稳定的供给合同。

1990 ~ 1993,Enron $60 million development Enron financial service system.In 1991,,Enron will its financial services company and its natural gas marketing combination for natural gas company,Positioning for financial and natural gas service(Enron Gas Service,EGS)Hybrid mechanism,become"Gas bank",With its main natural gas a powerful professional ability,For producers and consumers at the same time provide long-term contract,Matching supply and demand,Make gas producer gain steady demand contract,Consumers get stable supply contract.


1992 enron has become North America's largest natural gas marketers,They according to different consumer groups set up different subsidiary,At the same time to provide more than 100 kinds of contract,Including physical contract and financial contract,The development of the latter is especially rapid.Through the financial engineering technology,Enron can satisfy the terminal consumer demand,Price variable can be fixed,Delivery quantity variable can be fixed.


In the financial innovation,EGS no doubt is very successful.unfortunately,Enron not content with this,Using accounting standards loopholes,Magnifies the EGS performance.For example,1999 and the end of 2000 there were 395 million and 763 million dollars income comes from the price risk management activities and do not have cash inflow,Such gains accounted for one third of the 1999 pre-tax profit and 2000 pre-tax profits of happiness.This is against the EGS matching supply and demand/Stabilize the market's original intention.EGS into share price manipulation in the tool,Eventually led to the enron's collapse.


Above three levels,Is business use of financial capital from shallow to deep process.The first level,Is business primarily,Financial capital is;The second level,Business and financial capital position basic quite,Still with business primarily;The third level,Financial capital lead industry management.The three levels can the separation,Can be combined with the(For example,At the same time take the first level of light assets and the second level of supply chain finance),Can divide stage the upgrade(For example,In turn to take the first/The second/The third level).Different enterprise group,Can be free to choose to suit their own development level pattern,true"Production with harmony".

  基础:主业稳定 foundation:Stable main


Based on the operating synergistic effect yield with harmony,Success is the root of the enterprise business scale of operation and stability.If no UPS supply chain management ability/AAA rating and business scale,Wal-mart did not have a big customer base,Marriott no hotel management brand effect,Or once industrial base encounter bottlenecks,Financial business scale platform and low cost capital loss,Financial business will lose production melt based and advantage.


If one day wal-mart retail business stop growth,Its credit card business will also face the same dilemma.In recent years the United States automobile manufacturers leadership is under Japanese manufacturers challenge,The sales volume to drop and profit diluted,Even heavy losses,ford/General motors credit rating were down to"Garbage level".Company financial business capital costs have risen sharply.In order to save the car manufacturing business,Ford motor was looking to sell its citigroup auto finance business part or all of the stake,To raise enough money to develop new car.after,General motors has put its automobile financial company 51% equity sold to a private equity fund.


Xerox as the inventor of the copy machine,With the aid of leasing service,In the 1970 s as the world's largest office equipment manufacturer.With the rise of Canon, and Japanese enterprises,Xerox profit space is compressed,In the mid 1980 s,Xerox into financial services,The acquisition of an investment bank/A fund company and an insurance company,Since then the financial business once accounted for xerox profit deodorants.But financial business and didn't give xerox bring more financial resources,Instead, make its money more heavy burden,Leverage in a straight line.In the face of the Japanese enterprises and catching up with the price alliance,Xerox in order to make more money to do business,In the early 1990 s to evaluate the diversification strategy,Opt out of the financial sector.It first sold for $360 million fund business,Then the investment banking sold to management,Insurance business with setbacks to sell at a low price.Because of the long-term insufficient investment in new technology on,Xerox, the market share of the linear glide,Share price from $80 fell to $8.Xerox use exactly 15 years time to really from its insurance business freed.


(The author is tsinghua university economic management academy finance company finance professor)
