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群雄角逐 五机构胜出--亲稳舆论引导监测室


After the crisis in the age of 2012,The global economy still does not let a person worry.The us economy in the years after the slowdown,The fed rushed to launch a third round of quantitative easing(QE3);The European sovereign debt crisis has experienced in the first half of the waves,Completely in the European central bank to implement monetary transactions(OMT)After the master;China's economy is in after more than two years of persistent downward,In the fourth quarter of 2012 ushered in the rebound.


The turning point of this series of throughout 2012,Many factors converge in together,Let a person more difficult to identify the direction,No doubt greatly increases the experts on the difficulty of the macroeconomic forecast in 2012.Who can under the background of this change,The most accurate predictor of global and China's economic situation?


[The securities market weekly.]In 2012,"Vision glasses"Global macroeconomic forecast and China's macroeconomic forecasts a total of 15 awards by 11 institutions include,Including five to five institutions respectively.In terms of global forecast,Shenyin wanguo, chief macroeconomic analyst li huiyong champions won the global economy,Cicc's chief economist wensheng peng won the global market forecast first;In terms of macroeconomic prediction in China,Citic jiantou securities analyst Hu Yanni champions won the season,Societe generale's China economist 'annual forecast championship,Zhu macro strategy, deputy general manager Luo Wenbo won the first prize in the monthly forecast.It is worth noting,Agricultural bank of China(601288,stocks)Financial markets research at li gang get quarterly forecast China's macro economy at the same time/Annual forecast and monthly forecast of three runner-up,Reflected the strong stability.


What had made it 11 institutions in many forecasters to stand out,They on the macroeconomic judge and predict what unique experience?


 申万中金尝鲜全球预测 All its global forecast


Given the close relationship between Chinese economy and global economy,[The securities market weekly.]For the first time in 2012 opened up"Vision glasses"Global macro economic forecasts.There are more than 10 large institutions at home and abroad,Including the industrial and commercial bank of China(601398,stocks)/The bank of China(601988,stocks)/Agricultural bank of China/China international capital corporation/Shenyin wanguo securities/ubs/Goldman sachs/Nomura securities/Standard chartered bank and societe generale bank, etc.


In terms of global forecast,Separate the two categories:Global economic forecasts and forecasting in the global market.The global economic forecast including Europe and the United States(G3)The main economic indicators,Global market forecast mainly include prices/Gold prices and the main exchange rate index.Taking the form of the quarterly forecast,A forecast at the beginning of the questionnaire each quarter,In a month and finished late recovery,Requires agencies to given the quarter the economy and market forecast.

  李慧勇、中国工商银行投资银行部研究中心高级分析师柳春明和彭文生分别获得全球经济预测的前三名;彭文生、瑞银投资银行高级国际经济学家安德鲁·凯茨(Andrew Cates)和渣打银行大中华区研究主管王志浩(Stephen Green)分别获得全球市场预测的前三名。

Li huiyong/Industrial and commercial bank of China investment banking research center, a senior analyst at LiuChunMing and wensheng peng won the top three global economic forecasts;Wensheng peng/Ubs investment bank senior international economist Andrew katz(Andrew Cates)And Stephen green, head of greater China research at standard chartered bank(Stephen Green)Gain global market forecast of the top three, respectively.


2012 is the first time we start global economic forecasts,Domestic institutions of economic forecasting accuracy is unexpectedly some foreign institutions,Suggesting that domestic institutions in Europe and the United States economy research ability is significant.Li huiyong think,"Domestic institutions because away from European and American market,Can avoid more interference,Tend to be more objective and fair,In predicting the global economy has its own advantage;Despite the geographical advantages and some foreign institutions,But forecasts adjust frequently,Accuracy is not high."


Li huiyong shen wan team also introduced some experience:Establish econometric model,Through the analysis of the data component and related factors to predict economic indicators;In-depth analysis of key indicators such as personal income and expenses/Industrial output/Import and export/Government procurement/Inflation measures such as,Its changing regularity are obtained;More high frequency tracking monthly/A weekly economic data,The main indicators into quarterly data,Taking into account seasonal and trend values;And pay more attention to the study of event shocks,Because the black swan and the butterfly effect will affect the final forecast.


Relative to the global economy,Greater global market volatility,The difficulty of the prediction is also higher,Such as the dollar rose sharply in the first half of 2012,In the second half began to fall.Wensheng peng introduced some unique experience on the global market forecast:"In theory,,The exchange rate change is by the two countries economic growth/Low inflation and spreads.Rate of long term relationships with these three factors and basic theory.But in the short term,Exchange rate volatility is bigger than theory predicts,Main causes include short-term arbitrage/The central bank's intervention and changes in risk appetite and so on.The trend of oil price mainly depends on the oil market fundamentals,The supply and demand,But other factors,Such as macro policies of governments/Investor appetite for risk, etc,Will also impact on short-term movements in oil price."


Peng Wen further pointed out,In the past few years,And other major financial assets,Changes in risk appetite is largely driven by the exchange rate movements.In the first half of 2012,Uncertainty in the euro area had a great influence on global financial markets,Investor appetite for risk is reduced,Has increased the demand for dollar assets,Make a stronger U.S. dollar.In the second half of 2012,The uncertainty of the European debt crisis dropped significantly,While in the United States"Fiscal cliff"Uncertainty has become the main tail risks,Due to gradual dollar depreciation.If after"Fiscal cliff"The tail risk of gradually subsided,Exchange rate changes more return to economic growth/Drive up inflation and interest rate differentials are these basic factors.


 中信建投稳步前进 Citic jiantou steadily forward


Citic jiantou securities is, so to speak"Vision glasses"A regular,As early as 2005 won China's macro economy second quarterly forecast,After many times on the list.After in 2011 won the second prize in the quarterly forecast,Further gains in 2012 first quarter forecast.In the"Vision glasses"In the history of more than a decade,Citic jiantou securities has accumulated 5 times won the prize,Show the strength of traditional forecasting strongmen.


On each sub-index quarterly forecast,Citic jiantou all have good performance,In Gross domestic product/industrial/investment/Export and interest rate indexes in the top three quarterly forecast.


Hu Yanni think,Citic jiantou can stable in macro forecast good grades,Mainly depends on the work in the macro research for more than 10 years,Various macro data of domestic and overseas economic long-term tracking data,Combined with the citic jiantou institute adhering to the structure of the socialist economy cycle theory.


In macro prediction back in 2012,Hu Yanni pointed out,2012 is the transition period of transition,It is decided during the period of new stimulus policies are hard to come,Policy expectations,The central investment is difficult to rely on;At the same time,Under the old real estate policy,Weaker domestic demand has become more determined,Consumption also embarrassed the ears."Under the background of this logic,Make our investment and consumption to 2012 formed a relatively accurate forecasting."

  法兴年度预测摘冠 Socgen annual forecast for hkbu


Foreign financial institutions after rarely appears in"Vision glasses"China's macroeconomic forecasting the winning list,Winning monopoly by domestic institutions for a long time.But the bank of America merrill lynch in 2011"Vision glasses"China's macro forecast after award,In 2012, another foreign financial institutions of socgen's well.Societe generale's gains not only China's macro economy annual forecast,Also for China's macro economy third quarterly forecast.


In terms of annual forecast,In addition to investment and exchange rate index,Societe generale's forecast for other indicators are within the top 10,Gross domestic product/industrial/Consumption and exports prediction are the top three,Advantage is quite obvious.In terms of quarterly forecast,To Gross domestic product/consumption/Export and interest rate index forecast is in the top three.


These two years,Foreign institutions in China are beginning to power economic forecasts,Show their importance for China's economy began to strengthen.'said,Due to the investment more and more important in China,Societe generale's research also has been attached great importance to the Chinese economy.


'stress,"We attaches great importance to China's economic policy judgment,2012 is a turning point in the policy.In the past,Once the economic downturn,Policy will greatly stimulate,But in 2012.We are expected in early 2012,Due to the‘Four trillion’The massive stimulus has accumulated a lot of risk,The relaxation of the policy will not have big.Thanks for 2012 policy more accurate judgment,Make our overall forecast for 2012, the Chinese economy is accurate."

  湘财证券尽显黑马本色 Zhu show dark horse


There are traditional powers,Nature has a dark horse.Dark horse out of 2012 on the monthly forecast of macro economy in China,For the first time"Vision glasses"China's macroeconomic forecasting zhu won first prize in the monthly forecast,And the third everbright securities(601788,stocks)High, chief macroeconomic analyst xu is won for the first time"Vision glasses"award,To third place in the monthly forecast.


Luo Wenbo humbly introduced some experience on the prediction,"As a macroscopic research practitioners for two years,In the first year forecast monthly forecast in the first place,I think there is a luck.If don't want to say a point forecast result,It might due to my two years research accumulated relatively steady in the process of macroscopic research system.Our research system is two mutual nested set of indicators to judge the inventory cycle,As a big economic cycle judgment framework,Forward-looking indicators for monetary and fiscal policy,In the current period of economic indicators to judge cycle turning point and validation.In large cycle framework and index analysis of the current period in advance,Basic for the forecast of macro indicators can move around the center of macroeconomic fluctuations.Under such background,Each index of the relative prediction error is smaller,That year the accumulated monthly forecast is more accurate."


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