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In June 2012,The United Nations sustainable development conference reiterated the importance of natural capital.More than fifty countries and 86 enterprises together,Including air/Clean water/Forest and other ecological system, natural capital value into business decisions and the state's national accounting system said support.


 什么是自然资本? What is the natural capital?


The concept of natural capital in the early twentieth century was put forward,Contains soil/air/Water and vegetation and other natural assets and human's survival and the ecological system.Research shows that,The global ecological system to provide a year on average about 33 trillion human capital.The number is not little,But and financial capital/Than human capital,Natural capital value has not been fully known,Using the way most are unsustainable.now,Forest ecological system degradation/Shortage of water resources/Soil and water loss and loss and degradation of wetland and serious ecological problems,Make ecological protection which is attracting lots of attention,To evaluate increasingly scarce natural capital is put on the agenda.


 自然资本被企业经营 Natural capital is enterprise management

  广泛依赖但未得到尊重 Widely rely on but not respected


At the national level,Countries such as Norway has natural capital as important national wealth,Taking action will be natural capital into the national economic accounting account.At the corporate level,Situation is not very optimistic.Most of the enterprise on ecosystem services/Natural capital and responsibility, etc know also very limited.Although most of them have known to enterprise operation on the ecological environment will have a direct and indirect influence,But in the traditional thinking,The ecological environment for the company to provide services to be taken for granted,Livable climate/Clean air/Clean water and soil and other natural capital, are regarded as free resources.so,Most of the enterprise did not realize the value of natural capital,More not natural capital into the enterprise management decision process.


In fact,A lot of enterprise management and development of the ecological system are very dependent on.Such as,Beverage enterprises rely on the supply of fresh water,Agricultural enterprises rely on soil and plants,Tourism enterprise rely on natural landscape.To the enterprise,,Ecological system once the deterioration,Will bring them a lot of risk.The world resources institute report says,Ecosystem deterioration in operation/supervision/reputation/Product marketing and financing etc to affect enterprise.today,These effects and risk is not systematically put forward and effectively cope with,Business is still not fully aware of their business on the ecological system dependence.


 国际组织尝试管理自然资本 International organizations try to manage natural capital


Some question,Now many large enterprises has its own environmental management system,Is this not manage natural capital reflect it?In fact,The traditional environmental management system is more suitable for solving the pollution and natural resource consumption problem,And can not fully reflect the ecological system due to worsening the risks of enterprise management.so,Enterprise should use new analytical tools and management framework of natural capital management.Some international organizations have developed suitable for enterprise ecosystem assessment and natural capital management tool.Such as,The world resources institute/World business council for sustainable development and meridian institute jointly developed a system approach enterprise ecosystem service evaluation,This method through the system evaluation company for a variety of ecological service system depends on and influence degree,Select and company operating the most close priority ecological service system,On the basis of,Through the evaluation of ecosystem service priority status and trend,Identify may lead to business risk.This method can help enterprises to make management strategy,To manage the ecosystem depends on the result of risk.


Some international advanced enterprise had already started the exploration.Famous sports brand puma company for enterprise operation environment affects real cost estimates,In 2011, launched the environmental profit and loss account,Become a global environmental profit and loss accounts published the first of the enterprise.According to the published data,In 2010,,This enterprise into the environmental impact of economic cost for 124 million pounds.Measure the true costs of environmental impact for the company to realize operation on natural capital dependence on the environment and the negative influence,Will stimulate the enterprise to take action to improve the situation,In order to improve enterprise from the economic/Environmental and social aspects of the comprehensive competitive strength.it,The next step the use of environmental profit and loss accounts will have new breakthrough,Environmental profit and loss accounts will be applied to the product level,Make consumers to know what kind of product is more sustainable.


Other well-known enterprises,Such as the ford motor/unilever/dell/Association, etc,Are in the water footprint/Carbon footprint and other environmental management to do a very good try.Unilever has calculated enterprise water footprint,And the unit product consumption as management is one of the indicators,Puts forward to 2020 unit product consumption reduce half of the target;In 2009 the environmental management system,Lenovo use greenhouse gas protocol and standard PAS2050 carbon footprint,Made to 2012/2013 year,Carbon energy efficiency increased by 10% of the new goal.This kind of natural capital and related accounting,Can help identify enterprise(Including upstream suppliers)The production and business operation of natural capital transition rely on or have a serious effect on the environment of the link.According to,Enterprise can have a definite object in view,Key transformation,Looking for a better alternative,Reduce because of natural capital transition rely on or have a serious effect on the environment risk management.


 自然资本或纳入财务报表 Natural capital or included in the financial statements


In the eighteenth big meeting,Ecological civilization construction is in the outstanding position,Ecological system and environmental protection of the importance and urgency of not only be again,And on the value of natural resources evaluation will be the guarantee of the construction of the ecological civilization is an important system.Put forward the eighteenth big reports,"The resource consumption/Environmental damage/Ecological benefit evaluation system into the economic and social development,Establish reflect ecological civilization of the target system/Assessment method/Rewards and punishment mechanism."

  可以预见,在中国自然资源的重要性将被继续突显,相关的量化指标将会成为衡量发展和对环境影响的重要依据。为此,自然资本的核算作为一种重要的评估工具和改进环境绩效的方法将被更为广泛地采纳,未来将会有更多的公司开展这项工作,甚至可能会在企业的财务报表上看到自然资本纳入其中。 (作者单位:商道纵横)

Can foresee,In China, the importance of natural resources will continue to be underlined,Relevant quantitative indicators will be the measure to development and impact on environment is an important basis.therefore,Natural capital accounting as an important evaluation tool and improve environmental performance method will be more widely adopted,The future there will be more companies to carry out the work,May even in the enterprise financial statements included in the see natural capital. (The author unit:And its)
