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Sources said,The nyse in Beijing, the first generation of Yang Ge have left as early as six months ago.
Instead, also an insider,But it seems that fame far less has been lurching Yang Ge for many years in the Chinese market.
At the same time,Nyse and Yang Ge I choose"A low profile"Also let the market speculation.
In the capital market,Exchange of"clown"Also gradually revealed in the personnel's comings and goings.
Is not very logical and internationalization is big company standard operating procedures,Whether the nyse/Public relations firm or Yang Ge himself
Or don't have any statement on the matter"Words and phrases".
The source said,So weird,Really don't like a multinational company,Let alone is a capital market to promote transparent trade participation main body's behavior.
Yang Ge belongs to"Exchange infighting"S a good representative,Above the first generation of the nyse"hat",Be quietly/kindly,Coupled with the nyse's China business progresses day by day,And the nasdaq"The boss"The river's lake grievances,Yang Ge's popularity.But don't believe in the capital market,Only know money.The personage inside course of study thinks,Yang Ge departure when related to the performance,This for exchange"No job"Of the place,Performance once the landslide,Leave is"The norm".
Since recently for a period of time,U.s.-listed Chinese firms"The crowds",The former"traffic"In the market for,The nyse is not affected by the rapid growth of domestic companies"on",while"The China story"For many investors in the United States,Is the consumption industry and Internet industry of China.Although China is a nyse listed second, except the United States the country of origin,But the second is more dependent on"Economies of scale"-- China's large state-owned enterprises for the nyse to prop up a piece of"Red sun".
作为全球最大的证券交易所,纽交所为了迎合一些财务标准相对较低的中小企业上市的要求,在2006年就推出了纽交所高增长板市场(NYSE Arca)。然而,收效甚微。
As the world's largest stock exchange,The nyse to cater to a relatively low standard of some financial listed on small and medium-sized enterprises,In 2006 launched the nyse growth plate market(NYSE Arca).however,With little success.
此外,纽交所一直在努力扩大其上市科技公司的阵容,其目标是从以科技公司为主的劲敌纳斯达克那里夺取市场份额。从最近一批备受瞩目的科技公司上市案来看,这一战略取得了一些成功。去年纽交所成功争取到了LinkedIn、Pandora Media和Yelp等科技公司,但在争夺证交所霸主地位的永无止境的战斗中,Facebook选择在纳斯达克(Nasdaq)上市,对纽交所而言是一个巨大的损失。
In addition,The nyse has been trying to expand its public technology companies,The goal from the mainly technology companies rival nasdaq to wrest market share.From a number of high-profile technology company recently flotation,This strategy has achieved some success.The nyse to LinkedIn success last year/Such as Yelp and Pandora Media technology company,But in the never-ending battle for stock exchange supremacy,Facebook selection on the nasdaq(The Nasdaq)The listed,For the nyse was a great loss.
Perhaps this is Yang Ge problems.
The need to"A big fish"The time of,China might be expected,However reality is now exchanges"Nothing to do",This kind of situation as early as 2011 had already started.In the second half of 2011 the U.S. markets tudou only a Chinese company in nasdaq.By the us and Europe's debt crisis/"Do the air almost shares"Storm impact,In 2012 Chinese companies going public is more bleak.
Come and go very normal,Departure is mysterious,why?
"Sandwich biscuit"
In fact,International exchange in China"The war"More like a fairy tale of the doll,Entertaining affair,It you;,The participants don't understand.
For China's capital bosses and domestic exchanges of high-level,In the foreign exchange have already not the past"arrogance"The pack style.
With the transformation of Chinese government policy and the domestic economic environment change,Many domestic enterprises to overseas listing is not at the beginning of a good vision,Large state-owned enterprises almost"Never leave home",Private enterprise is slightly the size of the also don't want to trip abroad"Muddy water".
Most of the overseas listed Chinese companies interested in smaller or industry do have funding needs,Such as a macroeconomic regulation and control real estate industry for many years,But these companies either"weak",Either by"policy"limit,Or is it this"useful".
In the overseas market by heat transfer was getting a bit cold"swear"/"With confidence"The first generation of foreign exchange in China"Caught off guard".
At the same time,China is also perfect the structure of the capital market,The past can"Structural differences between the capital market"-- the foreign exchange"The selling point"All have no.Even in the foreign comparative value of the small and medium-sized enterprise financing,According to the news,Relevant departments of the germination of the main ideas for small technology companies to set up the new exchange,The government is considering to set up a new nasdaq-style exchange,To help solve the problem of domestic small business financing difficulties,
In fact,,The China securities regulatory commission has repeatedly promised to establish multi-level capital market,In order to meet the financing needs of enterprises of different types.Sustained downturn in the global economy,The government have been trying to support economic growth,And weak anti-risk ability of micro, small and medium enterprises to provide support,Bear the brunt of the capital markets.
If from Shanghai/Competition is the shenzhen stock exchange"Have no alternative",then"The same fight"Is the"Kill each other"the.Such as the Singapore exchange is basic"Fade out"The competition for domestic businesses,Because the domestic enterprises tend to be Hong Kong instead of Singapore,Although Singapore has been very hard to sell yourself.
"Capital of migrant workers"
To individuals,Foreign exchange is in China"Capital of migrant workers".Exchange of work"Looks very beautiful",In fact, and"Miss sales"The difference is not big.
Are in the foreign market"Only Numbers"/"Only the number"/"Only the size"Extensive management pattern.For the exchange of the first generation,The inspection standard is nothing more than you"This year how many listed companies choose us"or"This year the most efforts/The largest IPO is belong to us",The most time is also"This year's most high-profile companies are listed here?"If the answer is negative,The first generation and the day of his office is better than the estimate is not.
As a result,One at the end of this year,In overseas exchange office almost becomes a in China"Word games workshop",You said your number first,I said the world's largest IPO belongs to me,He said this year's most anticipated of private enterprises in how many times he received,What is oversubscribed multiples/Performance results/Financing scale/Financing cost performance/Follow-up service and so on have become flaunt their grades"artifact".
Anyway is some say should"high-profile",Poor to"A glimpse"Create a bright spot,What don't also want to be in"Nothing at all"In the"Live move hard to build"A picture of the new millennium,otherwise"Their jobs"because.
In recent years along with the international capital market volatility and macroeconomic regulation and control in domestic economy/Capital controls, and many other factors,Overseas listing no matter the size or number or company profile all aspects such as showing a downward trend,So in this case,Each big foreign exchange in China's first generation of pressure and pain is geometric growth.
More unfortunately,An enterprise can choose one or several investment Banks for their services,So a lot of investment Banks"Bragging about"Performance tactic is as long as you participate in the project,No matter what role do they play in underwriting fees or haven't receive,As long as the prospectus on their own"A place"He dares to underwriting results list at the end of the financing of all work.This is why some investment Banks are always claiming to own performance among the best in China,But in fact their business in China is almost"To make ends meet"The cause of.
Exchange was not so lucky,After all, a company can only"A husband and a wife",Select a exchange.In today's economy,Deciding which to exchange,Listed companies tend to compare cost and exchanges to provide help to improve the awareness of promotional activities,Such as nyse and nasdaq in opening and closing bell ceremony, etc.Exchanges will offer various other services to meet the various requirements of listed companies,Such as investor relations, etc,sometimes,The regulatory environment, and so on can be"excuse",Exchange the sheepare waiting to be selected.
"To go fishing"and"hunt"
Chinese stocks is to exchange"Cannon fodder".
As is known to all,Us capital markets divided into exchanges and otc markets,The former includes the nyse/The nasdaq market;The latter mainly refers to the OTCBB market,It's just a member price system,In the listed companies is also called the public company,But strictly speaking rather than just listing listed enterprises,Its shares can only be connected to the trading between marketmakers.
In addition,The United States there is a pink sheets(PinkSheet)The market,Refers to the advertising enterprise equity system quotation.If the enterprise through the back-door listed on the OTCBB market,Just as the financial industry regulatory association(FINRA)Members of securities to the securities and exchange commission(The SEC)Provided relevant form,Don't accept listing fee.
从OTCBB转板上主板也不需要经过严苛的审计流程,但IPO则仍然需要。因此很多中国中小企业特别是民营企业往往选择通过RTO(Reverse TakeOver,反向收购)来买壳上市。
From OTCBB board motherboard does not need to pass stringent audit process,But still need to IPO.So many Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises, especially private enterprises often choose by RTO(Reverse TakeOver,A reverse takeover)To the back-door listing.
Many of China's private entrepreneurs to capital markets,Especially for the United States and other overseas capital markets is very don't understand.perhaps,It is the reason caused them"Be listed".And listed before also have to cooperate with those nameless small investment Banks or so-called"liars"A false data/Exaggerate the operating profit and cut type of audit.And these"A lie",It is to drill loophole RTO is relatively looser rules.
Once companies listed in the United States,Investment Banks gain,Chinese companies are also feeling good.But all good things must come to an end,Sooner or later, will also come out to mix,Then began in 2010 in Chinese stocks"hunt"For many Chinese companies"The blood become river".
Some overseas-listed Chinese companies are facing scrutiny for its accounting practices and allegations of fraud,Some in the United States/Toronto, and Hong Kong listed Chinese companies have recently been suspended,The U.S. securities and exchange commission(The SEC)Has set up a panel to investigate u.s.-listed Chinese companies and a number of problems.
Chinese companies also injustice,In addition to the accused outside the crooks are listed on the chain,Blame is to exchange"ugly",Even some people think that exchange is"To go fishing",The so-called rule is in front of the interests"The strength to".No matter is good,Something will mess is irreversible in foreign exchange"The virus".
"Struggling to"and"throats"
In the capital markets in the food chain,Exchange sometimes return not equal to public relations company,After all, this is a"The selected"Of the place.and,Exchange except trading platform,The only is worth"reputation"It is a"Soft assets".
And those who hold and exchange"daughter"And the investment Banks"Pick up the money"The law firm/Certified public accountants compared with the third party not in an order of magnitude,For the company"penetration"and"induced"In terms of,To direct exchange than public relations company.
In the"weather"In the exchange of,For a listed company is the problem solved a lot of people eat,But in the Chinese market competition,"Not enough"The more.so,Exchange generally offer not lucrative compensation to employees,But endless task.
usually,An exchange of staff salary even as investment Banks have the lowest rank of employee.so,Exchange is difficult to attract the best talent to join them,Even if a few outstanding personnel,Also met in a few years later"contacts"and"Financial resources"Choose another after them.
But for the vast majority of exchange for employees,High inadequate low not is their professional status,Investment Banks/Firms are sniffy about them,The company/Companies and other institutions,They scoffed at,such"longly"Go down.Many in the exchange of personnel into soon"Struggling to"and"throats"the"Career traps"And unable to extricate themselves.
Untold stories of capital,Exchange's story is a bit sour.
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