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激活气候融资机制 推动生态文明建设--亲稳网络舆情监控室

激活气候融资机制 推动生态文明建设 图1 中央财政在节能环保领域的投入(2008-2012年) Figure 1. The central government in energy conservation and environmental protection in the field of investment(2008-2012) 激活气候融资机制 推动生态文明建设 图2 银行业金融机构绿色贷款余额和贷款总余额增幅(2010-2011年) Figure 2 banking financial institutions green outstanding balance of the loans and loan total balance growth(2010-2011) 激活气候融资机制 推动生态文明建设

  图3 IFC在中国的投资总金额(A,亿美元)(截至2010年6月)以及气候变化直接相关领域投资金额(B,亿美元)(2006年-2010年6月)

Figure 3 IFC in China's investment total amount(a,$)(by June 2010)and climate change is directly related to the field investment amount(b,$)(2006 - June 2010)

激活气候融资机制 推动生态文明建设 图4 亚行在气候融资领域开展活动的方式 Figure 4 adb in climate financing patterns of activity in the arena 激活气候融资机制 推动生态文明建设 图5 国内商业银行参与气候融资 Figure 5 domestic commercial banks in climate financing 激活气候融资机制 推动生态文明建设 图6 国内商业银行近期和远期在气候融资领域的布局 Figure 6 domestic commercial banks in the immediate and long-term climate financing field layout


This drawing:ZhangChangChun


[Copenhagen agreement]sure,The developed countries will be in 2010 to 2012 provide $30 billion quick start fund,In 2013 to 2020 $100 billion a year to establish the climate of the fund.China"1025"Proposed plan for,by 2015,Unit GDP energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions intensity,To decrease by 16% and 17% respectively.according to the present situation of the financing of China's climate and climate financing development trend,Climate organization Suggestions to China's strategic transformation,Perfect climate financing management system,at the same time will tackle climate change international cooperation promoted to national strategy,To establish an effective climate financing management institutions and long-term mechanism.


气候融资定义: Climate financing definition:


The world has not yet how to define"Climate financing"The category of the consensus has been reached,The funding statistics/Evaluation and management has brought many obstacles.


Climate financing is a global climate change of the funds required for the accommodation,From the perspective of financing subject,Climate financing have broad and narrow the points:


Generalized climate financing including:(1)between the developed countries of the money transfer;(2)The developed countries to the developing country's money transfer;(3)Developing countries transfers of fund;(4)The internal financing of climate change.


Special climate financing including:(1)Climate funds from developed countries to developing countries transfer,The international climate financing,and money began in 2010,The new/additional/Can be expected/Reliable capital;(2)Developing countries internal climate financing,Namely domestic climate financing.


For China,Climate financing is divided into international climate financing and domestic climate financing.the,International climate financing is to point to China from the international market get or sources of funds and the funds in the international market,Specific include public funds from the developed countries/The international carbon market/Charity and non-governmental organizations/Traditional international financial market,and foreign direct investment funds, etc.Domestic climate fund is to point to complete in the domestic market to raise capital,Including public finance/Carbon market/charities/Domestic financial market,and enterprise direct investment channels such as capital.


 中央财政对节能环保 The central finance in energy conservation and environmental protection

  的投入迅速增长 In rapid growth


Since 2008,The central government to invest in energy conservation and environmental protection of the rapid growth in wrongdoing,In 2012, energy conservation and environmental protection budget to $179.6 billion.Since there is no"Climate change"Related subjects,according to the ministry of finance published data can be roughly calculated,In the more clearly pointing to the climate in the field of finance(Such as energy conservation, emissions reduction and renewable energy development specific direction),"11th five-year plan"During the central government has invested more than 220 billion yuan.In 2011,,The central government spending 60.6 billion yuan of energy saving and emission reduction,a 17% increase over 2010.but at the same time,between 2008 and 2012 energy conservation and environmental protection spending accounts for the proportion of the central budget spending and no obvious rise,Nearly two years also declined slightly(See figure 1).


气候融资路上的 The climate of the financing way

  碳市场和碳税 Carbon market and carbon tax

  根据发达国家的经验,碳交易市场或碳税都可以成为应对气候变化公共资金的来源。碳交易市场的收入指通过向总量限制交易体系的参与者(主要指承担碳减排任务的企业)出售或拍卖配额而取得的收入。排放配额可以根据排放者历史排放记录以免费的形式发放,也可以采用拍卖的形式,让排放者公开竞拍。前者不在配额初始分配阶段产生相应收入,而后者通过拍卖配额产生收入。目前,欧盟排放交易体系(EU ETS)是发达国家用于气候变化领域的公共预算收入的重要来源之一,据估计2010年排放配额拍卖的收入达到14亿美元。

according to the experiences of developed countries,Carbon trading market or carbon tax can become climate change the source of public funds.Carbon trading market means that the total amount of income to limit trading system of the participants(Refers to undertake the task of carbon emission reduction enterprise)Sell or auction quota and get income.Emission quotas may, according to the records of the history between emitters emissions, by the way,Can be used in the form of an auction,Let emitters public auction.The former is not quota initial distribution stage produce corresponding income,While the latter through the auction quota produce income.at present,The eu emissions trading system(EU ETS)Is used in developed countries in the field of climate change public budget income is one of the most important sources,It is estimated that 2010 emission quotas on sale income amounted to $1.4 billion.


China is now on carbon emissions trading pilot,Through the market means to promote the reduction,The future carbon emissions quota auction income may be budget source of income.but due to the carbon market construction period is longer,and according to the international experience,Early carbon emissions of market quota generally take free distribution,In a certain period of carbon market for public financial revenue from scale is very limited.


a carbon tax problems in"1025"Period has been put on the agenda,Will and carbon market means to supplement each other,Promote social energy conservation and emissions reduction.The same,In order to avoid the impact on the economy,Initial rate will be lower.at present different research put forward different solutions.Such as studies have suggested to 10 - twenty yuan/standard began to collect,Gradually increase to 300-400 yuan/ton;also have research program from 2012 10 yuan/ton began,To 2020 years up to forty yuan/tons of route.She carbon tax rate plan according to the proposed research(In 2012, a carbon tax rate for twenty yuan/ton,2020 years up to fifty yuan/ton,In 2030 to increase to 100 yuan/ton),General outline carbon revenue scale:2012 carbon tax in 40 billion yuan or so,China accounts for about 0.1% of GDP;2020 carbon revenue rose to 180 billion yuan.


金融市场正成为一个 Financial market is becoming a

  愈加重要的气候融资来源 More and more important to climate financing source


Domestic carbon market as a means of marketization,For China's form a long-term reduction mechanism/Encourage enterprises to participate in the carbon emission reduction has important significance.In the Chinese government's positive action and social support,The end of October 2011,The national development and reform commission issued[Carry out about carbon emissions trading pilot work of the notice],approved by beijing/tianjin/Shanghai/chongqing/hubei/guangdong/Shenzhen 7 provinces and cities,In carbon emissions trading pilot work.In June 2012,Shanghai environmental energy exchange and zero carbon center zero carbon credit displacement platform completed a carbon trading,Zero carbon center bought LongYuan(beijing)Carbon asset management technology co., LTD is located in heilongjiang wind power project 2000 tons of carbon emissions as carbon reserves,This in a sense to draw attention to the domestic based on"Total trade restrictions"The prelude of the carbon market,Domestic carbon market is expected to in the future for domestic enterprises to provide impetus reduction action.


along with the domestic energy conservation, emissions reduction and climate change related support policies introduced gradually,Climate change related enterprise and project would gradually be able to attract more capital investment,Financial market is becoming a more and more important climate financing source.


国际金融市场资金介入,清洁能源境外IPO融资下降 The international financial market fund intervention,Clean energy overseas IPO financing decline


Traditional international financial market in China is an important part of the utilization of foreign capital,Including foreign banks and other financial institutions loans/buyer's credit/Foreign bonds/International financial leasing/FaZhai and overseas listed abroad and so on many kinds of financing ways.


"11th five-year plan"period,China's use of international commercial loans(Does not contain the foreign investment enterprise"betting difference"Overseas loans in)about 66.05 billion dollars.according to data released by the state administration of foreign exchange,by the end of 2011 China's foreign debt scale for 694 billion dollars,The use of foreign banks and other financial institutions to borrow 70.5 billion dollars,Chinese foreign companies issue bonds balance of $1.5 billion.Nearly ten years,Use a year international business loans has come close to or more than the same period of foreign direct investment,Mainly used in traffic/energy/Raw materials/Finance and other fields.Development and reform commission (NDRC) in 2012 at the international commercial loan work conference also points out that we should encourage and support the energy conservation and environmental protection/Strategic emerging industry etc borrow international commercial loans.The future,International commercial loans or to promote the development of climate related field to play a more active role.


In the overseas IPO market,In 2011, four clean technology enterprises in overseas listing,Financing total $1.4 billion,The Chinese enterprises accounted for 7.9% of the scale of overseas listing.but,because of the western economy generally weaker,add the debt beauty debt crisis/Will share in a/VIE fan bureau such negative factors,Chinese enterprises in overseas market in the cold,The clean technology enterprise financing total scale than has decreased by 45% since 2010.


气候资金靠债务融资主导,企业债表现突出 Climate funds on debt financing dominant,QiYeZhai distinguishing


at present,bank loan is the enterprise the main financing channels,banking financial institutions in 2011 the loan balance is 54.8 trillion yuan.In the credit market,bank actively strengthen the energy conservation and environmental protection and low carbon economy credit support.2011 banking support energy conservation and environmental protection project quantity year-on-year growth of 28.79%,The issue of energy conservation and environmental protection project loan balance year-on-year growth of 25.24%;Issue strategic emerging industry a loan of 363.46 billion RMb,Year-on-year growth of 36.5%.Compared with 2010,In 2011 financial institutions in the banking industry energy conservation and environmental protection of the outstanding balance of the loans increased growth,and more than the loan balance rise.by the end of 2011,Only the state development bank/Industrial and commercial bank of(601398,guba)/agricultural bank(601288,guba)/The bank of China(601988,guba)/Construction bank(601939,guba)and bank of communications(601328,guba)Six home banking financial institutions related loan balance has more than 1.9 trillion yuan.


enterprise(The company)The bond market has become the source of financing climate.In 2011,,China green bonds scale up to 6 billion dollars,Occupy global"Green bonds"3% of the total scale.the,New energy companies issue bonds financing scale up four times,Us $4.3 billion(accounted for more than 72%),The rest of the part mainly concentrated in the transportation industry(See figure 2).


 股权融资发展迅速,但近期遭遇寒冬 Rapid development of equity financing,but recent encounter cold winter


China's venture capital and private equity investment(VC/PE)The market is developing very fast in recent years,Due to climate change and low carbon technology related enterprise is often venture type or small and medium-sized enterprise,Therefore VC/PE market is very key climate capital source.In 2011,,Clean technology field of VC/PE with total investment of usd 1.72 billion,With $2010 in 1.27 billion compared with improved,but this major is 2010-2011 VC/PE market overall rapid development results.In fact,Clean technology industry in all in the field of investment accounts for more than 4.25%,Compared with 8% in 2010 is the decline.In the clean energy industry,In the first half of 2012 cases only disclosure financing on three,The financing amount of $28.7 million,Quantity and amount were compared to the same period last year dropped 81% and 95%,a substantial decline.

  在证券市场上,2011年仅有4家企业在境内资本市场上市,融资规模36.8亿美元。虽然上市企业数量比2010年(7家)有所减少,融资规模却增加了41%。2012年以来,一些清洁技术行业由于出现产能过剩、国际市场萎缩等问题,其在资本市场融资情况并不乐观。据China Venture统计,2012年上半年共有5家清洁能源行业企业在全球资本市场实现IPO,累计融资金额为9980万美元,数量和金额分别较去年同期下降17%以及65%,融资规模大幅下滑;与此同时,新能源企业(尤其是太阳能企业)IPO搁浅的情况也频频出现。

In the stock market,2011, only four companies in the domestic capital market,Financing $3.68 billion.although the number of listed company than in 2010(Seven home)decreased,Financing scale is increased by 41%.Since 2012,Some clean technology industry appear because of overcapacity/The international market problems such as atrophy,In the capital market financing is not optimistic.according to China Venture statistics,In the first half of 2012 there are five clean energy industry enterprises in the global capital market IPO realization,accumulative total financing amount of $99.8 million,Quantity and amount were compared to the same period last year dropped 17% and 65%,a sharp slowdown in financing scale;meanwhile,The new energy enterprise(Especially the solar energy enterprise)IPO aground situation also repeatedly appeared.


 能效、可再生能源被国际金融公司青睐 efficiency/Renewable energy is the international finance corporation favour


International finance corporation(IFC)Dedicated to promoting the sustainable development of the national private sector,at present has set up a file in the more than 100 developing countries to the private sector investment and consulting services.


China is the third largest investment IFC host country,by June 2012,IFC in China with a total investment of 4.735 billion us dollars,Form of investment, including IFC loan/IFC equity/The syndicated loan and guarantee, etc,The loans and equity investment the largest proportion.2010 years,IFC promise a total investment of us $450 million,23 projects involving.In a related field,IFC focus on energy efficiency/Renewable energy and water resources related projects(See figure 3).


 亚行在中国 adb in China

  加快气候融资脚步 To speed up the pace of climate financing


The asian development bank(adb)Is asia and the Pacific(601099,guba)areas of the regional financial institutions,Mainly through the development of policy dialogue/Providing loans/guarantee/Technical assistance and grants and ways to support its members in infrastructure/energy/Environmental protection/Education and health, and other fields of development.at present,Japan/The United States and China for the first three big shareholders adb.


Since 2008,It has been in the clean energy related project investment of nearly $7 billion,Only 2011 $2.1 billion investment.In 2009 to 2011 during august,The adb also to the developing members provide nearly $250 million to support technical assistance,To help improve the knowledge and ability,Support policy and institutional development,and enhance climate toughness.Keep it with the international and bilateral partner/The government/The private sector and civil society's close cooperation,In the expanded its low carbon and climate toughness increase investment at the same time,mobilization/Innovation and move the other public capital and private capital to the asia-pacific region(as shown in the figure 4).


by the end of 2011,The adb loan balance in China for 25.96 billion dollars.2006-2012,The adb in China with 57 in the field of climate change project,With technical assistance project(31)and loan programs(29)mainly,Involved in the fields including energy/agriculture and natural resources/financial/Water supply and municipal infrastructure, etc;the,In 2012, approved by the climate change programs totaled us $802 million.


 欧洲投资银行在中国 The European investment bank in China

  气候资金条件更优惠 Money is more favorable climate conditions


The European investment bank(EIb)Is the eu's bank,as the largest multilateral lenders,Mainly for the territory of the reasonable and sustainable investment projects to provide financing and professional consultation.In addition to supporting employment and growth and the climate action,EIb task also includes financial help from the angle of the implementation of its foreign policy.


EIb in China in the field of climate financing support mainly sovereignty loan is given priority to.In 2007 and 2010,The ministry of finance and the EIb signed respectively[Climate change a period agreement]and[The second phase of agreement on climate change],EIb provided China with two stage respectively for 500 million euros sovereignty loans,Support China's renewable energy/Clean energy and energy efficiency improvement/Energy conservation and emission reduction and other areas of the project construction,Has the loan for a long time/No commitment fee and project preparation period is short and favorable conditions.In February 2012,The ministry of finance and the EIb and signed[The People's Republic of China and the European investment bank China forestry special frame loan agreement],Involving 250 million euros ($),Mainly used to support climate change especially forestry carbon and other areas of the project.


 碳基金呼之欲出 Carbon fund be vividly portrayed


"Carbon financial institutions"Carbon market is around the birth and development of the new development of financial services and intermediary organizations,Including carbon fund/Carbon asset management companies/Carbon emissions exchange/In the designated operational entity as a representative of control mechanism and standards organization,guarantee/Legal services and other financial services management and standard organization, etc,Carbon fund is to point to in order to perform the carbon trade credit and the establishment of capital institutions.Our country does not have special carbon fund,In the face of international carbon fund development situation uncertainty enhancement,Domestic carbon market is ready situation,It is necessary to the development of special carbon fund as soon as possible,Explore including public carbon fund/Hybrid carbon funds and private carbon fund and so on many kinds of development mode,To intervention carbon market construction,Improve the carbon market active degree.


The current,Can reference the world bank carbon fund approach,The first national level through the development of the policy in the form of fund,Form the voluntary emissions buyers in the market,after a certain stage of the development of the formed after an open fund,For more private capital.Recent can consider to the existing China fund of clean development mechanism(CDMF)Primarily platform,absorb the local financial and social capital,Set up to support local emission reduction projects and the realization of the administrative areas of emission reduction task some regional carbon fund.at the same time, the bank's special fund for design,Joint ministries and commissions and some industry association,Established in various project type for characteristics of functional carbon fund,Such as forest carbon fund/Methane recovery use fund/Ecological agriculture fund and so on.In addition,It is necessary to establish a clean development mechanism technology transfer fund compensation mechanism,To encourage and promote the clean development mechanism project owner for technology transfer and diffusion,Demonstration and support the corresponding financing channels,Such as green loans/Technology import credit guarantee, etc,Help to solve the project owners in the purchase of advanced technology need large initial capital.Development to a certain stage,Must have the corresponding incentive policy to encourage private carbon fund establishment and development,Guide the folk capital into carbon financial field.In addition also need to explore and clear as soon as possible local carbon fund investment mode/Trading and exit mechanism, etc.


 国内银行加速参与步伐 Domestic banks in accelerated pace

  作为专业化的金融服务媒介,商业银行的金融服务可深入渗透到各个金融市场之中,然而由于气候领域的相关投资项目具有较大的不确定性和风险,使得监管严格、高度重视风险管理的商业银行对于开展碳金融业务、开发碳金融产品等都非常谨慎,而对于金融市场还相对不够成熟的中国金融市场更是同样的情况,目前我国商业银行创新的业务领域主要包括绿色信贷、低碳理财和低碳咨询业务三个方面(详见图5、图6)。 (作者单位:中央财经大学气候与能源金融研究中心;内容根据《2012中国气候融资报告:气候资金流研究》整理)

as a professional financial media services,Commercial bank's financial services can go deep into to each of the financial market,However, due to the climate of the areas related investment project has greater uncertainty and risk,Makes strict supervision/Pay close attention to risk management of commercial banks to carry out carbon finance business/Development of carbon financial products are very cautious,For the financial market is relatively mature enough of China's financial market is the same situation,at present our country commercial bank innovative business areas including green credit/Low carbon and low carbon financial advisory business three aspects(as shown in the figure 5/Figure 6). (The author unit:The central university of finance and economics climate and energy financial research center;Content according to the[2012 China climate finance report:Climate research flow]finishing)
