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After the international financial crisis,The United States/The euro zone/Japan and other countries and regions, central Banks have taken quantitative easing monetary policy,Cause the attention of public to monetary and financial problems,Some analysts M2 is introduced(Broad money)Academic concepts and M2 / GDP, etc,Think that China's currency"Super hair"The problem,In fact there are many misconceptions that analysis.
Have a common understanding is to put the new M2 is equal to"Printing more money",It is not accurate.M2 statistics caliber in China mainly include cash in circulation and bank deposits,The so-called central Banks printing money precisely should be cash in circulation(M0).In fact,,From 2010 to 2010,In circulation in China cash balance year-on-year growth of 16.7%, respectively/13.7%/7.7%,Growth trend has dropped sharply.Among them,2011 full-year net cash 616.1 billion yuan,Year-on-year drop 21.4 billion yuan less;Net cash 391 billion yuan in 2012,Year-on-year drop 225.1 billion yuan less,Net central bank into cash consecutive decline.
M2 / GDP first economists McKinnon proposed in 1973 by the United States,Is mainly used to measure indicators of economic monetization.M2 / GDP increase,And a country's economic monetization phase of development/Has a lot to do with the change of the financial system,Do not simply think that M2 / GDP increase is more.In our country, for example,Since the reform and opening,With the transition of planned economy to market economy,M2 / GDP in China is on the rise as a whole,After 1996 this proportion that persists for more than 100%,This and our country in the process of transition from planned economy to market economy constantly advancing the monetization process,Economic activity in the production/Life way to trade gradually to monetize,Embodies the monetization process in our country,With currencies in excess of the hair is a completely different concept.
Due to the national economic and financial development degree/The financial system structure of different factors,The different generalized monetary statistics caliber,By international comparison of M2 / GDP simply does not make sense.Such as the,This is given priority to with indirect financing in our country/Financial products not rich countries,Residents' wealth is mostly in the form of deposits,Result in M2 / GDP generally higher than the proportion of direct financing primarily/The financial markets of developed countries.In addition,Countries with high international currency status,Such as the United States,The fed much money flowing into the international market,And is not directly reflected in the index of M2 / GDP,But it does not say the fed did not send money.
In essence,A country's money supply should be consistent with the inner need of economic development.China's M2 growth target is based on economic growth in the demand for money supply,Based on GDP growth target,And design the basis of a relatively stable currency in advance delivery speed,In order to ensure that without a great inflation.In fact,,Recently our country's money supply remained tight situation,Inflation trend has been effectively curbed,China's consumer price index in 2012(The CPI)Increase of just 2.6%.
In addition,Our country's economic and financial system and economic structure determines the money supply is endogenous.On the one hand,Mainly export-oriented economic model of economic development,Lead to the continued trade surplus and the international balance of payments surplus in our country.In order to maintain a managed floating exchange rate system,Keep the exchange rate level is relatively stable,The central bank was forced to intervene in currency markets,On the monetary base,Passive currency issue.On the other hand,Monetary policy is to the goal of promoting economic growth,After the international financial crisis in 2008,The implementation of the large-scale economic stimulus plan in our country,Implementation of an expansionary fiscal policy,Objective also requires the loose monetary policy and cooperation.so,The money supply growth is the economic development of our country inner needs and status quo of economic and financial system in our country,Not to liquidity in the government"Water injection".
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