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亚洲金融合作联盟 风险合作基金成立--亲稳舆论引导监测室

  本报讯 12月11日,亚洲金融合作联盟风险合作基金成立的签约仪式在京举行。亚洲金融合作联盟风险管理委员会的23家成员进行了认购。

Report from our correspondent on December 11,,The Asian financial cooperation alliance risk fund established cooperation signing ceremony held in Beijing.The Asian financial cooperation alliance risk management committee and family members subscription.


Risk cooperation fund account management line is a union of the risk management committee director of bank, minsheng bank(600016,guba).the,10% of the capital is the capital contribution in cash,The establishment of a trust account in account management line,Deposit interest rate according to the similar funds legal deposit rate execution.Minsheng bank President HongQi and subscription fund share each members represent the signing.

  亚洲金融合作联盟监事长、包商银行董事长李镇西指出,当前,中小金融机构面临着更为复杂的外部经营环境。这突出表现在:宏观经济运行波动加剧,利率市场化对银行的盈利模式带来巨大挑战,等等。这些变化深刻地改变了金融机构的生存环境,深刻地影响着中小银行的发展模式。在此背景下,中小银行只有抱团发展,才能使大家感觉到在各自孤军奋战的背后,还有一座坚实的靠山;在各自面对大风大浪的时候,还有一个安全的港湾。(曹 蓓)

The Asian financial cooperation alliance supervisors long/Contractor's bank chairman LiZhenXi pointed out,The current,Small and medium-sized financial institutions are facing a more complicated external business environment.This outstanding performance in:Operation of macro economy fluctuation intensifies,Interest rate marketization to bank profit model can bring huge challenges,etc.These changes profoundly change the living environment of financial institutions,A profound influence on the development of small and medium-sized Banks mode.In this context,Small and medium-sized Banks only BaoTuan development,To make you feel in their respective behind in isolation,Have a solid backing;In the face of the wind and waves in each time,Have a safe harbor.(Cao bud)

  中国企业领袖年会 Chinese business leaders conference

  在京召开 Held in Beijing

  本报讯 12月7日至9日,2012中国企业领袖年会在北京举行。本届年会以“重塑商业安全边界”为主题。

Report from our correspondent on December 7 to 9,2012 Chinese business leaders conference held in Beijing.The current annual meeting to"Remodeling business security boundary"As the theme.


The guests said,Although the international economic situation is still not out of recession,Instability at home and abroad/Uncertain factors are still more,But the market's temperature is rising.In the present situation,Should pay attention to and make full use of the current economic slowdown in time,To speed up the pace of reform important fields,For the development of enterprises to provide a good environment.Enterprise should take time by the forelock,Give full play to the role of innovation subject,Through the innovation to improve competitiveness and ability to resist risks,To improve the quality and efficiency of industrial development,To promote the development of modern industry new system balance.

  中国国际金融有限公司首席经济学家、董事总经理彭文生在本次年会“危机下的金改风云”分论坛上表示,改革开放几十年来,资本市场发展很快,但金融体系的发展偏向融资一方,对投资者的保护力度不够。其次,从融资方来讲,偏向大型企业,小微企业融资比较困难。他认为,资本市场多层次的发展应包括中小金融机构,更好地为中小企业和小微企业提供服务。(汀 兰)

China international finance co., LTD., chief economist/PengWenSheng managing director in this annual meeting"The crisis of the gold change"Points on the BBS said,Reform and opening up for decades,Capital market development soon,But the development of the financial system to finance a party,Not enough protection for investors.secondly,Will tell from RongZiFang,Large enterprises to,Small micro enterprise financing difficult.He thinks,Multi-level capital market development of small and medium-sized financial institutions should be included,Better for small and medium-sized enterprises and small micro enterprises to provide services.(Abram statins)
