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"Temporarily can't,But the trend is very terrible,Always in the market for securities with bold prowess of layout has begun."recently,When it comes to the financial industry is on the asset management of the war,A joint-stock bank ZiJinBu people told reporters.
This wave because of the securities and insurance brokers/Funds and insurance business comprehensive open and cause asset management war is a war of no gunpowder smoke,Participants are have a card up one's sleeve/Adjustable strikers.
Warring states period of"Warring states seven male"have"GeZongLianHeng"say,In Banks and brokers/fund/trust/Insurance and third party financing and various folk private the race,Now it looks,Has formed by the dealer/Funds and insurance at the same time hair force asset management business in the pattern of competition.
The cooperation to carried by the charge,Impact in the front is brokers.
A battle before addressing,Strategic layout is very important,A bankers think,At least in the strategic layout,Relative to the bank,Brokers have accounted for got opportunities.
He analyzed that,And some of the finest large brokers,The two years has set up a file in the new shares listed IPO(Initial public offerings)/SanBan market OTC(Over-the-counter market)service/Small and medium-sized enterprise SiMuZhai/Asset securitization/Directional asset management/In the middle of the short-term financing bonds and notes and almost all of the investment field deeply rooted,The layout of the securities generally has the dust settles.And the reaction of the bank slightly dull,The share is being gradually encroach on.
Securities brokers on easing policy comes on stage in succession in October this year,Advocate fundamental key is"deregulation,liberalization".
A trust of the personage inside course of study,For the aggregate asset management plan,Divided into for ordinary investors"Big set"And aimed at high-end investors"Small set".Our country moderate enlarged the scope of investment, asset management and operational mode,But on the whole, still be limited in the financial markets of all kinds of standardization and the standardization of financial products.
For a single customer for the directional asset management business,Is completely let go of the scope of the investment,Allow investors and securities companies voluntary consultation,The contract voluntarily agreed,This and the trust company single trust investment scope almost no difference.
As for the specific purpose for customer to carry out special asset management business(Mainly is the enterprise asset securitization business),They will be allowed to set up a comprehensive aggregate asset management plan,This and the trust company's assets to support the trust business has no essential difference.
The highlight of this policy is:Asset management plan by ShenPiZhi into records,This will shorten the product release cycle;Expand the scope of investment, asset management plan,The secondary market is expected to change single depend on the passive situation.And directional asset management can let directly involved in securities of insurance funds and bank capital competition.
On November 17,,It also introduced[Securities companies sell financial products management regulations].policy,Brokers on-sale products will be extended to almost all the compliance of financial products.This will be the securities trader is an important growth point of profit.
The personage inside course of study evaluation,A let go of asset management,Skill let go sell goods on a commission basis,CSRC intention is very clear:Brokers to development,Encourage brokers to become mixed leading.
According to another source said,The establishment of securities business department will also be fully open,Brokers can independently decide to establish a sales office type/Area and quantity.
For regulators unprecedented open action,Brokers have action.A source told brokers[The new financial]reporter,Now the only thing we have to solve is introducing talents and sales department to comprehensive business transformation.
A securities industry sources told reporters,Several brokers are brewing reconstruction of private clients,Brokerage business front or will enter a new round of expansion stage.Brokers private client threshold is 500000 yuan,And private banking threshold to 10 million yuan,Gap is quite obvious.
Also have a securities company and customer service to fall,And then imitate bank set wealth management center/Personal banking/Banking institutions.
The second half of this year to zhongjin and citic securities as a representative of layoffs in the tide,Be thin body department is mainly investment Banks and operating with the secondary market closely related department,And asset management and wealth management department not only big reduction,But also strengthen.
By November 14,,Brokers endowment tube new hair product quantity of 110 only,Last year more than the total amount of the issue.From the scale to see,Brokers endowment pipe scale has more than 973.5 billion yuan.
Brokers also to be breaking insurance asset management market opening ready layout.In accordance with the provisions of the circ,Insurance funds in the future will be in addition to entrust insurance asset management companies outside the other organizations management,Brokers, of course, is one of the options.But the China insurance regulatory commission regulations,The insurance company choose the securities company or the securities assets management company to carry out the investment,Need the following condition:A recent years the customer asset management business management of the assets balance not less than 10 billion yuan,Or the aggregate asset management business capital remaining sum not less than 5 billion yuan.
In order to win the insurance funds management qualification,Brokers began to take all kinds of means,Crazy enlarge its management asset scale.Hongyuan securities(000562,guba)Most rapid,From the end of last year's 4.5 billion yuan,Soared more than ten times,In this year the management scale increased to 65.2 billion yuan,After citic securities(600030,guba).Guotai junan asset management funds from 15.5 billion yuan to 59.1 billion yuan.
fund:Expansion layout
Relative to brokers,The action of fund slightly lag.
Look at the supervisor's action.On September 26,,Securities regulatory commission issued new[A fund management company specific customer asset management business way],October 31,And supporting issued[Securities investment fund management company subsidiary management interim provisions].The two files to the fund management company is the complete opening of the asset management business,Clear the fund management company can according to a single customer and multiple clients to set up"Asset management plan",But also allow the establishment of the admittance threshold is only 20 million yuan of the registered capital of the subsidiary,in"Special asset management plan",Investment in the financial markets are not standardized of equity/Creditor's rights/Other property rights and securities regulatory commission approved the other assets.
This and the trust company set trust plan scope of investment, almost no difference.Public offering fund investment scope will be from the traditional to the secondary market primary market extension,In the past are grounded industry,Such as PE/Creditor's rights/Trust and is expected to become public offering fund dabble in range.
Then public offering fund subsidiary of fine fruit capital management co., LTD/Work silver red letter investment management co., LTD/Shenzhen pingan dahua huitong wealth management co., LTD. Get approved by the commission.
And fund company private action also the undercurrent,Some funds and other financial institutions began to cooperation,Product development and customer.Since the fund investment commodity futures since breaking,In view of the commodity futures for fund company designed only door products,Such as wealth through fund and yongan futures cooperation a commodity futures products,Raising scale for 79.698 million yuan.
Also have fund company started only door financing of the new scheme,Such as peng hua fund only door products online direct marketing business module on November 1 formal on-line,Investors can be directly in the company's official website"e-commerce"Only door production?product.
Fund company also recently introduced a to bank deposits and securities margin has great lethality monetary edition ETF,Is the trading of monetary fund,This fund will be and the stock in the secondary market trading.Yin/Warburg industrial foundation has successively to transactional monetary fund new products.
before,The investors to sell the stock,The next day to use the money.now,Investors sell shares on that day,The money can immediately in the secondary market to buy the monetary fund,The day can confirm share and enjoy the benefits.
instead,Investors such as funds from monetary fund will move into the stock market,before,Redemption monetary fund commonly after 2 working days funds to account,To transfer to buy the stock;And in the warburg industrial scheme,Investors in the secondary market to sell the monetary fund after the money can buy a stock immediately.Under such conditions,Customers can deposit in monetary fund and collect the tickets between conversion.
Not only that,A financial from analysts say:"If the rate of return is higher than bank in the word of the product,This means with the bank deposit?the."
insurance:Radical open
Recently had the financial headhunting tell[The new financial]reporter,A large insurance company recruitment bond investment manager,Fixed the annual salary of 500000 yuan.Talent war just this round of insurance asset management company great upheavals iceberg a?Angle.
In April this year and seven months,The China insurance regulatory commission continuous issued many document let go of insurance company's assets management business.The New Deal to relax the risk capital invest in bonds/Equity and real estate varieties/Limit the scope and scale,At the same time allow insurance company entrusts the financial institutions to invest,Such as brokers/fund/Trust, and other financial institutions.
The insurance assets management companies in addition to the management of the insurance funds,Can the pension management/Enterprise annuity/Institutions such as housing accumulation fund of funds and can identify and bear the relevant risks qualified investors funds.Insurance asset management company can apply for to the relevant financial supervision department,To carry out public offering nature of the asset management business.
Insurance asset management company as the trustee,Can the client name,In the asset management business,Can also set up asset management products,Beneficiary's interests or for a particular purpose,In the asset management business.Insurance asset management companies may set up subsidiaries in accordance with the relevant regulations,Engaged in special asset management business,Further reform to perfect the system and mechanism.
The China insurance regulatory commission continuous big action,A revolution of insurance funds operation.The strength of/fast/Rules of Jane,surprising.
Previously too conservative investment management policy,In recent years, with A share in A bear market,Cause insurance fund investment income is very low,The insurance company premium income decline in successive years.More because investment style is too conservative,Insurance asset management company investment ability has also been questioned.
An insurance asset management company's manager told[The new financial]reporter,Cause insurance asset management company investment income low reason is very complicated,Over the past few years the China insurance regulatory commission policy is actually in protecting insurance asset management company,But caused the talents and management than fund company."If I let go too radical,Insurance funds may be a fund management company?the."
Insurance asset management company although nominally is an independent legal person,But they are group internal company,Equity is his own,Most of the money is in the system.Its yield is the management fee,In the consolidated financial statements with group,Became another company's spending,The last is the offset.This let insurance asset management company management fee is insignificant,No pressure and power,Do good or bad effects are the same.
This situation has been changed,Small and medium-sized asset management companies such as huatai insurance asset management assets have mostly other insurance company's assets,To other insurance companies charge management fee income,Its investment management ability has been market recognition,Other such as taikang/Peace and sunshine and asset management company is doing well.
In the future,The insurance company investment management department of the main work is to choose asset manager,And do different combinations,From time to time, assets in different combination and investors to choose between.Such as,Judge the future stock market and bond market which is better.
Who will gain supremacy.?
"Asset management is a bit like the arms race."Noah wealth one person said.
Financial the personage inside course of study to this round of financial institutions rob spell asset management market phenomenon,Call it due to the system to reduce dividends,The financial industry is real to return to the asset management business.
The next wave of the most important is talent,The industry in digging people everywhere."In the coming years financial talent prices will rise,Because the tools are gradually open to everyone to use,Who will do?do?Are a problem."A financial people in micro bo said.
Due to the asset management industry in China or sunrise industry,The market demand is very strong."A a good asset management companies,A few months can the size do big hundreds of million."A private bank chief said.
In such a market outlook guidance,Many of the financial industry senior official who quit working,To run his own company,In the talent competition in the market,They form the official financial institutions and private financial institutions for talented person's situation,The financial industry people party said the most is the topic,Who is a new job,The salary.
"obviously,The future will win is brokers."A banking asset management people say so,Because brokers hand have more tools,Relative to the fund/Insurance and trust,Channel is more perfect,The brokers for research ability is relatively strong some.
In the asset management in the war,Some say,Fund a little meng,The day of drought or waterlogging committed,Suddenly can not find the north.But relative to ever divert margin for brokers,Fund in the bull market in the period of the investment to provide a good income,Customer base is good,Plus some bank system brokers shareholders strong background,Fund ability can not be ignored.
To trust companies,The personage inside course of study thinks,This wheel regulatory policy let go,Reduce the trust company for many years the unique institutional competition advantage,Endowed with other asset management institutions more and the trust company homogenization business,Make trust company in traditional business areas are facing more directly/The more intense competition.
Trust industry need to be further mining system advantage,Innovation trust service function,More important is need"Start of the advantage"into"Brand advantage",The core of the core of which is to construct their own differentiation investment management ability.This means that the trust industry intensive cultivation, the time has come.
For commercial Banks,Although the future asset management is still $40 trillion on bank deposits,But the Banks in the competition,Still occupy the weather and favorable location,"Commercial bank with its customer network and capital advantage will the stability,Hold the food chain upstream"."Rely on the network is also a kind of be validated success DNA,Banks can pay more attention to service customers,Look for professional institutions do investment and other issues,Bank's comprehensive financial services will be its great advantage."A third party wealth management company middle say so.
but,Most financial circles to think more,This wheel war end at present who can assert,Because everything is just beginning.
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