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RMB internationalization in the overseas market cause attention,Is considered to be"The international financial industry in the 21st century the most important opportunity",Hong Kong/Singapore/London to be an offshore RMB centre.See from the geopolitical factors,Hong Kong first served,Will undoubtedly become the most important offshore RMB center.But if analysis the prospect of RMB internationalization,Should admit,London is the real key RMB internationalization stage.
London is to the importance of RMB internationalization is obvious.From the international financial center ranking to see,According to the research,London row before in New York,Is the world ranking the first financial center;The New York,Hong Kong/Singapore placed third/four.The London financial markets for the highest degree of internationalization.the,London market by international credit accounts for about 20% of the world;The London stock exchange(LSE)Trading in securities,About 50% for foreign securities;The London exchange market is the world's largest foreign exchange market,Volume accounts for about a third of the world;London metal exchange(LME)Is the world's largest non-ferrous metal exchange,Has been bought by Hong Kong exchange;City of London's lloyds is the world's largest insurance center,Two-thirds of the business from overseas.From the ranking and digital to see,If the yuan in London form offshore RMB market in Europe,RMB internationalization will be the most important milestone.
In previous several major currency internationalization process,London has played a more important role.Such as the dollar,In the early 1950 s,Because the U.S. aid European Marshall plan,And the United States as reconstruction Europe's largest export market,A large number of dollars deposit to Europe,Especially London,formation"European dollars".The internationalization of the dollar has laid a solid foundation.after,Because the United States of persistent and trade deficit,"European dollars"Gradually spread to the world,It is the dollar current"Standard currency"status.From this period of JinRongShi look,Dollars international began in London.
The internationalization of the yen also cannot leave the London market to facilitate.In the 1970 s,With the promotion of the position of the yen,The European market gradually forming,The most important in London,The total market share of about 60%.In the 80 s,Accelerate the development of internationalization of the yen,The European market, in turn, promote the Japanese domestic financial opening,The Japanese government in China to create offshore financial market,Trading European yen.this"Export turns sale in domestic market"It is at that time the Japanese domestic financial reform important power.
These major currency choose London as an international stage is not accidental,Reflects the old London as a financial center international status.Horizontal comparison of,Britain's financial regulator layer regulatory technology,And the London financial market maturity in the world are second to none;London is also the first to promote financial liberalization reform region this makes London in the international financial centre at the start of the competition advantage,More comfortable financial environment to attract capital inflow.
RMB internationalization for it,In addition to the dollar and yen international experience,London's offshore RMB market also means more.The current,As China's enterprise"Go out",Especially to speed up the pace of Europe,For the European market demand is greatly increased,This makes the London market RMB trading with the real demand,Rather than speculative chip.The Chinese government for RMB internationalization is the main concern,The international market may be the overseas speculators sniper China's tools,Therefore urged"Let nature take its course",Avoid excessive speculation the yuan is changed.So far,Such concerns in the London market should be mitigated.
值得注意的是,人民币走向伦敦并非中国单方面的意愿。英国及伦敦方面对于离岸人民币极度渴求,表现出了超出市场预料的热情。在数个公开场合,英国及伦敦金融城高层高调宣称,要建成主要离岸人民币交易中心。英国财政大臣乔治?奥斯本(George Osborne)去年公开表示,“让伦敦成为这个领域的西方中心,从而给我们自己的经济带来诸多好处,是英国政府的理想”。英国最大银行汇丰控股则于去年发行了首个在LSE上市的点心债,将人民币业务的客户拓展到欧洲,也释放出伦敦推进建设人民币离岸中心的明确信号。
It is important to note that,RMB to London is not China's unilateral intend to.In the UK and London for offshore RMB desperate,Showed more than the market expected enthusiasm.In a number of public,Britain and the city of London's top that,In order to main offshore RMB trading center.Britain's finance minister, George?osborne(George Osborne)Last year, said publicly that,"This field to make London the western center,To our own economy to bring a lot of benefits,The British government is the ideal".Britain's biggest bank, HSBC holdings is be released last year, the first in the LSE listed snacks debt,Will the RMB business customers has extended to Europe,Also release the London propulsion construction an offshore RMB centre clear signal.
London construction offshore RMB centre is the latest developments,The bank of England on February 22nd said,China's central bank is set up with the currency swap arrangements,Highlight the UK top to London in the early development of offshore RMB market support.The bank of England governor Mervin?Kim said in a statement,London as an offshore RMB business center is developing rapidly;In China's central bank governor zhou xiaochuan said in the past,Currency swap arrangement is to promote RMB internationalization the main tool.
最终分析结论(Final Analysis Conclusion):
Final analysis conclusion(Final Analysis Conclusion):
London developed an offshore RMB centre,On China's yuan and London, it bring out the best in each other,Both sides can get significant benefits.Especially for China,London is the real stage RMB internationalization.Only grasp the London market opportunities,The internationalization of RMB to follow,Even in turn promoting China's domestic financial markets mature.So far,The development of RMB in London is very smooth,But should also be made to meet the challenge.
In this paper, only representative organization view,Do not represent this position!
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