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  全国人大财经委员会副主任委员吴晓灵的一次讲话,把P2P公司(Peer to Peer,即“人人贷”公司,指收集借款人、出借人信息,评估借款人的信用情况,然后对其进行配对,并收取中介服务费的信贷服务中介公司)宜信首创的线下债权转让模式推到了聚光灯下。

The National People's Congress deputy director of the finance committee members of a speech WuXiaoLing,The P2P company(Peer to Peer,namely"All credit"The company,Refers to collect the borrower/Lender information,Evaluate the credit status of the borrower,Then the pairing,And for the collection of the credit intermediary service agency)Appropriate letter pioneering offline creditor's rights transfer mode push into the spotlight.


"Some companies use natural person to loans,And then loan(Formation of creditor's rights)Sold to the natural person to absorb funds,Commitment in a certain period of repayment of capital and interest,This model,Is the Supreme Court for the definition of the illegal funds."recently,WuXiaoLing said.


It makes a lot of attention P2P industry,Association to"Appropriate letter"Pioneering offline creditor's rights transfer mode:Will be a natural person as the first lender,By a idle fund first lender to loan to the user needs to borrow,Then reinvest the creditor's rights are packed into class fixed income products,And its sales to investment banking customers.


And the appropriate letter recently retired from wenzhou folk lending registration center,Some people also guess,Because the appropriate letter of offline creditor's rights transfer mode touch"Illegal financing"Red line.


Long-term focus on P2P industry and home of the loan, the founder of the rule of law XuGongWei told reporters at the weekend,P2P is a network industry first loan platform,Lenders and investors on the Internet a deal,Appropriate letter created offline creditor's rights transfer mode,The model by many companies to follow.At present,Mainly engaged in offline creditor's rights transfer business company of as many as five or six,The number is almost more than the main engaged in online network platform of loan amount.


so,This is the management mode of the chase after hold in both hands,Is suspected of illegal financing?

  创新模式 Innovation mode


You lack of money,And not from bank loans,And he just money to lend,But you and he did not know each other's capital.In this kind of information asymmetry of the case,The earliest form of P2P network, lending platform arises at the historic moment.


From 2006 to 2007,to"Clap your credit"/Appropriate letter as a representative of the first network lending platform in China emerge.These networks lending platform main role is the information hub,That is to say, the money in the fund demand information release platform,Listed borrowing reason/Borrowing amount/Expected annual interest rate/Loan time limit,And the need to provide you have enough reimbursement ability of evidence,This group of people called the borrower,And money in rich person platform release funds loanable information,This group of people called investors.Investors and borrowers in the communication platform and a deal.


This model is now called"Online mode"."Clap your credit"The founder of the rule of law GuShaoFeng told reporters at the weekend,In this mode,P2P company mainly by the borrower to commission earnings.meanwhile,P2P firms will be responsible for research and development risk control system,Avoid the borrower to provide false information, such as fraud.


But at the same time,Use the online mode and investors do not always at the same time meet each other,Such as someone need to borrow money,But the platform but couldn't find the right investors.


"From the basis of the practice of appropriate,Puts forward the creditor's rights transfer mode,Through the introduction of the first lender,Fast to meet the fund demand."Appropriate letter to the relevant person in charge of the company law weekend reporters.


The chief introduction,Creditor's rights transfer process,The first lender by the creditor's rights according to the original value transfer to the assignee creditor's rights,In the creditor's rights transfer process does not get any interest margin revenue.And the company now profit is the main source to the borrower charge commission to investors and the capital account management fees,The offline mode to investors charge service fees,Because the company is actually help investors in financial management.


"Offline creditor's rights transfer mode is appropriate letter company one of the business model,We also cable on the business model,But as a result of offline creditor's rights transfer mode is more efficient,So the borrower choose the model more,This model also because of its convenience,And was soon to follow the industry,Engaged in similar offline creditor's rights transfer business companies have emerged."Appropriate letter company the relevant person in charge said.

  法律底限 Legal bottom line


To some extent,P2P industry and offline creditor's rights transfer mode is a growing industry and business model.And WuXiaoLing a recent speech,Almost to offline creditor's rights transfer mode of P2P company button on the illegal financing hat.


China university of political science &law fiscal finance law institute director LiuShaoJun told reporters at the weekend the rule of law,Judge offline creditor's rights transfer mode is illegal financing is an important standard is:The first lender to lend the money,Is its own funds,Or financing of capital;If it is their own funds,Problem is not;If capital is the money,It is suspected of illegal financing.


question,The relevant person in charge of the company should believe in the acceptance of the rule of law weekend reporter to interview said,The lender to the borrower money is its own funds,The whole line creditor's rights transfer mode is the flow,First by the borrower to the lender borrowing,Formed after the creditor's rights,The first lender to the creditor's rights according to the value transfer,The first is not absorbing funds to lend again.


"So the appropriate letter in the service process not absorb lender capital behavior,In the service process to the client only charge a reasonable service charges,Didn't get any interest margin,And the creditor's rights transfer process is not committed to break-even guaranteed."Appropriate believe that their company has been in the laws and regulations permit within the scope of the framework of in service,Offline creditor's rights transfer mode is not suspected of illegal financing.


LiuShaoJun think,If such as appropriate letter said the company strictly according to the program management offline creditor's rights transfer mode,Is legal,Because each person is to allow the lending,And contract law also allows creditor's rights transfer.


But should believe that the relevant person in charge of the company,WuXiaoLing statement,In a sense is in to the industry risk tip,Avoid offline creditor's rights transfer mode in the modeled process out of shape.

  道德风险 Moral risk


Asked about other companies in the business creditor's rights transfer mode whether have been out of shape,To cause WuXiaoLing this comment,Appropriate letter company officials say the inconvenience comments.


Net credit home to the rule of law, the founder of the XuGongWei weekend reporter said:"Offline creditor's rights transfer mode in the process of modeled,Have a little out of shape.Some companies,To dear money loans to borrowers,Then at lower interest rates would creditor's rights transfer to investors,Collecting interest margin."


XuGongWei originally just a in the network lending platform lending fund investors,In the process of investment funds think there may be various risks,Some investors to together,Established and home of the credit,On the one hand provides comprehensive information network platform for loans,On the other hand is also investment people's rights protection center.


XuGongWei told reporters,Investors to offline creditor's rights transfer model of the biggest worry is the emergence of moral hazard.


"Such as,Creditor's rights transfer mode to us the first lender of creditor's rights is real.If the claim is not true,It became a scam.Now and there is no strong supervision department,Request offline creditor's rights transfer model of P2P companies provide claims is true information."XuGongWei said.


The rule of law weekend reporter interview questions should be the relevant person in charge of the company when the letter,He said,Appropriate letter regularly send investors creditor's right on the list,Clearly the money to lend the who,And the money what is it used for.If investors for more information,Appropriate letter will also contribute to.


But XuGongWei still worry,When the model is more and more people copy,Will someone in front of interests lost.He hope that in all kinds of P2P company emerging,In this industry has early large scale,Can have the supervision department stand out,The development of the industry to guide,Avoid money fraud and malignant events.

  监管真空 Regulatory vacuum


XuGongWei to industry regulatory expectations,Just reflects the industry at present in the regulatory environment, almost no one supervision.


CBRC issued last year[About all relevant credit risk warning notice]Also mentioned,Due to the current domestic legislation is not complete,The supervision duty limits is not clear,"All credit"And the nature of the lack of specific laws/Regulations define.


The rule of law XuGongWei told reporters at the weekend,At present any individual or enterprise,Can register a web site,As a network lending platform operation.looks,Industrial and commercial bureau/Letter department work/The CBRC to P2P company regulation,But in fact,But not a specific department"receiving"Such company.Such as,When P2P company to the industry and commerce registration,Fill in the scope of business will become a problem,Because did not this kind of legal registration category.


In this case,P2P company appeared"Savage growth"trend.According to XuGongWei revealed,Due to the transaction data can be monitored,Last year the company using P2P online transactions amount is only 2 billion yuan,This year the amount can be expected to reach 20 billion yuan.


One side is a turnover,One side is no supervision,The risk cans be imagined.


But the banking regulatory commission (CBRC)[About all relevant credit risk warning notice]in,Is only hint at all levels do well with the bank"All credit"The company's firewall,Avoid risk spread to the banking system,But not pointed out that the industry should how to regulate.


"In theory,P2P company is lending business,Should be mainly by the banking regulatory commission (CBRC) lead to solve."LiuShaoJun said,May be because of participation"All credit"The number of business relatively less,The amount involved is again,The CBRC at present only pay attention to it,But the industry should be high attention,Because of its risk control if do not,May cause social problems.


Those who be worth to rejoice is,"Clap your credit"Founder GuShaoFeng told reporters,At present various institutions have been in this industry for research.And according to reporter understanding,"Clap your credit"Has won the Shanghai industrial and commercial bureau special batch,Won the"Financial information service"Business qualification,The future similar companies in the industry and commerce registration,At least can choose financial information services of the business scope.


but,"Clap your credit"GuShaoFeng or hope"FangDaiRen regulations"Can come as soon as possible,Give P2P company a legal status.


"We also hope that the supervision department of the development of the industry to his research,And according to the actual situation of the development of the industry formulated relevant laws and policies,Guide the industry development,Don't because the industry possible risk,Will one stick killed."XuGongWei said.

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[The supreme people's court on the trial of the criminal case illegally accepting the concrete application of law in the explanation]


Financial management in violation of state laws and regulations,To social public(Including units and individuals)The behavior of the absorption funds,At the same time meet the following four conditions,In addition to the provisions of the criminal law than otherwise,Shall be regarded as prescribed in article one hundred and seventy-six of the criminal law"Illegal absorbing public deposits or in a disguised manner to absorb public deposits":


(a)Without the approval of the relevant departments according to law or use the form of legal business in money;


(two)Through the media/seminar/leaflet/The way such as mobile phone short message to the public propaganda;


(three)Commitment in a certain period of time to money/physical/Equity means such as repayment of capital and interest or payment of the return;


(four)To the society that is social specific object absorption funds.
