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⊙记者 徐维强 ○编辑 张亦文
Even though journalists Xu Weijiang editor zhang yiwen
As the domestic emerging consumer finance companies,Opened has been 3 years,Developing rapidly within a short span of time,Founded the first four companies already in the north bank of Beijing/Tianjin jie letter first to profit,Online store number and customer quantity of explosive growth,Became the Banks and small credit loan in the field of another big power.After three years development,A new wave of expansion,Now everywhere in active application,for"licensed".
In 2009,,The China banking regulatory commission published[Consumer finance company pilot management measures],Take the lead in Beijing/Shanghai/chengdu/Tianjin four pilot cities for consumer finance companies,Each city to set up a consumer finance company.In March 2010,The first consumer finance companies north silver consumer financial companies listed in Beijing,Then consumer finance co., LTD. Chengdu in sichuan province/Boc consumer finance co., LTD., as well as home credit consumer finance co., LTD., also established.According to the laws of the industry,Consumer finance companies profit in commonly 3 to 5 years,North silver consumer finance announced last June already take the lead to achieve the profit.And by the end of last year,Another consumer finance company home credit is profitable.
According to home credit consumer finance director milan toma) is introduced,As China's only fully foreign consumer finance company,At present the distribution of home credit number has reached 17800,In 60 cities in China to do business,Customer number to 2.95 million.Which has been covering all cities in guangdong area,Merchants amounted to 7710,Sales volume of 1.12 billion yuan.
At present home credit only can directly provide loan services in tianjin area,While in the rest of the country to guarantee mode,Home credit guarantee for the customer,And cooperation of the import and export institutions such as bank loans to the customers.In the rapid development,Consumer finance wind control is very important,this,Toma jelinek said,Home credit for low and middle consumer groups,Only an average of 2500 yuan,Period is only 3 months,Quickly and new era,So even if some problems,Will not affect the overall.We have learned,At present home credit control within 4% defective rate.
According to the China banking regulatory commission,As of last October,Four consumer finance company's total assets exceed 4 billion,Loan balance of 3.709 billion yuan.Consumer finance pilot for three years,In stimulating consumption, especially the part of the purchasing power of low-income groups in play a role,And accumulated certain experience.At present,A new round of expansion of consumer finance company,Around the enthusiasm of the application.Industry insiders,From the current situation in chongqing, the hope is bigger.In addition,Last year, the government of guangdong province to carry out the central hui Hong Kong around the city policy meeting put forward,Guangdong will allow Hong Kong financial institutions set up consumer finance companies in guangdong,Guangdong is expected to join the consumer finance business.
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- “三马”闯两江--亲稳网络舆情监控室
- “金融创新不足”致结构调整举步维艰--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- IMF:中国内需支持亚洲经济--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
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- 一季度北京金融业增加值619亿元 同比增长11%--亲稳舆论引导监测室