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Folk lending"storm"To break the wenzhou wealth market calm,Instant wealth shrink evaporation;but,With the change of wenzhou gold steadily,"Reform redemption"Was put on the agenda.In wenzhou reconstruction"Binary financial"Ecological and,Wenzhou people's heart has also undergone a subtle change,The process of wound healing to investors in a more rational thinking to see the growth in wealth and inheritance.

  ⊙记者 邹靓 ○编辑 于勇

⊙ reporter ZouJing ○ editor in yong


Early December,Wenzhou's streets were talking about popular television dramas[Wenzhou family],The wenzhou to an ordinary family grassroots reflect history of 30 years of reform and opening-up era change was the big play,"Earn enough the audience's eye,Earn all the tears".


In the 1980 s in wenzhou in domestic industry and professional development of non-agricultural economy market way,Opened commodity/Big market development pattern"Wenzhou mode","wenzhou"The meaning of the term is no longer limited to the southern city of a geographical concept.In the people heart,"wenzhou"Represents the grassroots the spirit of the entrepreneur,On behalf of the zhejiang business feelings,Is also a symbol of wealth from scratch,And found wealth opportunity keen sense of smell.


From wenzhou lighter to yiwu small commodity,From wenzhou inferior shoes to Europe brand shoes OEM,From wenzhou folk lending to form a group of wenzhou,Wenzhou people can always with a kind of have no fear"Outlaws of"Pioneering spirit true value for wealth.now,"Wenzhou mode"From the small family has a well-run primary processing to the modernization of the family enterprise management,Upon completion of the initial accumulation of capital later,They are trying to be found outside in manufacturing market opportunities,The wealth in the second creation.


In August 2011, folk lending"storm"To break the wenzhou wealth market calm,Almost every day wenzhou boss run road/Wenzhou belly up news spread,Along with the wealth in an instant shrink evaporation.


In March 2012, and day,197 the state council executive meeting decided to set up wenzhou financial comprehensive reform pilot area,"Reform redemption"Was put on the agenda.In wenzhou reconstruction"Binary financial"Ecological and,Wenzhou people's heart has also undergone a subtle change,The process of wound healing to investors in a more rational thinking to see the growth in wealth and inheritance.Times change brought to wenzhou adhering to the story,Also will be reform way to continue.

  草莽年代:“跑路潮”唤醒全民PE梦 Greenwood s:"Run road tide"Wake up the dream PE


Developed folk lending support the wenzhou economy running smoothly,Also let stakeholders accustomed to through the folk channel and informal financial to realize the value of wealth.but,"Run road tide"Appearance has broken this cycle.


Lao zhou fifty s,In wenzhou LongWanOu runs a small shoes factory has more than ten years,Factory workers has people.The factory shoes are export European OEM OEM,Year good,Millions of net profit.Lao zhou said,In wenzhou,Like he such family shoemaking workshop thousands of home,The same area county peers mostly know.


Lao zhou in circles is an honest man,I neither smoke nor drink,But in lending on it,But also avoid to work into a foot.About 2011 years of folk loan storm,Lao zhou was so far."Before we here and will fund raising is often the business,A take a hundreds of thousands of and will not happened.Start a business which is lack of money,Ask friends and relatives borrow a borrow,Later is out good opportunities,We also follow the charge interest hair make a fortune.Who also have never thought suddenly ran so much the boss,My wife's younger brother has put out 1.8 million yuan almost didn't take back."


Lao zhou's wife's younger brother is a"Have a way out"people,Often help bring together money lending,Have nothing in small loan companies/Hock travel out,Commonly known as"pander".At the beginning of last year,He gave a set of the last 20 million yuan of short term capital,Lao zhou 1.8 million yuan in the column.Until now,Lao zhou also didn't know that when the money is who lent.


Such as Lao zhou"ignorant"The borrower is not a few,But can be careful to not lose but not much.Since the international financial crisis,Shanxi coal to/Dubai crisis/Property market is restricted/Stocks tumbled forced the wenzhou people"Drift out"Money return wenzhou,The local folk lending interest rates once even a record,A monthly interest to five,That is 180% annual interest.


Wenzhou small and medium-sized enterprise development council for the promotion of messina President said,In the run road wenzhou LongWanOu areas and strong town,Last August a month to have more than twenty up"Run road"events,Information in 1 billion yuan"high"Run 3,In wenzhou folk JinRongShi on,On such a scale"Run road"rare.


And all these roots,Far from macro economic and commercial the deterioration of the environment to explain.In the unique economic development period,Wenzhou formed the modern formal financial and folk informal financial coexist"Binary financial"characteristics,Wenzhou existing 30 - thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises,True to the formal financial system DaoZi harmony of less than 20%,80% of the enterprise need through the folk lending to solve the problem of funds.Developed folk lending support the wenzhou economy running smoothly,Also let stakeholders accustomed to through the folk channel and informal financial to realize the value of wealth.


 一次生动的投资者教育:投资心态回归理性 A vivid investor education:Investment return to rational attitude


Folk loan storm is a very good investor education.A recent years investors mentality has changed greatly,Slowly began to accept on a steady basis pursuit of relative return investment philosophy,Them to a better understanding of the investment to reduce the expected return,More and more customers preference principal safety/Stable return products.


In the eyes of the personage inside course of study,Wenzhou folk lending in this period was considered"National PE era".Most of the wenzhou people had such as[Wenzhou family]In the general ZhouLao grassroots entrepreneurial experience,Whether the accumulation of a bit first bucket of gold,Or from the real estate market/Private lending market the second pot of gold,From the opportunity to explore to implement operation,All the stakeholders themselves control.


"Wenzhou people in essence is not willing to put the money to other people do,Even in the link in the chain of folk loan,Stakeholders are still firmly believe that their own money by themselves to decide the go",Noah wealth in wenzhou wealth management center, deputy general manager of the ChengLiang shi looks,People from wenzhou pocket money,Than in other places to more rare.


"Wenzhou customer's style and other places have obvious difference,Even and taizhou/Ningbo, zhejiang places than customers,Also want to clear a lot of radical."Shi ChengLiang told reporters.


In 2007-2009 period,Wenzhou region's most popular is PE and the secondary market investment,Noah wenzhou has the development of the high-end customer held PE business interpretation display."There are two things I very impressive,One is the wenzhou customers only listen to what he is interested in the topic,If no appetite he is not a waste of time to continue to hear,This in other areas branch does not see more;The second is when folk credit situation is still very good,For the third party gives the investment projects in the interests of their clients is not big,Annualised income below 10% of the project(customer)Don't see,More than 20% just attractive."ChengLiang was quite some but have to say.


After three years,Wenzhou property market is also a scene.


By the influence of the international financial crisis,Wenzhou, foreign export take a heavy toll.Wenzhou small and medium-sized enterprise centralized distribution of more than 100 industry appeared none escape by luck camp shrinkage water,In addition to textile/Retail industry 105 industry has not better.


Another head,Noah wenzhou business center of gravity in folk loan storm after the big changes."These two years on the other side of the head office received a lot of trust products,Naturally we will subcontract sales.A recent years key investors state of mind has changed greatly,Slowly began to accept on a steady basis pursuit of relative return investment philosophy."Shi ChengLiang said,Folk loan storm is a very good investor education,Investors for a better understanding of the investment to reduce the expected return,More and more customers preference principal safety/Stable return products,"Fixed income products this year big shipments,Compared with the first two years have a great increase".

  银行理财产品受追捧:“5%年收益就卖疯” Bank financing products are to chase after hold in both hands:"5% annual earnings will sell crazy"


The main bank financial products,General belong to low risk high liquidity fixed income products,Have a high prospective earnings,But now in the Banks they sell out special fire,Some annualised rate of return over 5% of bank financing products can"Sell crazy".


A fixed income signs more than financial institutions a third party,More investment channels from the formal financial commercial Banks.


In wenzhou government across the street of the city road house road crossing,Next to ping an bank(000001,guba)/Industrial and commercial bank of(601398,guba)/Everbright bank(601818,guba)/The bank of China(601988,guba)And so many commercial Banks.Reporters found together after visiting,Although Banks main product type is not the same,But there is a common feature,That is all belong to low risk high liquidity fixed income products.These products have high expected return,But now in the Banks sell all the special fire.


Icbc development zone branch sales finance manager told reporters,The bank customers buy financial products mostly are required to break even,Low yields a customer is not the main consideration.Early December,Icbc wenzhou region given day financial products expected annualised return of 2.2% - 2.4%/Week in financial products change required rate of return is 5% - 7%/Month in and month out financial product annualised required rate of return is 6%.


this,The financial manager given explanation is:Bank relative to other financial institutions in the financial products style relative more robust,This is mainly based on the bank customer's risk preference for low risk low income.


Everbright bank wenzhou branch retail sales department manager in private conversation with reporters also said,Bank sales(Actually to recommend)Trust products after all is in the trust mechanism on the basis of this product and dial the a layer of skin,Give to the customer's return nature is not high,The advantage of the bank or the product is the most basic cash products.


In face of the folk loan after the shock of storm,Wenzhou of ordinary investors become an old maid,even"Grin and bear it".


During the visit,Reporter discovery of bank financing is strange phenomena,Annualised rate of return can have 5% bank financing products can"Sell crazy".Lao zhou told reporters,"Wenzhou local business the best commercial bank nothing more than the agricultural bank(601288,guba)/Merchants bank(600036,guba)And several big Banks,We are willing to squeeze broken head to buy products is blunt big bank insurance".


A state-owned bank wenzhou branch retail department general manager are quite agree with,"Wenzhou before is wife form a group,Accustomed to exalt skyer,Also catch up with the economic growth of the good time,Now the house is the house hung up,Stock market fell,The profits back,The environment changed everything".He said,Industry KongXinHua and economic structural contradictions concentrated outbreak,The investors begin to pay close attention to risk,For income expectations return to a reasonable level,And bank financing products of income/risk/Liquidity is also according to the customer mentality and the external environment changes,Financial management to the rational treatment time.


It is reported,In recent years, wenzhou area to buy bank financing products customers layer more and more younger,Forty years old of middle-aged people and even 30 years old white collar has become the bank financing products the main customer base.

  温州金改稳步推进:重构“二元金融”生态 Wenzhou gold to steadily:reconstruction"Binary financial"ecological


The next step,Wenzhou will focus on"Folk financing ->Financial services ->Entity economy ->Financial supervision"main,Through the platform structures/Perfect the mechanism/Enhance service/Strengthening the supervision of,The real match formation and state-owned Banks/And the real economy to support each other fusion financial ecological system,For the real economy development to provide high quality financial services.Along with the wenzhou"Binary financial"Ecology to reconstruct,The folk finance and formal finance will be in wenzhou find their operation rules and market.


has,Wenzhou district commercial Banks have not step out of the establishment of private bank this step,Much is wealth management center and financial center.The state-owned line wenzhou branch retail department general manager think,That is the essence of financial management in the value realization based on the value of assets,For a long time the customer base in wenzhou to this is a misunderstanding.Wealth management require multiple channels/The combination of a variety of products to achieve the purpose,The key point is to open mixed,But premise is as a prelude to interest rate marketization of financial management.


From wenzhou financial do data display,Wenzhou existing banking institutions and home,National top ten joint stock commercial Banks have all settled down in in wenzhou,Securities institutions and home,Futures institutions 15,Insurance institutions and home,Employees more than 50000 people."11th five-year plan"since,The financial industry to the contribution of economic growth are to stay above 9.6%,The financial industry to GDP for the leading role ". 55.


Wenzhou financial do in mid-november submitted a name[Wenzhou financial comprehensive reform pilot work is introduced]File such mentioned:More than 30 years of reform and opening up to solve the many key issues,But elements market reform is not complete/Local financial system reform relative lag/With the development of the private economy serious don't match,especially"Two more dilemma"Problems cannot be fundamentally solved,Speed up the development of economy and society effect/Transformation development.Especially in August 2011, local folk finance"storm"appears,The reform of the financial system highlights the importance and urgency,Also further speed up the state of financial system reform of mechanism of determination.


In March 2012, and day,The state council executive meeting decided to set up wenzhou financial comprehensive reform pilot area;July 27,,The people's bank of China 9 departments jointly written reply to a subordinate body of zhejiang province the wenzhou financial comprehensive reform pilot area overall scheme;On November 23,,Wenzhou, in accordance with the overall plan of the 12 main task,Issued a formal[Zhejiang wenzhou financial comprehensive reform pilot implementation plan].


Wenzhou financial do personage introduction,The next step,Wenzhou will focus on"Folk financing ->Financial services ->Entity economy ->Financial supervision"main,Through the platform structures/Perfect the mechanism/Enhance service/Strengthening the supervision of,The real match formation and state-owned Banks/And the real economy to support each other fusion financial ecological system,For the real economy development to provide high quality financial services.


"In addition to make gold change implementation plan approved work outside,Wenzhou will actively guide the folk financing standardization and the sunshine change,Innovation development function perfect local financial services."The source told reporters,Including the development of new financial organizations and non-banking institutions and improve and perfect the financial industry platform.


In July 2012/August,A large number of foreign capital by the debt crisis from Europe retrace wenzhou looking for investment opportunities,A large number of private capital return wenzhou again.


The people's bank of China wenzhou branch deputy President CaiLingYue center on the matter said,Along with the wenzhou"Binary financial"Ecology to reconstruct,The folk finance and formal finance will be in wenzhou find their operation rules and market,"The folk finance is formal financial can't replace,But also of the beneficial supplement of the formal financial,The folk financing must be standardized, guide,To formal financial should adjust measures to local conditions/Innovation development".
