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Galaxy securities:
The new urbanization of hope and opportunity
New urbanization as China's largest potential of domestic demand and the main task of modernization,By the management team as a strategic choice,Is the height of the capital market attention,But the market of urbanization a lot of controversy.We think that,New type of urbanization of the three propositions,Can be more clear understanding of the essence of urbanization:(1)Urbanization is the result of the economic and social development,Is to realize modernization must complete the task;(2)The process of urbanization is pushing for a long time,Also is the realization of incremental blueprint;(3)Urbanization is the carrier of economic and social development and reform,Is contact the agricultural modernization/The reform of the new type industrialization and link.
New type of urbanization will lead to major change in the pattern of economic and social life:(1)Urbanization of farmers/Agricultural modernization and land/The household registration system reform;(2)The development of new industrialization;(3)Service industry development;(4)City space layout optimization and urban agglomeration development;(5)Perfect infrastructure and public service level of ascension;(6)Financing and local financial system changes.
New urbanization of investment opportunities:The real estate/Urban infrastructure construction/Urban service industry development/Promoting consumption city/The agricultural modernization.
GuoHai securities(000750,Shares!):
Three levels for urbanization investment opportunities
From the point of promoting mechanism,Urbanization of the power can be divided into three kinds:The government power/Market power and private power,- new urbanization of China,This is also our country urbanization from the main difference between the European and American countries,Along with the market forces to join in the future,Bottom-up the livelihood of the people/The employment demand/Economic structure and stage of development of the urbanization pattern.
Guided by the government through the system/Hard and soft facilities three levels to choose investment direction.The industry configuration of our idea is to find the opportunities brought by the urbanization under the guidance of the government,Respectively from the top-down system level/Bottom-up employment related hardware facilities from the people's livelihood/Soft environment related to the three levels to find investment opportunities.
System level,Show the government leading China's urbanization/Large scale characteristic of whole advancement,According to the present work/Flow of essential factors of resources/Urban and rural dual structure imbalance/The unfair social welfare and public service is not completely covered,We think can through the intensive use of land system reform,Enhance land use efficiency and farmers income distribution,To speed up the urbanization of the rural population transfer,Let all the people share the achievements of reform and development.
Hardware facilities level,Because of China's urbanization is facing big cities and small and medium-sized cities/The gap of the economic structure and development orientation in small towns,We from two aspects: traditional investment and supporting urban planning analysis of investment opportunities:For the development of small and medium-sized cities and small towns and urban expansion of the early,We think that the traditional investment and industrial transfer will still be taken seriously,With the supporting infrastructure/Real estate and finance will continue to promote employment and increase income;For three industrial clusters in the east,Wisdom city/Green low carbon is comply with the industrial upgrade and the information/The development direction of energy conservation and environmental protection.
Soft environment level,Highlight the new urbanization centered on the quality and efficiency,Values with the improvement of income level of resident,Improve people's livelihood/Consumption opportunities related to the upgrade of industry.
Orient securities:
The new urbanization thrusting rail construction
New urbanization accelerating rail transportation development.Rail transit can effectively alleviate the urban traffic congestion,Improve the efficiency of urban operation and population capacity,Residential area in the promotion of elongation and the formation of new business circle,Urban public service level of ascension;At the same time can also be stimulating domestic demand/Digest excess capacity,Will become a government-led investment mainly the swimmer in the future.According to the plan,The next few years or will enter into a new round of rail construction peak,In an average of more than 250 billion yuan a year,Related field is expected to usher in a wave of great opportunity of development.
Suggest that attention to benefit the most/Business accounts for a higher/Performance of elastic larger benefit related company.Because of the rail transit construction cycle is long,Focusing on planning and design in accordance with the construction process/Infrastructure construction and relevant materials.
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