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CUBN记者 邓丽娟 北京报道
CUBN reporter Deng Lijuan reports from Beijing
近年来,各类交易所如雨后春笋般涌现,行业里鱼龙混杂、乱象丛生。2011年11月24日《国务院关于清理整顿各类交易场所 切实防范金融风险的决定》出炉,“38号文”要求守住区域金融稳定的底线;2012年国务院又发布了“37号文”,具体明确了清理整顿工作的实施细节。此后全国各地刮起了交易所整顿的疾风骤雨。清理整顿工作的重点是进行类证券化交易的股权、贵金属和文化艺术品交易场所,以及开展类期货交易的商品现货交易场所。清理整顿工作在国务院层面由证监会牵头其他部委,在地方则是由各个省级地方人民政府牵头,地方政府仍然保留区域性交易场所的审批权和监管权,但必须接受证监会的监督指导。
In recent years,All kinds of exchanges have sprung up,Industry where good and evil people mixed up/Chaos cluster.On November 24, 2011[State council on rectifying all kinds of trading venues to guard against financial risk decisions]Came out,"Article 38,"Request hold regional financial stability of the bottom line;Also released by the state council in 2012"No. 37",Specific details for the implementation of the rectification work.Since then the flurry of the reorganization of the exchange to blow up across the country.Rectification work in class is the focus of the securitization transaction/Precious metals and cultural art exchange,And carry out futures trading in commodities trading venues.Rectification work level by the securities regulator other ministries and commissions under the state council,In places it is led by the local people's governments at the provincial level,Local governments remain regional approval and supervision of trading venues,But have to accept the supervision of the CSRC.
Chaos cluster
The China securities regulatory commission announced in February,The third batch of 10 provinces through trading venues rectification work joint conference recently check acceptance.At this point,There are 26 by 36 provinces across the country have acceptance,It is more than 10 provinces,Including Beijing/Shanghai and tianjin three municipalities directly under the central government.
Among them,In June 2011, has just established chengdu environmental exchange,Has yet to clinch a deal a face of tradable permits"Be integrated"The fate of the.Rectification of all kinds of trading places in sichuan work leading group issued the latest notice,Chengdu environmental exchange has entered"Be integrated"The program,Facing the fate of the delisting.The reporter learns from the sichuan government finance office,Sichuan provincial leading group on rectification acceptance group check acceptance inspection results,In included in the scope of the rectification of 35 exchange disposal according to four categories:Keep 11,Integration of the nine,Changed its name and standardize business scope nine,Ban shut half-a-dozen.
Have data to display,At present domestic exchanges number around 1000,Trades more than one hundred kinds.Trading products include not only rare metals/Works of art/A financial asset/equity,Also include agricultural and sideline products/Pharmaceutical products.In some places,Even the traditional Chinese painting/garlic/drug/Ginseng fruit/Red pepper/Silk has become the exchange"Main business".Most of the domestic commodity trading market of in the middle of the spot trading and futures trading zone.
According to official statistics in the first half of 2011,Only in the binhai new area of tianjin free trade zone,About 20 large and small/Exchange of one form or another.including:Tianjin precious metals exchange/Tianjin culture property rights exchange/Tianjin financial assets exchange/Tianjin technology property exchange/Tianjin binhai international equity exchange knowledge/Tianjin rural property rights exchange/The bohai sea Commodity Exchange, etc.
Set up exchanges around the boom is from Beijing/Shanghai and other first-tier cities to some cities even spread to the county.Although called exchange,In fact they"descent"There was a big difference between.It has both state-run and private character;Has the support of local government,There are small businesses going it alone;There are"Tinkering around the edges"the,There are efforts to build international pricing center.
International experience tells us,A region or country can only accommodate a limited number of exchange,When exchanges were batch manufacturing,Will go wrong."Some of the local exchange management is very chaotic,Some spot trading metamorphism is forward or futures trading,There is some insider trading/Market manipulation phenomenon,There are also some excessive speculation."Southwestern university of finance and taxation college associate professor Zhou Xuefei told reporters.
According to the[Chinese joint business]Reporters visited understanding,Because most of the local exchange often threshold is low,Combined with the local government"Of pit"The purpose of,So many institutions look not professional,The result is a lot of investors to come,But bear the huge risk.As early as 2008,Huaxia commodity spot exchange founder Guo Yuanfeng roll paragraph abscond abroad of $one hundred million,Many investors lost seriously.In 2009,,Yimeng peanut suddenly send out notice to stop trading and electronic trading market to perform focused on behalf of all the contract transfer,Many traders suffer losses.In addition,Jiaxing cocoon trading market"Disguised futures trading events"Is to let many holding member unit of cocoon silk forward contracts are met counterparty somehow increase/Suddenly for higher margin until it was finally forced to unwind"fate".Has been called the institutional innovation"Market maker trading mechanism"Also questioned.
Industry experts said,Some local governments keen to develop the local market,But ignored the regularity of market construction itself and government regulatory responsibilities."Local government's problem is that they have a pressing desire and motivation to promote the development of this kind of financial derivatives market,But they are very weak awareness of the risks of the market,Lack of enough understanding."
Positioning standardization
On February 27, 2013,China association of enterprise state-owned property right transaction institution(Hereinafter referred to as the association)The second general meeting will be determined as in 2013"Innovation in property rights trading",Focus on promoting theoretical innovation/Transfer function of innovation/The innovation function,Prepare relevant asset trading approach,Establishing incentive mechanism innovation;Push forward the unified rules of the property rights trading market and business standards,Formulating the[Physical assets trading rules]/[Enterprise state-owned property right transaction risk prevention measures]/[Property rights trading market to prevent insider trading rules]Details such as,To further standardize the market behavior.
Founded two years ago Beijing trading financial assets,By the industry as China's financial assets flow field,Is a public/The competition/electronic/The neutral/The regulation of the fourth party trading platform."North by gold"According to the flow of different types of financial assets on the market demand,Are financial assets trading platform/Interbank trading platform/The trust assets trading platform/PE trading platform and so on four big business center,Build up a business system of rich and colorful,Including two types of financial property right transaction and financial products.Yan xiong, chairman of the board of the China Beijing equity exchange to accept[Chinese joint business]Reporter in an interview:"North king is the establishment of China's existing financial assets to try to provide liquidity.We hope that the construction from the point of view of system design and product innovation,The traditional financial sector supervised respectively,The bank/securities/insurance/The trust/Financial management is each to do each,Do not implement"Across the",North gold trades almost everything,As long as the market needs or can promote healthy development of the market,Its products and services are our objects."
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