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Economic structure adjustment and the resource configuration optimization needs to be invalid assets transferred out in time and incremental capital efficiency of input,Increasingly accumulation of national wealth is the value of desire and the lack of investment channels of anxiety,Real economy demand and the supply of social capital needs a financial intermediary to connect the inverse of the economic cycle.Financial asset management companies as its use.
The current,The development of China's financial asset management companies in the primary stage,Business development still stay in traditional non-performing assets management phase,Has not yet been a breakthrough,Profit model is relatively single and unsustainable,Service entity economic tools co., LTD/A narrow range,Scale growth under capital constraint.
Suggest that financial asset management companies may be defined as the entity economic needs and social fund supply connections/Reverse economic cycle operation of financial intermediaries.Commercial transformation of the financial asset management companies,Can be strong shoulder"Crisis rescuers"The role,Perfect the financial system functions,Solve the problem of real risk;At the same time also can bear"Structural adjustment of the accelerator"The role,Digestive problems assets,Conversion of inefficient assets,the"Steady growth"With the"The structure of the"To unify.Concrete can be implemented from the following two aspects.
a,Modify the[Financial assets management companies ordinance],Or to the state council(Relevant ministries and commissions)Studies released in the form of policy document,Given the corresponding legal status of financial asset management companies and assets management means,completion"Real asset management company".
Specific include:Give counter-cyclical aid class of financial asset management companies and restructuring the legal position of such institutions;Scope of business on,Break the conduct in the field of financial creditor's rights only,Should expand the scope of business,Allow it to carry out all kinds of creditor's rights and assets/Stake in the acquisition of assets and real assets disposal and risk disposal enterprise managed and m&a;On the business object,Allow from financial institutions to non-financial institutions and all kinds of civil subject;Business link,Allowed from purchase/management/Disposal to buy/business/management/Value-added extension;On the way of business,Allows to carry out the m&a loan/A bridge loan business;Relax restrictions on investment business,Allows to carry out periodic equity investment/Debt financing and financial products, such as investment business;Allows it to conduct asset management business in proper form,completion"Real asset management company".including,Allows you to set up bad assets buy-out funds,Expand the non-performing assets acquisition of source of funds,Reduce the cost of financing,Improve the efficiency of the service;Allowed to conduct wealth management business,Issuing financial planning or entrusted funds management,Raise the social capital,Docking project entity economy.
(2),Implementation of related management department[State council on promoting enterprise merger and reorganization]Related regulations,Support for financial asset management companies actively involved in mergers and reorganization of enterprises.Relevant departments to encourage research combined together/Support financial asset management companies to participate in the enterprise merger and reorganization of the business related,Clear its legitimacy and concrete operation to carry out the related business.
Specific include:Relaxation is closely related to the merger and reorganization of the bridge financing/M&a loan business conditions;Allow financial asset management companies set up"Merger, acquisition and reorganization fund",Solve the problem of funding;Financial asset management companies merger and reorganization of the business contribution to total investment or acquisition of the proportion of non-performing assets that pay the price by 10% and 20% to 30% and 30%;On the asset risk weighting,Reduce the risk of merger and reorganization of the business of financial asset management companies.
- 出台扩大股转系统试点范围方案--亲稳网络舆情监测室
- 出台扩大股转系统试点范围方案--亲稳网络舆情监控室
- 一周财讯--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- 张承惠:不差钱的金融市场难匹配城镇化的资金缺口--亲稳网络舆情监测室
- 专家称银行应适应互联网需求--亲稳舆论引导监测室
- 理顺机制尤为重要(明星教授)--亲稳网络舆情监控室
- 假新闻袭击金融--亲稳舆论引导监测室
- 支付行业快速扩张--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- “三马”闯两江--亲稳网络舆情监控室
- “金融创新不足”致结构调整举步维艰--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- IMF:中国内需支持亚洲经济--亲民维稳网络舆情监测室
- 小摩:2013年全球经济增速2.4%--亲稳舆论引导监测室
- 对外资产结构失衡FDI撤资风险、资产收益率过低并存--亲民维稳网络舆情监测
- 一季度北京金融业增加值619亿元 同比增长11%--亲稳舆论引导监测室