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  “人民对美好生活的向往,就是我们的奋斗目标。” 中共中央总书记习近平的执政誓言,如春风般鼓舞全国人民。全国广大投资者特别是中小投资者也有理由向往,从资本市场分享到中国经济快速增长的成果,增加财产性收入。

"People's yearning for a better life,Is our goal." The central committee of the communist party of China party secretary xi jinping ruling oath,Such as the spring breeze like inspire people all over the country.The general investors, especially small and medium-sized investors also have reason to look forward to,From the capital market share to China's rapid economic growth,Increasing property income.


In the past 20 years,Test-bed for securities market from the dispensable,Become an important part of China's financial market development;From the early for can accommodate aircraft carrier class company baosteel listed is enough to celebrate,To the total market value of more than one trillion shenzhen stock market today,As the world's third largest securities market,The breadth and depth of China's stock market has got unprecedented development.In the concentration of 20 years,China's securities market walked western mature market more than hundred years history,Performance is brilliant.Among them,The general investors, especially small and medium-sized investors,For the supernormal made great contribution to the development of the market.


And in striking contrast to the brilliance of the securities market development is,Can get the corresponding return investors is negligible.On June 14, 2001,The index 2245 points.11 years has passed,The index has fluctuated wildly,Recently will have to return to 2245 points.To pursue the stock go up drop investors,Ten years overall return on investment is zero,If considering the transaction costs and the high rate of changing hands in the A shares for many years,In fact most of the investors of heavy losses.


However,,Over the past ten years,It is China's rapid economic growth period,China's GDP growth at a speed of more than 8% a year,Per capita income increased year by year,But as the economic development"barometer"The stock market has failed.


"Reform is one of the biggest bonus"/"To promote the reform with greater political courage and wisdom"......The reform of the new central collective leadership to make investors see the hope to aspire to become a reality.


Heard and stock market.The index in December last year after 4-1949 points,Ushered in a wave of unseen strong rise,Only 22 trading day,The index rose more than 300 points,Increase 17%.


To increase investors' property income stability of the return to investors in the first place.


The listed company cash dividend is an important way of return to investors,Is to enhance the stock market investment attraction of the necessary conditions for a long time,Is the basis of the stable operation of the capital market.

  证监会最新披露的数据显示, 2009年至2011年实施现金分红的上市公司分别为1006家、1321家、1613家,占当期上市公司总数的比例分别为54.76%、60.74%、67.12%。现金分红金额分别为3890.42亿元、5005.56亿元、6067.64亿元。

CSRC latest disclosure of data display, From 2009 to 2011 the implementation of the cash dividends of listed companies 1006 respectively/1321/1613,Accounting for 54.76% of the total number of listed company of the current period/60.74%/67.12%.Cash dividend amount is 389.042 billion yuan respectively/500.556 billion yuan/606.764 billion yuan.


Although the proportion of listed companies to share out bonus on the rise,But the listed company cash dividend total in the realization of all listed companies in the proportion of the total net profit decline year by year.Data showed that,From 2008 to 2010,This accounts for more than 41.69%/35.85% and 30.09%.

  不过,与看似不低的分红总额相比,股息率指标也许更能说明问题。2012年底沪市整体股息率为2.49%。这意味着即使不计算红利税,投资者从上市公司获得的现金回报水平也远低于银行定期存款。 (下转封二)

but,And seems to be not low compared to the total amount of share out bonus,Dividend yield index may be more that problem.At the end of 2012 Shanghai whole dividend yield is 2.49%.This means that even if no red profits,Investors from the listed company cash rewards level also is far lower than the bank deposit. (Turn the inside front cover)


    让投资者的向往变为现实   Let investors aspire to become a reality

  为进一步提高上市公司分红意识,证监会多次出台措施引导上市公司现金分红回报投资者; 交易所也推出政策,鼓励上市公司分红。如上交所日前发布了《上市公司现金分红指引》,特别要求上市公司在确定2012年年度利润分配方案前,应通过各种方式听取投资者尤其是中小投资者关于现金分红方案的意见。

In order to improve the listed company dividend consciousness,Securities times on measures to guide the listed company cash dividend return for investors; Exchange also rolls out policy,Encourage dividends of listed companies.Such as 上交所 has released[The listed company cash dividend],Special requirements for the listed company before the 2012 annual profit distribution plan is determined,Should be through a variety of ways to investors, especially small and medium-sized investors about cash share out bonus scheme.


Although regulators are in all of the guides listed company set up the consciousness of good returns,But is that nots allow to ignore,How to make small and medium-sized investors can at the time of share out bonus decisions have sufficient opinion expression of rights,And how to realize the share out bonus of sustainability/The stability of,Give investors a relatively clear expectations,It remains to be further measures for reform.

  增加投资者的财产性收入要营造透明、公正的市场坏境。正是由于长期分红机制的缺乏, 投资者追逐短期刺激股价的信息成为这个市场中长期存在的陋习。证券市场本身就是一个信息不对称的市场,而在内幕交易盛行的时期,个人投资者的弱势地位显得尤为明显。

To increase investors' property income to create transparent/About the fair market.It is because of the lack of long-term mechanism of share out bonus, Investors chasing short-term stimulus shares information become long existing abuse, the immaturity of the market.The stock market itself is a information asymmetry of the market,In the period of insider trading in,Individual investors vulnerable status is very obvious.


New high premium,Encircling money tend to;The listed company dividend too little,Insider trading a flood;Do the value investment institutional investors too little,Speculative excess retail;The listed company listed on the packing...A variety of phenomena all harm to the ecological environment of the stock market.


Since 2012,CSRC preliminary investigation 135 cases,Formal file 103,Transferred to public security and the,An increase of 26% over the previous year, respectively/27%/68%.Conclude administrative punishment cases 66 pieces,Punishment object involves the 16 agencies,118 people.At the same time,In daily supervision is in accordance with the law of supervision object regulatory measures 232,Involving 201 institutions,173 people.CSRC's data also showed,Market illegal illegal phenomena often happen.


In a full of traps/fraud/The law of the jungle in the market,Weak participants only requited only -- to escape.A large number of retail sales and leave the market,Is a kind of silent protest.


so,Supervision of the core layer of responsibilities is to ensure that the rules of market operation fair and transparent,Must strike hard insider trading/And mice storehouse/Against financial fraud fraud listed/Punishment performance face/Establish smooth retreat city system.


Create a favorable market bad border no end of action.In December last year,China securities regulatory commission chairman guo in the third"The Shanghai law BBS"In the said,Want special attention breaks his punishment,With system mechanism to guide and ensure integrity.To strengthen the law enforcement blow to the illegal behavior.Capital market illegal severely disrupted market fair,Investors anathema,We must relentlessly to blow.


Regulatory actions and determination,Let a person look forward to.


To increase investors' property income,Still need to further explore the investors investment channels.


Development of multi-level capital market is the only way for the development of China's securities market intensification.This can not only play a shunt exchange market IPO"The lake"pressure,For the entity economy development into a strong power,At the same time also can to different risk preference investors classification management,In order to meet the different properties of the different financial needs of the investors.


Multi-level capital market needs multi-level investors to participate.Supervision of social security should be encouraged/An annuity/Risk capital, such as institutional investors to increase the investment proportion of the capital market,Actively promote pension/Accumulation fund of funds entering the market for a long time,Stable market,Stable investors expected.At the same time,Gradually implement appropriate institutional investors,Protect the interests of small and medium-sized investors.


At present,,The capitalization rate is still less than 60%,While the us and Europe, and other developed countries are generally over 100%.According to the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020 to double the development goals,In accordance with the then the calculation of the capitalization rate by 100%,The development of securities market still has great space.but,We must not go weighs financing investment approach,Protect the interests of investors/Let small and medium-sized investors enjoy the reform and development of dividends,Is the market's expectations,Is also essential requirements of the construction of the capital market.


Our investors love life,Looking forward to have a better return,More stable,More reliable information disclosure,More fair/Transparent market operation environment,Looking forward to China's stock market could grow better/The development of better/The construction of better.


Investors in the capital market of beautiful yearning,Should become the common goal of regulators and market.
