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recently,Meizhou center of the people's bank of China branch with the meizhou become comprehensive rural financial reform and innovation experimental zone after the first report card.In 2012,,Meizhou city industry added value 2.547 billion yuan,Up 10.4% from a year earlier;Social financing scale is 8.863 billion yuan,Up 14.75% from a year earlier,Historically highest level at the same time;Financial institutions in the total assets of 180 billion yuan,Up 9.67% from a year earlier.


It is worth mentioning,Meizhou credit reporting center platform construction has become a unique"Meizhou mode".We have learned,Covered pedestrian center branch independent research and development of meizhou city/county/Village level 3 of peasant household credit information service system,Establish risk insurance funds,Formation of acquisition/credit/The rating/The loan/Risk compensation"The five one"Virtuous circle mechanism.


The pedestrian center sub-branch of meizhou"Based on five"Make a joint public credit registry platform,Including relying on"Enterprise credit information basic database"and"Individual credit information basic database",To guard against credit risk;Depending on the"Meizhou city farmers credit information service system",Strive to improve the rural credit environment;Depending on the"Meizhou city medium and small micro enterprise credit information service system",Improve the small micro enterprise financing difficult problem;Depending on the"Meizhou city residents credit information service system",Enhance personal and trustworthy self-discipline consciousness;Depending on the"Meizhou city enterprise credit information network",Full display enterprise and individual can be five aspects, such as public credit information.
