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主演:中国QDII 美国农产品
Starred in:Chinese QDII U.S. agricultural products
The past year,The world economic situation complex,Variable cluster.As the economic barometer of financial markets,Especially the stock and commodity risk assets, etc,Also staged a dazzling and play.
⊙记者 朱周良 ○编辑 梁伟
⊙ reporter ZhuZhou good ○ LiangWei editor
中国QDII的春天 Chinese QDII spring
In 2012,,To ShangHaiBo is absolutely is a lucky year.
In A share A piece of "the hon,ShangHaiBo management international trust &investment ubs global emerging market stock funds but this year"contrarian"Harvest more than 20% of the rate of return,Top ranks before QDII.
At least in the A shares in the eyes of investors,It's a miracle,But it is the epitome of the global stock markets this year performance and true portraiture.
Use one word to describe this year the global stock market performance,That is"Sunrise east west rain".In the debt crisis and the economic downturn in the mire of Europe and the United States market,Doggedly constantly to fresh record highs,Germany stock market and even returned to the financial crisis before the high;And in fundamentals is recognized as the better emerging economies,The performance of the stock market but are falling behind in school,Especially China's a-share market,For the third year in a row in the bottom of the world become one of the major markets.In 2012, most of the time,A share in all the way then,The Shanghai index is since 2009 the first below 2000 points,As the cumulative decline of 11%.In overseas markets is a sound a piece,Germany and other developed markets of the year or at an astonishing 30%.
Thus it can also be contributed to the fund market this year in China"External heat in cold"scene.Since since birth and the cold shoulder QDII,And when finally ushered in the hold one's head high.According to the statistics,By the end of 2012 on December 13,Mainland China only 333 standard stock fund since this year the net growth rate of 0.73% of the negative;Overseas investment in 57 only QDII,Whether the global/Mature markets/Emerging markets/The asia-pacific or overseas index,No exception to positive income,The average rate of return range from 4% to 16.5%.ShangHaiBo management international trust &investment ubs global emerging market stock funds,And two other domestic fund company QDII products,But also realized the more than 20% of high yield.
农产品“独舞”商品乱市 Agricultural products"Solo dance"Commodity disorderly city
Line of sight to the United States.Iowa in July,It is the hottest time.
52 years old dick Thompson bare arm stand in his corn field in,Has yellowed from/Dry the stalks with twisted off a piece of corn on the cob,The stripping, but we can't see a few grains of corn,Even if some long out of the grain was dry.
Born in famous"The granary",Thompson and his fellow villagers have been drought or waterlogging.But in this year,Like him but Iowa farmers had a problem.Good harvest will not talked,Even the break-even has become a big problem.
For more than half a century the most severe drought,Let the United States once this year nearly two-thirds of the drought in region.As the world's largest corn and soybean ZhongZhiGuo,High temperature water crops to the United States brought devastating disaster.Plus Russia/Ukraine and other major crops of drought,The international market corn/Soybean and wheat and other agricultural products supply in once.
In the background of natural disasters,Global quantitative easing gave birth to the large amounts of liquidity,Will continue to put the corn/Soybean and wheat, and other agricultural products price Fried to many years or even a record high.
In this such a commodity prices marked ups and downs of the year,Agricultural products may be one of the few real winners.By the middle of this month,wheat/Soybean 24% or so,Corn also rose by 12%.
From the final price go up drop to see,Most of the goods this year's performance can be fair.To cover a variety of raw materials and the standard difference cheng commodity price index as an example,Last year the index put in 644.91 points,And the point with a year ago is flat,Even small drop.
Specific see each breed,By the middle of December,So far this year prices flat,Gold and copper/Aluminum rose slightly,cotton/Sugar etc is appeared down,But the scale is not big.
but,Although the final result looks dull,But in this year's complicated international economic and financial situation,Commodity this year trend really full of drama.The debt/Quantitative easing/The global economy cooling and U.S. Treasury cliff, etc,Let 2012 commodity markets staged a ups and downs of the play.
With oil as an example,International oil prices this year march once exceeded 110 us dollars,In June and has below $80;The highest price of gold was approaching $1800,Minimum have test over $1500.
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- 一季度北京金融业增加值619亿元 同比增长11%--亲稳舆论引导监测室