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基金公司人均单季利润1030万元 超银行52倍--亲稳舆论引导监测室


编者按:基金四季报披露完毕,所有基金的利润成果已大白于天下。在整个基金业,1万人管理着2.87万亿的资产,在去年四季度创造了超过1000亿元的利润,人均单季利润1030万元,更是超过上市银行52倍。在人均效率方面,到底规模大奏效还是人丁旺沾光?京沪深三地,基金公司管理效率有何差别?次新基金公司迈出的第一步,成败原因何在?本版三篇文章从不同维度对此进行解析,以飨读者。 Editor's note:Funds for the disclosure of the four seasons,All funds profit results have been out in the world.In the entire funds,10000 people and 2.87 trillion management of assets,In the fourth quarter of last year created more than 100 billion yuan in profits,Per capita for profit is 10.3 million yuan,More than 52 times listed Banks.In per capita efficiency,The large scale work brought or fan darshan?Beijing-shanghai deep places,Fund company management efficiency and what is the difference?Time new fund company take the first step,Success why?The three articles from different dimensions to analysis,To readers.

  每管理1亿资产可赚364万元,基金业人均单季利润1030万元 Each management 100 million assets can earn 3.64 million yuan,Funds for per capita profit is 10.3 million yuan

   人均单季利润超银行52倍 基金业员工效率居各业之首 Per capita profit for super bank 52 times Funds in the staff efficiency of

  《证券日报》基金新闻部独家观察,规模前十家基金公司仅有4家人均利润跻身前十名;300亿元~350亿元是基金公司管理规模的黄金中枢 [Securities daily]Fund news exclusive observation,Before the scale of ten fund company only four per capita profit among the top ten;30 billion yuan to 35 billion yuan is fund company management scale gold center

  本报记者 赵学毅

Our reporter ZhaoXueYi


10000 people and 2.87 trillion management of assets,In the fourth quarter of last year created more than 100 billion yuan in profits,Per capita for profit is 10.3 million yuan,This is the funds.


[Securities daily]Fund news and good buy fund latest statistics,The fourth quarter of last year nearly 1200 fund total profits of 104.336 billion yuan,According to the 28700 yuan asset scale estimation,Each management 100 million assets single quarter can earn 3.64 million yuan.Its total profits and all funds,Although not completely represent fund company profits,But a great degree represents the fund company profit trend,so,Through the rough calculation per capita profit,We can still the analysis judgment out of the fund's assets management efficiency.


Authority data display,The third quarter of 2012 years ago,16 listed bank profit is 580600 yuan per capita,Per capita for profit is 193500 yuan.obviously,Funds per capita profit not only higher than the overall average of listed companies,And with the financial industry compared to the banking industry,52.25 times ahead.


"Fund company known as the financial industry, high-tech enterprises,The industry concentration the outstanding human resources,They created is far higher than other industry net profit."Analysts have fund[Securities daily]Fund news reporter plaint,"Open source throttling on more excellent fund company,Per capita profit nature is high."


基金业人均利润1030万元 Funds profit is 10.3 million yuan per capita嘉实基金人均赚钱最多 Fine fruit fund per capita most money


According to the China securities industry association website,By the end of last year,70 fund company a total of 10125 people,Average each company for 145 people,Still belong to a few employees of the industry.The largest number of employees for the China fund company,A total of 631 people;The number of at least for changan fund,There are forty people.


Although the industry not many people,But create net profit is surprisingly high.


From good to buy fund to the latest statistics,2012 70 fund company's nearly 1200 fund four quarter profits last year total 104.336 billion yuan,Each company average net income for 1.491 billion yuan.The highest net profit for the fund of an ancient name for China,Its 33 fund total profits of 10.854 billion yuan;Fine fruit fund followed,Its total fund and achieved a profit of RMB 9.664 billion;Net profit of more than 5 billion yuan of funds and YiFangDa/When rich,Its aggregate profit fund 7.657 billion yuan respectively/6.43 billion yuan.


If the per capita net income analysis,Funds 10125 people last year in the fourth quarter created more than 104.336 billion yuan in profits,Achieved a profit of RMB 10.3048 million per person.High yield funds belonging to the industry,Per capita net income of listed companies not only higher than the overall average level,And with the financial industry compared to the banking industry,Also lead.


From the perspective of fund company,The highest per capita profit for fine fruit fund,The company employees number 384,Single quarter profit of 25.1667 million yuan per capita;YiFangDa fund/Rich fund/Huatai BaiRui fund followed,Single quarter profits per capita are more than 20 million yuan,Is 22.0015 million yuan respectively/21.6049 million yuan/20.53 million yuan;When rich fund/Great Wall fund/Fund of an ancient name for/Pay silver schroeder fund/Everbright the dexin funds eighteen fund company single quarter profits more than 10 million yuan per capita.The largest assets of the fund of an ancient name for China,Single quarter profit of 17.2016 million yuan per capita,Ranked seventh.


In 2012,,70 fund company only celestica fund a loss,The company's fourth quarter last year 10 fund total profit - 159.931 million,The company employees number 106,Per capita loss 1.5088 million yuan.Single quarter profit per capita less than 100000 yuan and countries by offering fund/Founder rich bond fund/YiMin fund,The offering of China with the fund/Founder fubon fund established two companies lack of two years.


每管理1亿资产可赚364万元 Each management 100 million assets can earn 3.64 million yuan块头最大未必人均赚钱最多 The largest size is not necessarily the most money per capita


According to China association of funds statistical data,By the end of last year the fund management of the company public offering fund total net worth 2.8661 trillion yuan,that,Fund company each management 100 million assets single quarter can earn 3.6403 million yuan.From the fund company assets management to see,The largest fund company,The highest per capita profit is not necessarily.The largest first ten companies only four per capita profit among the top ten;Asset management efficiency low to the company all concentrated in small fund companies.


The largest Chinese fund assets,Employees the most,But the per capita profit but retired from the seventh place.The company's 33 fund net value of late last year amounted to RMB 238.934 billion in total,Last year, four quarter profits total 10.854 billion yuan,The company employees 631 people,Achieved a profit of RMB 17.2016 million per person.


[Securities daily]Fund news latest statistics,By the end of last year,Asset management scale first ten big fund companies,Per capita profit among the top ten big only four.And asset scale only 25.59 billion yuan everbright insurance fund's letter(Scale rank name 33),Its 14 fund last quarter profit total 1.992 billion yuan,The company employees 127 people,Achieved a profit of RMB 15.6814 million per person,The level of earnings in 70 fund company name list 9.


Per capita profit reciprocal 10 base company in gold,By the end of last year the average asset management scale is 1.984 billion yuan,There are 7 companies asset scale is less than 1 billion yuan,Time new fund company offering countries with funds/Jan fund/Changan fund asset scale is only 113 million yuan respectively/133 million yuan/185 million yuan.


From the asset profitability observation,By the end of march last year a jan fund,Though its only a fund net worth 133 million yuan,One quarter of 11.4585 million yuan in profits,Rate is 8.62%,For 70 the highest fund company.Everbright insurance fund's letter/Huatai BaiRui fund/Great Wall fund asset scale in 30 billion yuan of the middle level,Last year all realized more than 2 billion yuan in profits,Profit margin of 7.78% respectively/7.09%/6.33%.


According to[Securities daily]Fund news observation,Profit rate more than 5% of the 16 in the fund company,Average assets of 33.378 billion yuan.This means that,30 billion yuan to 35 billion yuan is perhaps the fund company in operation cost and return between"dance"The moderate scale of,Also fund company management scale gold center.


"30 billion yuan to 35 billion yuan asset scale of the company's main characteristic is,In the open source throttling on more outstanding,Personnel and product line refining."Analysts have fund[Securities daily]Fund news reporters"On open source,Many stock issue fund products,Compared with bond fund and other products the extraction of management fee more,High efficiency of management of the company product line layout are in stock fund as heavy;Throttle on,Not only in personnel throttle,Control employees,Also in the customer maintenance cost on compression."


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