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In recent days,The National People's Congress/China huarong chairman of Lai Xiaomin submitted to accelerate the formulation[Financial holding company law]Of the bill.He pointed out that,The comprehensive financial management development trend,Urgent need to formulate as soon as possible[Financial holding company law].
In 2006,,China clearly put forward"Steady progress was made in the financial industry comprehensive management pilot",Financial industry started from"separation"To the"Comprehensive management"The gradient:The bank/All the insurance and various types of financial institutions"Financial holding company"As its development orientation.After years of exploration practice,Gradually developed a variety of relatively mature form of financial holding companies,Also form the development of the industry trend.
Because of a lack of corresponding legal norms/Market main body status is not clear/Business innovation, lack of correct guidance/Cross regulation/Repeat regulation and"Regulatory vacuum"Such realistic problems as coexist,To a certain extent, restrict the healthy development of financial holding companies in China.At the same time,May also be due to a lack of systematic guidance of the industry/Internal risk transfer and conflict of interest problems,Greater financial risk.
so,Bill said,Must be based on supervised respectively,Try to a higher level of integrated innovation system of financial regulation/Mechanism arrangement and supervision methods,To strengthen the construction of risk firewall,Effectively promote the development of the our country financial industry comprehensive management,Prevent the potential risks.
Lai Xiaomin advice,As soon as possible to formulate a legal system of financial holding companies.Coordinated by the state council legislative affairs office,The people's bank of China/The China banking regulatory commission/Securities and insurance regulatory commission and other regulators,In comprehensive involves sorting the existing decentralized management/On the basis of differentiated regulatory legislation,Jointly drafted[Financial holding company law]The draft,Submitted to the standing committee of the National People's Congress examined and approved,Become legal norms.Thus, as[Company law]The special law of,Co-ordinate with[Company law]/[Commercial bank law]/[Insurance law]/[Securities laws]The relationship between the legal.[Financial holding company law]Draft the drafting of can draw lessons from foreign experience in legislation.
Formulate special law is the financial holding company has a clear legal status,The inevitable requirement of perfecting judicial environment,Also is the inevitable result of the financial legal system construction.At the same time,Guidance financial holding company comprehensive management/To carry out business innovation,Enhance the overall level of the financial sector is an important mission of special law.In addition,Improve the system of financial holding company supervision,To strengthen the construction of comprehensive business firewall,Guard against mass potential risk is one of the important significance to formulate special law
At present,In our country, there are several forms of financial integrated management practices:The first is a comprehensive commercial Banks in the financial sector;The second is to explore in the field of comprehensive financial insurance enterprise;All kinds of real economy and the third is a delegate with state enterprises in the comprehensive exploration and practice in the field of finance;The fourth is a delegate with China huarong four financial asset management company in commercial transformation in the process of innovation and development,Has formed the integrated financial management mode and marketization/diversification/integrated/The transformation of international development trend;Fifth is the integration of local financial resources of local government,For controlling the local city commercial Banks/The trust company/Securities firms to restructure,A financial holding company.
- 出台扩大股转系统试点范围方案--亲稳网络舆情监测室
- 出台扩大股转系统试点范围方案--亲稳网络舆情监控室
- 一周财讯--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
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- 专家称银行应适应互联网需求--亲稳舆论引导监测室
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- “三马”闯两江--亲稳网络舆情监控室
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- 小摩:2013年全球经济增速2.4%--亲稳舆论引导监测室
- 对外资产结构失衡FDI撤资风险、资产收益率过低并存--亲民维稳网络舆情监测
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